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The wording was made “imprecisely.” This time, in a piece about Jim Clyburn and his friendship with Joe Biden, the WaPo reporters (and I use that term very loosely) included quite the derogatory smear of Justice Clarence Thomas.
Here’s a bit of their writing regarding Jim Clyburn and the fact that many, including those in the Congressional Black Caucus aren’t happy with his suggesting Michelle Childs as a potential Supreme Court nominee.
“We all respect his opinions and his recommendation, but the Congressional Black Caucus has not put out a particular name,” Rep. Brenda Lawrence (D-Mich.) said. “I don’t know if we’re going to individually or collectively be sending out recommendations. I know Mr. Clyburn has, but they’re all qualified.”
But more-liberal members of the caucus and of Congress say they wish Clyburn would use his proximity to the president to push harder for left-of-center legislation, including on police reform and voting rights, and to pressure stubborn Democratic senators to upend the filibuster.
But Clyburn blanched at the suggestion that he hasn’t done more than his part to push his party’s agenda, and said that the Democrats’ even split in the Senate is not something people should reasonably expect him to address.
“It’s a Senate thing. What the hell can I do about that? You want the bills passed in the House of Representatives? I’m the majority whip in the House. Every damn one of them passed the House,” Clyburn said. “If you’re going to blame any member of the Black Caucus … Cory Booker’s over there, so you can blame him. If the Senate passes [liberal legislation], I’ll have something to do with whether Joe Biden signs them.” Booker is a Democratic senator from New Jersey.
However, it was the following paragraph that drew attention and justifiable ire.
WaPo WhiteHouse reporter & WaPo Congress reporter (so this is purportedly a news article & not just a bad opinion piece) dismissively describe Justice Clarence Thomas as “the Black justice whose rulings often resemble the thinking of White conservatives.”
— Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) February 17, 2022
Yes, they wrote that. Both ‘reporters’ put that in writing, looked at that and thought ‘This is fine, way more than fine.’ It even passed muster with the editors who approve articles before publication. So, yes, our media betters at the WaPo thought this vile smear of Justice Clarence Thomas was worthy of applause. Guess what, it wasn’t and isn’t.
Keep in mind, the left (INCLUDING Joe Biden) have always hated Clarence Thomas with a passion.
FLASHBACK: Then-judge Clarence Thomas didn't pull any punches in responding to the Senate's "high-tech lynching" during his confirmation.
— MediaResearchCenter (@theMRC) October 10, 2021
Yes, Joe Biden was very much in the forefront of that “high-tech lynching.” But now, after Biden was elected President, he’s super sorry and apologized …to Anita Hill.
“I believed her from the very beginning, but I was chairman. She did not get a fair hearing. She did not get treated well. That’s my responsibility,” Biden told “Good Morning America” co-anchor Robin Roberts during an interview on Monday which will fully air on Tuesday. “As the committee chairman, I take responsibility that she did not get treated well. I take responsibility for that.”
Hill told the New York Times Thursday that the discussion didn’t go far enough.
“I cannot be satisfied by simply saying, ‘I’m sorry for what happened to you,'” Hill said.
Well, she’s going to have to be satisfied with that pseudo apology. Keep in mind, she did not cooperate with federal authorities during the investigation. If she had so badly wanted Clarence Thomas kept from the bench, why didn’t she cooperate and provide the answers the investigators were seeking? I believe we all know the answer to that.
Meanwhile, back to the Washington Post. They edited their article. Here’s how it reads now.
Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-Miss.), a friend and ally of Clyburn’s for over 30 years, said even Clyburn’s critics respect his political instincts and his connection with a valuable but often disappointed subset of Democratic voters.
“Nobody that I’m aware of feels that opposing Clyburn’s nomination would be the wise thing to do,” he said. “If you know that a person has been vetted by Jim Clyburn, you know that person won’t go to the court and end up being a Clarence Thomas,” referring to the Black conservative justice.
Here’s the clarification.
Boy, “imprecisely” is quite the term to describe the ‘we did that on purpose, but now the wrong people are mad, so we have to clarify and change it.’ Imprecisely is NOT the term I’d use. This was absolutely done on purpose. Their casual racism against Clarence Thomas was entirely the point. The racism of the left USED to be subtle. But now, especially since the Obama years, it’s become overt. Politicians, the media, and others just drop it casually in conversation and then wonder why people get ticked off.
As with Whoopi’s casually cruel dismissal of The Holocaust, the harpies of The View have exposed their ugly multiple times. The above, regarding Clarence Thomas was another such instance of ‘imprecisely on purpose’ racism.
A woman who owns a private business and donates $40 to a political cause is automatically a white supremacist. A Washington Post journalist who causally calls Clarence Thomas an uncle tom in print is fighting for anti-racism.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) February 17, 2022
The WaPo didn’t “imprecisely” stumble when writing their article. Just as many politicians, leaders (hello Trudeau!), and others are doing, the left has taken the gloves and masks off and they’ll throw the racism flag whenever and wherever they can.
Feature Photo Credit: WaPo through magnifying glass via royalty free Shutterstock, cropped and modified.
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