Howard Dean And Russ Feingold Say Anyone Who Votes Republican Is Racist [VIDEO]

Howard Dean And Russ Feingold Say Anyone Who Votes Republican Is Racist [VIDEO]

Two Democrats have publicly announced that certain groups of people are definitely racist. And no, they aren’t talking about anyone in the Democrat party. Who are they?…

Will the Democratic Party Split Over Abortion? [VIDEO]

Will the Democratic Party Split Over Abortion? [VIDEO]

The Democrats have a problem, and the top leaders are only now starting to come to grips with it. Today, on “Meet the Press,” California Governor Jerry…

Democrats Will Support Pro-Life Candidates, Progressives Flip Out [VIDEO]

Democrats Will Support Pro-Life Candidates, Progressives Flip Out [VIDEO]

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has decided to widen the tent in order to win. To that end, they’ve decided that a “D” is more important after…

MOAB Dropped on ISIS in Afghanistan and the Left Goes Mad [VIDEO]

MOAB Dropped on ISIS in Afghanistan and the Left Goes Mad [VIDEO]

Today the U.S. military dropped the “Mother of All Bombs” on an ISIS position in Afghanistan. There is no footage at this time, but the MOAB is the…

Tom Perez Wins DNC Chair, Progressives Tantrum, and Hilarity Ensues [VIDEO]

Tom Perez Wins DNC Chair, Progressives Tantrum, and Hilarity Ensues [VIDEO]

On Saturday, former Obama Labor Secretary Tom Perez was elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee, edging out Rep. Keith Ellison for the top job. President Donald…

Sanders Kicks Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Under the Bus [VIDEO]

Sanders Kicks Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Under the Bus [VIDEO]

Republicans have been wringing their hands over the upcoming election since Donald Trump took the driver’s seat after becoming the presumptive GOP nominee. But the GOP is…

PC Police: Marquette U. Prof John McAdams Sacked for Supporting Free Speech on Campus

PC Police: Marquette U. Prof John McAdams Sacked for Supporting Free Speech on Campus

Marquette University professor, John McAdams, belongs to an ever-shrinking minority: Conservative professors on college campuses. Like most campuses across America, Marquette, one of the ten worst colleges…

Trick-or-Treating Progressive-Feminist Style: Little Girls’ Halloween Costume Suggestions

In taking a break from work, I came across this. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, feminist site, MAKERS offers up suggestions of “heroic” women…

The Left Now Calls for Ending Tax Exemptions for Churches

Gay marriage won’t hurt Christians, they said. It’s all about love and equality, they said. And they encouraged us to place rainbows on our Facebook portraits. But…

Politically Correct College Student Writes an Open Letter to Jerry Seinfeld

Politically Correct College Student Writes an Open Letter to Jerry Seinfeld

Comedians beware. Don’t say that college students are too “politically correct.” They may get offended and write you a nasty gram and tell YOU how to do…

Rising Tide of Self-Infantilization on College Campuses.

Rising Tide of Self-Infantilization on College Campuses.

Free speech has been under attack by the political correctness police for quite some time, but there is a rising number of college students who expect to…

Indiana’s Memories Pizza Closed After Lies Spread By Liberal Media

Liberals are such hypocrites — blatant liars and willing to bend or break any rules. I live in South Bend, Indiana, a city that would look exactly…

College Professor Distributes “New Pledge” of Allegiance

College Professor Distributes “New Pledge” of Allegiance

Hold your hats, Ladies and Gents, here we have yet another story of a far-Leftist professor pushing his views on his students instead of simply teaching his…

Obama “Worship Syndrome” Hits Fever Pitch

Well, the very awesome Ben Shapiro calls it a “syndrome”.  But I call it “delusional mental illness with more than a touch of racism, willful ignorance and…

Moron Leftists Want Ted Cruz Charged With Sedition and Weekend Links!

I guess it’s not enough to vilify him. Or even make insanely graphic and violent threats against him – while posting his home address everywhere. Now, the…

“Free Love” always ends with “Violent Racists”

Apparently my Dad was right.  Way back when, in the late 60’s and early 70’s, he predicted that given the direction society was headed, this country would…

Progressive liberal pro-abortion activist targets….adoption???

As an adoptive mother, I am surprised I’m doing it all wrong. And if you are an adopted child, evidently you’ve had a really horrible life. So this…

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Ava Gardner