Quote of the Day: Mitt Romney Calls Out Donald Trump to Release His Tax Returns

Quote of the Day: Mitt Romney Calls Out Donald Trump to Release His Tax Returns

Releasing tax returns isn’t required to run for president. No one has to do it. Yet, candidates have — going as far back as Nixon, actually. So…

Quote of the Day: Should Republicans vote for Trump?

Voters are not happy with politics in Washington. They don’t like the extremism of Obama and his Democrats. They don’t like how Republicans cave at every opportunity…

Mitt Romney Says Trump’s Taxes May Include a Bombshell

Mitt Romney Says Trump’s Taxes May Include a Bombshell

Mitt Romney, the original Mr. Milquetoast presidential candidate of 2012, appeared on Fox News Wednesday, insisting that Donald Trump release his tax returns, and wondered if those…

Who Is In Charge Of Syria? If You Guessed Putin You Are Correct

Who Is In Charge Of Syria? If You Guessed Putin You Are Correct

Remember that red line that Obama chalked into the sand concerning Syria? You know, the one that was so Twizzler bendy that Assad waltzed over it? Well,…

Sesame Street Moving to HBO – Will It Give Up Tax Money?

Does anyone else remember, during the 2012 election, when Mitt Romney suggested that it was time to defund PBS, saying during one of the debates that Big…

Media Matters Mocks Ann Romney’s Illness

Media Matters Mocks Ann Romney’s Illness

In 2012, when Mitt Romney became the Republican candidate for President, the family’s wealth became the target of jokes, including some aimed at Ann Romney’s dressage horse….

Trump Ridicules John McCain’s War Service

Donald Trump has said some things, particularly about illegal immigration, which have caused some conservatives to fist pump. Many like his brashness and his lack of political…

Donald Trump Gets Blasted by Romney; The Donald Doubles Down

Fireworks were exploding over American skies last night to commemorate Independence Day, but the explosions were not limited to the heavens. They were detonating among Republican presidential…

#ConfederateFlag: Should It Be Removed from the South Carolina State House Grounds?

In the wake of the shooting of nine AME church parishioners in Charleston, South Carolina, by a racist who shall remain nameless in this post, the question…

Mrs. Romney Said No

Mitt Romney has been very visible and making campaign appearances. There are those who want Mr. Romney to run in 2016 (full disclosure: I hope and pray…

Melissa Harris-Perry and her Merry Band of MSNBC Comedians call Mitt Romney’s Grandson “Token”

MSNBC racist Talking Tampon Head, Melissa Harris-Perry is, again, at the top of her intellectual game.  This time she and her panel of comedians aren’t content with…

GOP’s War on Women? Dem operative dates Hollyweird’s creepiest photog

Hollywood has been the vanguard of all things edgy seemingly since the beginning of the town itself, but this time it seems someone in my former industry-fashion-is…

Mitt Romney lunches with Obama at the White House

The lunch between Romney and Barack Hussein Obama began at 12:30 pm when Mitt arrived. He left at 1:41 pm. The 1 hour, 11 minute “lunch” was…

Beyonce’s One Classy Broad: Posts “Take That Mitches” to Celebrate the Election

Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z have spent a lot of time campaigning for Barack Obama. Obama and Jay-Z are apparently buddies now or something, and Jay-Z was…

Chris Matthews is Thrilled About Hurricane Sandy, if it Helped Obama get Elected

Chris Matthews is Thrilled About Hurricane Sandy, if it Helped Obama get Elected

Chris Matthews demonstrated that there’s no low he won’t sink to in his glee for Obama’s reelection. Last night, he stated that he was glad Hurricane Sandy…

Election Day Liveblogging!

Election Day Liveblogging!

Today is the big day. Who will win, Romney or Obama? The anticipation will be nearly unbearable. We’ll be covering the election all day today and throughout…

Candy Crowley’s “President Romney” Moment

We all remember the moment in the 2nd Presidential debate when moderator, CNN’s Candy Crowley, inserted herself into the debate and aided and abetted this Administration’s shameful…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner