Elite Universities: Parents, Don’t Waste Your Money

Elite Universities: Parents, Don’t Waste Your Money

Elite Universities: Parents, Don’t Waste Your Money

Elite universities have given families, parents and graduates bragging rights for years. If you have a piece of paper on your wall from Harvard, or Cornell or Columbiuhhh, you were in.

It used to be only the “cream of the crop” who gets admitted into the hallways of genius at these institutions. It used to be those with the 4.0 GPAs, the perfect SAT scores. The high school students who managed both the GPAs and the SATs whilst taking AP classes, learning multiple foreign languages, volunteering a bazillion hours and participating in multiple sports and activities were the ones who got into these elite universities.

That all changed with DEI. The Ivy League could not shun applicants. The Ivy made it easier for potential students who wanted to flex their alma mater-and for parents who wanted to do the same thing at dinner parties. Face it, the “my kid is going to Yale” raises more eyebrows than the “my kid has decided to stay in state and go to a state university”. Pfft. So blasé. But now, these Ivy parents are furious-furious, I tell you. Why?

They feel their little elite Ivy league darlings are not learning anything. In fact, they are demanding refunds and rethinking future enrollments.

They are not getting the education they expected and paid for.”

Says a Boston real estate lawyer whose daughter is attending the $90,000 per-year, Barnard College, where all of the hullabaloo started with Ilhan Omar’s daughter. You don’t say, Mr. Real Estate Lawyer. And, is your daughter truly “paying” for this (or are YOU)?

It’s all a giant distraction to the students who are trying to complete their studies in a high-stress environment.”

Says another parent whose daughter goes to Princeton. Poor dear. This parent thought her precious Ivy League child would have the privilege of studying in peace and an stress-free four years. After all, they paid for her to be special. I do have to snicker. This is where your student learns resilience and perseverance. I know it is a hard concept to grasp, considering universities have been coddling students for years with blankets and stuffies but it isn’t it time these kids learn about the real world? Whatever happened to the “safe spaces”, anyway?

Side Bar and Full Disclosure: I admit that I do have a bit of a chip on my shoulder when it comes to some of these students, graduates and parents. As I prop my feet up on the chaise lounge, I will attest to knowing a New England liberal jerk-wad who graduated from Columbiuhh. He was nothing but a pretentious, back-stabbing prick to my husband (wife worshipped the ground he walked on and was equally insufferable) who did not know the difference between “there” and “their”. Could NOT stand this couple. I also knew a parent once who was obsessed with getting her older son into Brown who stated, and I quote, that my (then 5th grader) was much like her younger son and “not cut out for college”. To both of them, I raise a middle finger. Columiuhhh did not sabotage my husband’s career AT ALL and my son? He’s graduating high school with an Associates and going on to a four-year university for a medical career. Moving on…

There’s been protests, encampments and physical violence that has interrupted their education and they’re not happy. Fees at these sorts of schools are phenomenally high; parents want to feel like they are getting what they pay for and right now they don’t.”-Christopher Rim, founder and CEO of Command Education

As a parent, yes, I would be pissed. But as parents of elite university students, what did they actually expect? The education their children have been subject to from elementary to their moments in the Ivy lecture halls has been sponsored by individuals who want to not only alter the English language but also alter history.

Physically blocking their child from attending class or a lecture hall is 100 percent not what they signed up for. They are beyond upset at what’s going on.”-Christopher Rim

They are besides themselves, y’all! Here’s a little fun fact: their very (tenured) professors in these elite lecture halls have been on-board with all of this. The $100,000 price tag funds their salaries.

These elite institutions have been proponents of liberalism and progressive thought. They have been for years. Some of these very parents have embraced the very liberal script their students learned to recite from within these walls. Hell, they fed these scripts to their kids with their own silver spoons! Some of these very parents are Democrat blue, through-and-through. Do I feel for the Jewish families who have students on these campuses right now? Of course, I do. But, truly, what did all of these “furious” parents expect?

And, here we see the elite university community turning in on itself. Kids not knowing what they are protesting. Kids locking themselves in buildings ad demanding Uber Eats as “humanitarian aid”. Parents upset because they cannot see their precious little darlings walk during commencement after spending a half-a-million dollars for a piece of paper because the commencement this year has been canceled. (At least Sasha Obama got to attend her USC commencement ceremony). Boo-hoo. Where’s the Kleenex? I’d be crying if I pissed away that amount of money, too. These parents who bragged at the dinner parties can’t humblebrag on Facebook this year. Perhaps, the schools could offer up the cry closets for them?

This is what parents get for sending their children to the elite universities. The fact that some of them are shocked and upset by what is happening is irony at its best. They didn’t get what they paid for, they say.

Actually, they did (and can thank George Soros). They just don’t know it or they are willfully being mushroom-like and keeping themselves in the darkness.

In absentia lucis, tenebrae vincunt.

In absence of light, darkness prevails. Perhaps the lights are being turned on. We can only hope.

Never thought the frat boys would be switching them on.

Photo Credit: Daderot., CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons/Cropped

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  • Lloyd says:

    Elitist Universities (Ivy League) produce elitist brats endowed with a” holier/smarter that thou” attitude are a bad joke on America. Give me a good Jr. College or Trade School over them any day!

  • Cameron says:

    He’s graduating high school with an Associates Congratulations to him! I assume his high school is one that allows you to get college credits at the same time? Great idea; I had an English teacher who ran that program and she said she regretted that it wasn’t around when I was her student.

    As for the Ivies, they have poisoned their brand over this idiocy. Sounds like a lot of college presidents and professors are going to be encouraged to “retire and spend time with their families” soon.

  • Taylor says:

    Glenn H. Reynolds urges Jewish (and sensible non-Jewish) students to go to college/universities in the South.
    I have met many Columbia University graduates over the decades and most of them were singularly unimpressive (and actually dumb). One Columbia University alumni actually said to me in 1992 “The problem with Communism was that it was never implemented correctly”. I kid you not.

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