Kamala: Cannot Read The Teleprompter Or The Room

Kamala: Cannot Read The Teleprompter Or The Room

It has been a very bad week for presidential hopeful, Kamala Harris. We hope this is one disaster she cannot recover from.

Stephen Colbert Supplies Trailers For Tonight’s Show Trial

Stephen Colbert Supplies Trailers For Tonight’s Show Trial

Stephen Colbert wasn’t funny when he played a fake news person on Jon Stewart’s Daily Show. Colbert’s Late Show has never been funny…ever. He’s worse than Jimmy…

Jimmy Kimmel Really Despises You

Jimmy Kimmel Really Despises You

Jimmy Kimmel returned to his late night show after a summer break, and immediately launched into the unvaccinated during his opening monologue. He also trashed people who…

Kamala Harris Excuses Self For Calling Biden Racist

Kamala Harris Excuses Self For Calling Biden Racist

Good news, everyone! Kamala Harris has an explanation for why she adroitly tied Joe Biden to his segregationist sentatorial colleagues during the debates last fall!

Medicare For All: Pete Buttigieg Calls Out Elizabeth Warren’s Artful Dodging

Medicare For All: Pete Buttigieg Calls Out Elizabeth Warren’s Artful Dodging

I will say this. Pete Buttigieg isn’t the only one who thinks that Elizabeth Warren has been artfully dodging questions about how her Medicare for All plan…

Six Biggest Clowns of the Past Week

Six Biggest Clowns of the Past Week

Well, that was a week wasn’t it. Seven days of elitist bluenoses trying to outdo each other in seeing who could beclown themselves the most. If you…

Follow Stephen Colbert’s Example

Follow Stephen Colbert’s Example

It’s not often when I will applaud the left for having some class, but I need to give props to Stephen Colbert today, whose recent tweet earned…

Seth Rogen Is Proud Of Being A Jerk To Kids [VIDEO]

Seth Rogen Is Proud Of Being A Jerk To Kids [VIDEO]

Usually, this is the kind of story that gets repeated on “celebrities who were jerks” lists on Reddit or other websites. But in today’s celebrity “woke” culture,…

Hoosier Huckster Mellencamp Kneels on ‘Late Show.’ Because Racism, or Something. [VIDEO]

Hoosier Huckster Mellencamp Kneels on ‘Late Show.’ Because Racism, or Something. [VIDEO]

Rocker John Mellencamp and I have one thing in common. Well, make that two, because we’re both short. But both of us are also natives of Indiana.

#Emmys: Sean Spicer Cameo Does Not Play Well [VIDEO]

#Emmys: Sean Spicer Cameo Does Not Play Well [VIDEO]

Hollywood just can’t help themselves. Everything is politics now. First, Stephen Colbert is hosting. And he just can’t help himself. Video: hot leak from Russia! Sorry, not…

Disgraced Mark Sanford for South Carolina?  No.  Curtis Bostic For Congress and Weekend Links!

Disgraced Mark Sanford for South Carolina? No. Curtis Bostic For Congress and Weekend Links!

In the race to replace now-Senator Tim Scott’s vacated House seat, Republicans Curtis Bostic and Mark Sanford are facing off in the runoff election this Tuesday, April…

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Ava Gardner