#TexasTownHall: Beto Dodges Answer On Due Process And Wants To Impeach Trump [VIDEO]

#TexasTownHall: Beto Dodges Answer On Due Process And Wants To Impeach Trump [VIDEO]

Beto O’Rourke, that skateboarding darling of the Democrat Left that he is, had quite a night last night at the CNN-sponsored Texas Town Hall. One thing is…

Election 2018: Senate Seats Shifting

Election 2018: Senate Seats Shifting

New poll numbers are out, and for right now, there is some good news for Republican races in the Senate. There’s still three weeks to go before…

Cruz vs O’Rourke: State Interests or Hollywood Glitz?

Cruz vs O’Rourke: State Interests or Hollywood Glitz?

It’s been awhile since Texas has seen a Senate race like the one between Senator Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke. It is more than a choice between…

#Election2018: Senate Races Take A Turn

#Election2018: Senate Races Take A Turn

Alternately, this post could be titled “Democrats Start Shooting Themselves In The Foot In Senate Races,” because in three supposedly tight Senate races, new developments are opening…

Deadly Ricin Mailed To Sec Def Mattis And Trump, Former Navy Sailor Allegedly Involved

Deadly Ricin Mailed To Sec Def Mattis And Trump, Former Navy Sailor Allegedly Involved

What is happening with the Brett Kavanaugh nomination is enough to send my blood pressure through the roof. But then to hear the news that some terrorist…

Beto Too: O’Rourke Oh-So-Sorry for Objectifying Women in 1991

Beto Too: O’Rourke Oh-So-Sorry for Objectifying Women in 1991

While the intellectually-subordinate Democrat senators are hyper-focused on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s college beer-imbibing, and flatulence references in his old High School yearbooks, while ignoring a credible accusation…

Beto O’Rourke Has A Credibility Problem [Video]

Beto O’Rourke Has A Credibility Problem [Video]

Beto O’Rouke is the up and coming Texas Congressman who wants to be Senator. He’s, according to many in the media, the new NEW Texas JFK! Complete…

Ted Cruz and Wife Chased From D.C. Restaurant

Ted Cruz and Wife Chased From D.C. Restaurant

Republican Senator and former Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz was chased out of a Washington, D.C. restaurant last night. The Texas Senator and his wife were chased from…

Beto O’Rourke Claims He Didn’t Attempt To Flee Scene Of Drunk Driving Crash [VIDEO]

Beto O’Rourke Claims He Didn’t Attempt To Flee Scene Of Drunk Driving Crash [VIDEO]

The first Ted Cruz vs. Beto O’Rourke debate took place last night, and it was chock full of one-liners, zingers, and contentious back and forth dialogue between…

Ted Cruz Challenger Beto O’Rourke Calls Police Officers “The New Jim Crow”

Ted Cruz Challenger Beto O’Rourke Calls Police Officers “The New Jim Crow”

Their first debate is tonight. But Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke—Democrat challenger to sitting U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX)—can’t keep his foot out of his mouth.

National Enquirer CEO David Pecker Gets Immunity On Trump [VIDEO]

National Enquirer CEO David Pecker Gets Immunity On Trump [VIDEO]

Well, this just made everyone’s life just a little bit more interesting today. David Pecker, CEO of the National Enquirer and friend of Donald Trump, has just…

Democrats Are Back In Love With Executive Orders [VIDEO]

Democrats Are Back In Love With Executive Orders [VIDEO]

Remember the hue and cry on the left when President Trump issued an executive order to rescind President Obama’s executive order on DACA? Or when Trump issued…

Samantha Bee’s Non-Apology Show [VIDEO]

Samantha Bee’s Non-Apology Show [VIDEO]

Samantha Bee went back on her show last night, in her network-ordered apology tour. “Sorry not sorry” seems to be her new theme.

Zuckerberg, Facebook and Skynet

Zuckerberg, Facebook and Skynet

The award for the most rehearsed testimony of the day had to go to Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Throughout much of his testimony yesterday, he…

Political Pundits and Pollsters Miss the Mark — Again

Political Pundits and Pollsters Miss the Mark — Again

Going into yesterday’s primary election, pollsters and pundits rubbed their hands together with glee. Their eyes danced and you could see their excitement. Texas, they foresaw, would…

Cruz and Scott use Cantwell and Sanders as Floor Mops in CNN Debate [VIDEO]

Cruz and Scott use Cantwell and Sanders as Floor Mops in CNN Debate [VIDEO]

After last night’s CNN debate between Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, Maria Cantwell, and Bernie Sanders, my husband turned to me and said, “Well, unless you’re completely in…

Sutherland Springs Deserves Better

Sutherland Springs Deserves Better

“You can’t let your emotions take over, or you won’t be able to help anybody.” Those are the words of one of the first responders to the…

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Ava Gardner