FBI Director Comey To Testify To House Intelligence Committee [LIVE FEED]

FBI Director Comey To Testify To House Intelligence Committee [LIVE FEED]

In a rare move, the House Intelligence Committee will be having a public, televised hearing today, where FBI Director James Comey will be giving testimony about any…

If History is Any Indication, that CBO Score is Off. Here’s Why. [VIDEO]

If History is Any Indication, that CBO Score is Off. Here’s Why. [VIDEO]

Democrats were doing their happy dance yesterday. The Congressional Budget Office predicted that with the repeal of Obamacare — horrors! The bill would kick 24 million souls…

#CPAC2017: Ted Cruz and Mark Levin Rock the House [VIDEO]

#CPAC2017: Ted Cruz and Mark Levin Rock the House [VIDEO]

For this Victory Girl, Senator Ted Cruz is the quintessential Constitutional Conservative. I had the privilege of attending a Cruz primary-season rally last year here in my…

Rep. John Lewis Has a History of Labeling Republican Presidents-Elect “Illegitimate”

Rep. John Lewis Has a History of Labeling Republican Presidents-Elect “Illegitimate”

If you read the breathless, outraged headlines coming from many in the media following Donald Trump’s criticism of Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights icon—and you didn’t…

#Obamacare: Proceed With Caution Not Haste To Repeal, Revise, Or Replace [VIDEOS]

#Obamacare: Proceed With Caution Not Haste To Repeal, Revise, Or Replace [VIDEOS]

It is a fact that Obamacare is a failure. We’ve written about the issues and problems with the healthcare insurance act that was shoved down our throats…

Sore Losers: Recount Lunacy, Rogue Electors, and Making John Kasich President

Sore Losers: Recount Lunacy, Rogue Electors, and Making John Kasich President

As Jill “Scammer” Stein continues her assault on our nation’s democratic voting system and tries to hold us all hostage to her unproven claims of voting irregularities—while…

Obamacare Collapse Typical Government Planning Fail [VIDEO]

Obamacare Collapse Typical Government Planning Fail [VIDEO]

(Disclaimer) To be very honest, I am beyond peeved with Obamacare right now. I just lost my healthcare plan for the second time in six months. My…

#DebateNight: 5 Reasons Donald Trump Met the Low Bar in First Face-to-Face [VIDEOS]

#DebateNight: 5 Reasons Donald Trump Met the Low Bar in First Face-to-Face [VIDEOS]

After much “expert” punditry and nervous handwringing by just about everyone plugged in to this wacky campaign season, the first face-to-face debate finally arrived last night between…

Mean Girl Jewelry Designers Throw Shade at Ivanka Trump [VIDEO]

Mean Girl Jewelry Designers Throw Shade at Ivanka Trump [VIDEO]

Ivanka Trump comes from one of America’s most famous families, and her father is a controversial presidential candidate. Yet she shares one thing in common with millions…

They Loved Me Before I Belonged to “The Party of Hate”: Confessions of a Conservative

They Loved Me Before I Belonged to “The Party of Hate”: Confessions of a Conservative

Back in my college days, I voted solely on what was “cool”. Being a Democrat was “cool”. And I so wanted to be at the table with…

Let’s Quit With The Agendas and Call #Orlando What It Was: An Act of Terrorism

Let’s Quit With The Agendas and Call #Orlando What It Was: An Act of Terrorism

The Orlando Pulse Nightclub has already been dubbed “The Worst Mass Shooting In History“. The community of Orlando has been rallying around friends and family members. The…

Falling for a Bunch of Okey-Doke: Just Like an Obama Supporter

Falling for a Bunch of Okey-Doke: Just Like an Obama Supporter

I couldn’t help but notice the stories, posts and radio outlets honing in on Barack Obama’s stutter-speech to the people of Elkhart, Indiana last night. For some…

Attorney General Loretta Lynch Compares NC Bathroom Bill to Jim Crow Laws [VIDEO]

Attorney General Loretta Lynch Compares NC Bathroom Bill to Jim Crow Laws [VIDEO]

As you may have heard, the state of North Carolina and the Department of Justice have filed dueling lawsuits against one another over the controversial “bathroom bill,”…

Trump and The Death of Conservatism: Know Thyself, Know Thy Enemies.

Trump and The Death of Conservatism: Know Thyself, Know Thy Enemies.

As we watched the poll numbers rise for DJT in Indiana last night, some were elated. Some felt the impending sense of doom when Ted Cruz announced…

Quote of the Day: No, Donald Trump Isn’t Better Than Hillary Clinton #NeverTrumpForever

Quote of the Day: No, Donald Trump Isn’t Better Than Hillary Clinton #NeverTrumpForever

Conservatives watched last night as what was left of the Grand Old Party died. Ted Cruz bowed out of the race after a crushing loss in Indiana….

#IndianaPrimary: Will a Donald Trump Win Bring Mourning in America? [VIDEOS]

#IndianaPrimary: Will a Donald Trump Win Bring Mourning in America? [VIDEOS]

I’ll be frank. And I apologize in advance for the gloom this post may cause. I fell into bed last night with a sinking feeling in the…

#SuperTuesday Again: From Saccharin to Slugfest, Dueling Campaign Ads for Primary Day [VIDEOS]

#SuperTuesday Again: From Saccharin to Slugfest, Dueling Campaign Ads for Primary Day [VIDEOS]

If you’re anything like me, you’re sick of poll numbers, name-calling and ridiculing, and wondering which candidate will win which states by what margins, and thoroughly confused…

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Ava Gardner