Trump Claims Cruz’s Father Helped JFK Assassin Oswald in 1963 [VIDEO]

Trump Claims Cruz’s Father Helped JFK Assassin Oswald in 1963 [VIDEO]

Trump Claims Cruz’s Father Helped JFK Assassin Oswald in 1963 [VIDEO]

With this single moment, I think we can officially say that the shark has been jumped in this election.

Photo Credit: CNN
Photo Credit: CNN

Obviously, Trump and Cruz are battling it out in Indiana today, and the stakes are high. The National Enquirer, where Donald Trump gets all his news from his friend David Pecker, ran a story back on April 20th claiming that Rafael Cruz, Ted’s father, was seen with JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald before the assassination.

The Miami Herald quickly debunked the story on April 22nd (the entire claim hinges on “the guy in the picture looks like Cruz’s dad, according to the photo experts the Enquirer asked), but when has the lack of facts or the truth ever stopped Donald Trump from making a sensational claim?

Also note that Trump has a major issue with Rafael Cruz supporting his son because he’s a minister, and then goes on to brag that he has MORE ministers supporting him.

Understandably, Cruz is just a little bit peeved with Trump and the National Enquirer.

While Twitter took off like a shot with the snark
… the very fact that Trump can be on a national cable news network, say this crazy stuff, and not have a SINGLE RESPONSIBLE ADULT on air at “Fox & Friends” stop him or offer any kind of explanation, speaks volumes about how far Fox News has sunk to suck up to Donald Trump. If Fox News’ ratings numbers continue to fall, they have only themselves to blame.

As for the rest of us, are we really ready for a presidential nominee who suffers from constant verbal diarrhea and gets dirt on his opponents from the National Enquirer?

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  • GWB says:

    gets dirt on his opponents from the National Enquirer?

    Hey! Haven’t you seen the documentary Men In Black?!?

  • GWB says:

    The debunking I read basically showed 1) Rafael Cruz was elsewhere and 2) the guy handing out leaflets for Oswald is known (he was hired). Which evidently took all of a day to verify.

    Trump is the epitome of the LIV – LIV become LIC, Low Information Candidate.

  • Kim Quade says:

    I met Rafael Cruz at an informal dinner in March.
    Seriously, I DID meet Rafael Cruz.
    I was seated next to him. He leaned over and whispered in my ear,
    “Grassy knoll, baby. Grassy knoll. . .”

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