Ho hum, another day, and another woman comes out of the woodwork claiming that former President George H.W. Bush groped her. This time it’s author Christina Baker…
I guess Wednesday was singer Katy Perry’s birthday, so her friend Ellen DeGeneres decided to tweet a birthday wish. It looked like this: Happy birthday, @KatyPerry! It’s…
After Hollywood starlet Alyssa Milano launched a social media storm to expose sexual assault and harassment, I was dismayed to see how many of my female friends…
Last evening, this was the pic and caption at the very tippy-top of the Drudge Report: And this was directly below it… These tweets from staff of…
This now seems like an eternity ago, but does anyone remember when Vice President Mike Pence was accused of “perpetuating rape culture” and being “sexist” and a…
Let’s ask a question. You’re a district attorney in New York City. Manhattan, even. And you get evidence laid out in front of you that a big…
Donna Karan, an icon in the fashion world, thinks that Harvey Weinstein is THE MAN!! Yes she really does, even after a week of revelations that put…
Taylor Swift has been in Denver, Colorado for the past week sitting in a courtroom every day. Why? According to Swift, Mueller allegedly reached under her skirt and…
Ever on the look out for Men Behaving Badly™, we have this disturbing report from the Left-feminist hook-up crowd But a disturbing new trend described in a…
Yes. I know there are dead children in Syria. Our debt crisis is unsustainable. The SCOTUS vote is in a few hours. Why is Victory Girls’ Toni…
In case you missed it, following Sunday night’s debate, reporters from NBC and ABC asked the three women whom Donald Trump invited to the event—two of whom…
Leave it to Donald Trump, the consummate showman, to jazz up Monday night’s presidential debate. Billionaire and Hillary supporter Mark Cuban, who’s every bit as flamboyant as…
The story is cut, dried, and brutal. Brock Allen Turner, now 20 years old, was convicted of felony sexual assault after being caught in the act by…
I didn’t even bother watching anything from Hollywood’s yearly prom night on Sunday evening. Frankly, I knew the only movie that I cared about (Inside Out) was…
The historic city of Cologne, Germany, erupted in chaos over the weekend as 1700 anti-Islamic refugee protestors clashed with about 1300 demonstrators who support resettling Muslim refugees in…
The mainstream media would have us believe that the migrants coming from all places Middle East are simply seeking refuge, and need our help. And to some…
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