CNN: The Biden Family Are Wonderful, Tax-Paying Citizens

CNN: The Biden Family Are Wonderful, Tax-Paying Citizens

One can always count on CNN to be stellar examples of journalism at its finest, especially when it comes to the Biden Administration.

The Pentagon Leak Is Really Bad, So Is Government’s Response

The Pentagon Leak Is Really Bad, So Is Government’s Response

A major leak from the Pentagon finally hit the news over the weekend. The leak itself is bad enough, REALLY bad. Especially given the information leaked is…

Russia Arrests American Journalist For “Spying”

Russia Arrests American Journalist For “Spying”

The last year has not been good for Russia, or for Vladimir Putin, in general. The invasion of Ukraine is at a stalemate. Russia has been largely…

DeSantis Talks China, Russia, Trump With Piers Morgan

DeSantis Talks China, Russia, Trump With Piers Morgan

Recently FL Gov. Ron DeSantis sat down with Piers Morgan for a lengthy interview which drops at Fox Nation on Thursday. Bits of it have been hitting…

Vladimir Putin: War Criminal?

Vladimir Putin: War Criminal?

Russian president Vladimir Putin is a tyrant and warmonger. Now add to that “war criminal,” according to the International Criminal Court. The court even issued a warrant…

Russian TV Host Wants to Defeat the West. So Does Putin.

Russian TV Host Wants to Defeat the West. So Does Putin.

It sounds like something from the Cold War of the 1950’s, when Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev told Western leaders that “we will bury you!” Some apologists have…

German Chancellor Meets Biden To Talk Ukraine

German Chancellor Meets Biden To Talk Ukraine

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made a visit to Joe Biden at the White House, on Friday, to talk next steps in the Russian War on Ukraine. Scholz…

Jill Biden: OF COURSE Joe Will Run Again!

Jill Biden: OF COURSE Joe Will Run Again!

Jill Biden REALLY wants that second term for Joe. As she reassured AP News yesterday, ‘Of COURSE Joe will run again!’

Biden Speech: The Ukraine War Will Never End

Biden Speech: The Ukraine War Will Never End

Joe Biden is flexing his foreign policy (while pointedly avoiding some pretty bad domestic problems) while visiting Kyiv and Warsaw as the first anniversary of the Russian…

Air Raid! Biden’s Totally Not Staged Ukraine Photo Op

Air Raid! Biden’s Totally Not Staged Ukraine Photo Op

Biden did a walkabout in Ukraine complete with air raid sirens blaring. Say it isn’t so Joe! 

Americans Told To Leave Russia, Again

Americans Told To Leave Russia, Again

The State Department, through the U.S. Embassy in Russia, is telling all Americans in Russia to leave immediately. Again.

Democrats Desperately Declare Hunter’s Laptop Trivial And Half-Fake

Democrats Desperately Declare Hunter’s Laptop Trivial And Half-Fake

Trivial! Half-Fake! Twitter executives were on the hot seat yesterday in front of Congress. Two very notable things came to light during that time. A. The execs…

Biden State Of The Union: “We Are Winning! Kind Of…”

Biden State Of The Union: “We Are Winning! Kind Of…”

Winning! That’s supposedly the message for Tuesday night’s State of the Union. Will we see Grandpa Joe, Angry Joe, or a mix of both? What will his…

Joe Biden: Delusional, Decrepit Divider In Chief

Joe Biden: Delusional, Decrepit Divider In Chief

Many outlets, including ours here at VG have perceived exactly what the media does not want us to perceive about Joe Biden.

Russia Saber Ratting Ahead Of Ukraine Anniversary

Russia Saber Ratting Ahead Of Ukraine Anniversary

Three weeks from today, February 24, 2023, we will mark the one year anniversary of the day that Russia invaded Ukraine. Sergei Lavrov, the mouth-piece for Vladimir…

Russia is Taking Ukrainian Children

Russia is Taking Ukrainian Children

As part of its war upon a civilian population, Russia has been taking Ukrainian children and deporting them to the Motherland. Often it’s by a deceitful show…

Hunter Biden E-mail Raises More Suspicion

Hunter Biden E-mail Raises More Suspicion

We know, Hunter Biden’s laptop as a whole raises suspicion but the content of a recent e-mail is enough to raise some eyebrows for sure.

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Ava Gardner