Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

The Rational and American Vote is for Trump

The Rational and American Vote is for Trump

Hatred of half of America and promises of horrible policies roll out of the pieholes of Biden, Harris and Democrat apparatchiks every day. Not to mention that…

Revenge on Trump Supporters Sought by Democrats

Revenge on Trump Supporters Sought by Democrats

Democrats are quick to pick up and echo the same talking point. Deja vu of the Journolist scandal, the newest coordination of message is drooling over how…

Reagan, Unlike Trump, Didn’t Downplay Assassins, Says Los Angeles Times

Reagan, Unlike Trump, Didn’t Downplay Assassins, Says Los Angeles Times

The L.A. Times takes the cake for last night’s narrative, and harkens back to a comparison of the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan.

Drunk and Desperate Explains Nancy’s Logic

Drunk and Desperate Explains Nancy’s Logic

Hanging on to the podium for dear life, SanFranGran Nancy barely managed her dentures and false eyelashes, while ranting incoherently about fake trials and disbarring President Trump’s…

Hypocrites Decry Military Funds for Border Wall

Hypocrites Decry Military Funds for Border Wall

For years Democrats in Congress kept the military operating under Continuing Resolutions and the Budget Control Act. Yet the people who withheld necessary funding, are now crying…

Planned Parenthood Cries Over Title X

Planned Parenthood Cries Over Title X

Planned Parenthood is up in arms after the 9th Circuit Court allows the so called “Gag Rule” to take effect while the challenges to Title X changes…

“National Vetting Center” for Immigrants & Visitors

“National Vetting Center” for Immigrants & Visitors

Word broke late Monday evening that President Trump would be moving ahead with more scrutiny and tighter controls on prospective immigrants and visitors.

The Best People!  Bannon and Trump’s Cabinet?

The Best People! Bannon and Trump’s Cabinet?

Trump’s 2016 campaign promised to do better and clean up the mess in Washington DC. And Draining the Swamp was a favorite. Because to the Trump followers…

#Putin Calls For Russian Battleship To Protect Syria After Airfield Hit By Strike From U.S.  [VIDEO]

#Putin Calls For Russian Battleship To Protect Syria After Airfield Hit By Strike From U.S. [VIDEO]

As if on cue, Vladimir Putin responded to the airstrike President Trump ordered on a Syrian airfield (our very own Nina covered it here) which is where…

#PresidentTrump Signs Executive Order To “Ease The Burden” of Obamacare On #Inauguration Day [VIDEO]

#PresidentTrump Signs Executive Order To “Ease The Burden” of Obamacare On #Inauguration Day [VIDEO]

Before attending no less than three separate inauguration balls President Trump signed an Executive Order which is meant to “ease the burden of Obamacare” on businesses and…

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Ava Gardner