Haley Wins DC Primary, But Will It Help On Super Tuesday?

Haley Wins DC Primary, But Will It Help On Super Tuesday?

Well, chalk up one win for Nikki Haley in the 2024 Republican primary contest. The former South Carolina governor, who couldn’t win her own state, has managed to collect the delegates of Washington D.C.

New Hampshire Primary: Trump Wins, What Now For Haley?

New Hampshire Primary: Trump Wins, What Now For Haley?

The path forward is broad and easy for Donald Trump at the moment, and with Iowa in the rearview mirror, and a solid victory in New Hampshire…

Is The Republican Primary All Over Except For The Shouting?

Is The Republican Primary All Over Except For The Shouting?

The numbers from the Iowa caucus certainly seem like Donald Trump is in the driver’s seat at the moment when it comes to getting the Republican nomination…

Colorado Decision Against Trump: A Grotesque Use Of Lawfare

Colorado Decision Against Trump: A Grotesque Use Of Lawfare

This was a grotesque use of lawfare. Democrats and the Swamp are applauding the Colorado Supreme Court decision to keep President Donald Trump off the Colorado primary…

Dean Phillips Decides To Primary Biden – Who Is He?

Dean Phillips Decides To Primary Biden – Who Is He?

The DNC knows that if Joe Biden is subjected to an actual primary season, he could well fail. So, what will the DNC do now that Minnesota…

2024 Nominees: Absolutely Nothing Is Guaranteed

2024 Nominees: Absolutely Nothing Is Guaranteed

The conventional wisdom right now assumes that Joe Biden and Donald Trump will be engaging in a presidential rematch in 2024.

New York Primary Grinding To The Bitter End

New York Primary Grinding To The Bitter End

No matter the outcome after today, a prominent senior Democrat in New York is going to be out of Congress come next January. We just don’t know…

Trump Is Trolling New York Primary Races

Trump Is Trolling New York Primary Races

Former President Donald Trump is gloriously messing with Democrats in New York by making endorsements in their primary races. And given how the Democrats have poured money…

Liz Cheney Has Eyes On The White House

Liz Cheney Has Eyes On The White House

It’s no secret that Liz Cheney is about to be primaried out of her House seat in Wyoming. What is also becoming less of a secret are…

Maloney Awkwardly Grovels After Debate

Maloney Awkwardly Grovels After Debate

New York’s newly drawn Congressional map has become a huge headache for Democrats, and nowhere is that more obvious than in their new 12th Congressional District.

Eric Who? Trump Endorsement Causes Chaos In MO

Eric Who? Trump Endorsement Causes Chaos In MO

Donald Trump has been busy during this midterm cycle playing kingmaker, and it appears that he is enjoying it. But he probably enjoyed this Missouri Senate endorsement…

Liz Cheney Gets Shellacked in Newest Poll

Liz Cheney Gets Shellacked in Newest Poll

There’s only one month to go before Wyoming Republicans hold their primary, and the latest polls show that Rep. Liz Cheney is taking a beating. How much, you…

Kamala Isn’t That Bad, Reporter Insists After Poll

Kamala Isn’t That Bad, Reporter Insists After Poll

This is what one would call “wishcasting” in the most desperate of ways.

Cawthorn Loses And Concedes Primary Race In NC

Cawthorn Loses And Concedes Primary Race In NC

This had a sad air of inevitability around it. Madison Cawthorn, once a rising GOP freshman, has lost his primary in North Carolina’s 11th District.

Kathy Barnette: PA Senate Candidate Raises Profile

Kathy Barnette: PA Senate Candidate Raises Profile

The Senate primary race in Pennsylvania has, up until recently, focused on only two candidates.

Politics Rules in IL Despite Coronavirus

Politics Rules in IL Despite Coronavirus

On Sunday, Illinois followed other states by closing restaurants and bars due to coronavirus. But because this is Illinois, politics still rules.

Klobuchar Drops Out, Will Endorse Biden

Klobuchar Drops Out, Will Endorse Biden

In the game of “last woman standing” between Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren, Klobuchar has blinked first.

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Ava Gardner