Elite Universities: Parents, Don’t Waste Your Money

Elite Universities: Parents, Don’t Waste Your Money

Elite universities have given families, parents and graduates bragging rights for years. If you have a piece of paper on your wall from Harvard, or Cornell or Columbiuhhh, you were in.

IslamoNazis on Campus: Loud and Proud to Kill-the-Jew [Updated]

IslamoNazis on Campus: Loud and Proud to Kill-the-Jew [Updated]

[UPDATED below: Scooby Doo makes an appearance] In this moment of bad economic news, rampant crime and an unchecked invasion from across the border, it is tempting…

Michigan State Participates in Adolf Hitler Trivia

Michigan State Participates in Adolf Hitler Trivia

We have but one question for Michigan State University this morning: which brainchild thought it appropriate to include a trivia question about Adolf Hitler at yesterday’s game?

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

SUNY Makes Woke Class Mandatory For Graduation

SUNY Makes Woke Class Mandatory For Graduation

Colleges and universities are not even trying to pretend anymore to offer substantial curriculum to prepare our young, brilliant minds for the real world. Take the latest…

China Watch: Brainwashing Hong Kong Children

China Watch: Brainwashing Hong Kong Children

Last summer, China passed the National Security Law, which many have warned will be the end of Hong Kong and its freedoms. So now Beijing has begun…

Failing Our Students: “B” is for Biology

Failing Our Students: “B” is for Biology

From Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania comes another example of how our educators are failing our students. A little quiz turned political after a biology professor inserted a…

Professor Offers Giant Warning To Conservative Students

Professor Offers Giant Warning To Conservative Students

We find ourselves again immersed in the world of academia. The tale today comes to us from Iowa State where a professor decided to profess social justice…

Rutgers Latest Declaration: Grammar Is Racist

Rutgers Latest Declaration: Grammar Is Racist

Everything is racist. Everything is cool when you’re part of the woke team. The latest racist construct in the epitome of “racist” countries (The United States, of…

Scholars Say Democracy Is In Grave Danger

Scholars Say Democracy Is In Grave Danger

All the news (and horse$hit) that’s fit to print comes to us from none other than The New York Times once again. Scholars have done a “study:…

Pomona Student Posts Anti-Semitic Rant, Gets Pass

Pomona Student Posts Anti-Semitic Rant, Gets Pass

A Palestinian student at Pomona College has been absolved of any wrongdoing by college administration for posting a hateful vulgar, anti-Semitic Instagram story.

Yankee Ingenuity Shines in COVID Times

Yankee Ingenuity Shines in COVID Times

First of all, let me clarify something to our Southern readers who may be a bit touchy about the word “Yankee.” I’m not talking about Northerners. “Yankee…

Wear an Offensive Costume and You Should Be Punished

Wear an Offensive Costume and You Should Be Punished

If you’re a college student who wants to be a bit edgy for Halloween, watch out. Because that “offensive” costume should bring on punishment, according to a…

Ah, College, Where Students are Given a Safe Space and Taught to “Adult” [VIDEO]

Ah, College, Where Students are Given a Safe Space and Taught to “Adult” [VIDEO]

Ah, college, those days when we advanced our educations, learned a skill, made lifelong friends, and achieved adulthood. There were bumps and mistakes along the way, but,…

Want to Tell a Joke at College? Don’t Even Think About It. [VIDEO]

Want to Tell a Joke at College? Don’t Even Think About It. [VIDEO]

There was a time when college campuses were seen as the ultimate bastions of free speech — places populated by young adults away from home for the…

UNC Workshop Survey Brands Flesh-Colored Band-Aids as “White Privilege”

UNC Workshop Survey Brands Flesh-Colored Band-Aids as “White Privilege”

A few days ago, we saw a white guy getting accosted at San Francisco State University for having dreadlocks and “cultural appropriation”. Today, from the Land of…

Snowflakes in Arizona At This Time of Year? You’ll Find ‘Em in Tucson.

Snowflakes in Arizona At This Time of Year? You’ll Find ‘Em in Tucson.

Confession: Back in the 90s, I identified as a “liberal” whilst hanging around the University of Arizona campus taking my Creative Writing and Cinematography classes (which I…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner