James Comey And His Leaks

James Comey And His Leaks

Surprise! James Comey is under investigation again. This time it’s regarding leaks to the media of additional classified information.

Bill and Loretta’s Excellent Adventure on the Tarmac

Bill and Loretta’s Excellent Adventure on the Tarmac

Do you ever wonder what really happened when Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch met on that tarmac in 2016? Of course you do — everyone does. As…

Lisa Page: DOJ told FBI not to charge Clinton

Lisa Page: DOJ told FBI not to charge Clinton

Tuesday, Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) released the 300 page transcript of former FBI attorney Lisa Page’s July 2018 testimony. It isn’t surprising the media has basically ignored…

Irony Alert: James Comey Under Investigation for His Handling of Classified Info

Irony Alert: James Comey Under Investigation for His Handling of Classified Info

Former FBI Director James Comey was reportedly, and conveniently, “out of the country” last week, and who knows what field he’s standing in today…

#OIGReport: James Comey Tries To Spin His Way Out Of The Mess He Created [VIDEO]

#OIGReport: James Comey Tries To Spin His Way Out Of The Mess He Created [VIDEO]

At the same time the 500 page OIG report was released, the New York Times published an editorial written by none other than former FBI Director James…

Four Takeaways From The Comey Interview [VIDEO]

Four Takeaways From The Comey Interview [VIDEO]

James Comey has given a lengthy interview to ABC in promotion of his new book, “A Higher Loyalty,” and it turns out that no one is a…

As Expected James Comey Book Is Shaping Up To Be Anti-Trump Whine Fest [VIDEO]

As Expected James Comey Book Is Shaping Up To Be Anti-Trump Whine Fest [VIDEO]

James Comey’s book, “A Higher Loyalty” hits the bookshelves on Tuesday April 17th. In order to gin up publicity and hopefully sales, key excerpts have been leaked,…

FBI Loses Texts, How Convenient! [VIDEO]

FBI Loses Texts, How Convenient! [VIDEO]

It took until Sunday afternoon for the media to pick up the story that had been released in a memo on Friday evening by Senator Ron Johnson…

Emails Show Obama’s DOJ Channeled ‘Slush Fund’ Money To Leftist Orgs [VIDEO]

Emails Show Obama’s DOJ Channeled ‘Slush Fund’ Money To Leftist Orgs [VIDEO]

We are into the second week of major revelations regarding Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration. Not a single one of these revelations are pretty, and every…

Loretta Lynch’s actions being probed by bipartisan Senate Judiciary Committee

Loretta Lynch’s actions being probed by bipartisan Senate Judiciary Committee

Oh sweet Lady Justice, will you finally turn your sword toward righteousness? The Senate Judiciary Committee has announced a probe into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s actions…

#SessionsTestimony: 5 Questions the Senate Intel Committee Should Ask Jeff Sessions Today [LIVE VIDEO]

#SessionsTestimony: 5 Questions the Senate Intel Committee Should Ask Jeff Sessions Today [LIVE VIDEO]

On the heels of the bombshell-dropping testimony by former FBI Director and alleged fibber James Comey last week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions will testify as a witness…

Is An Investigation Of Loretta Lynch Coming? [VIDEO]

Is An Investigation Of Loretta Lynch Coming? [VIDEO]

When former FBI director James Comey testified on Thursday, the real “bombshell” that no one was expecting was his story of how former Obama attorney general Loretta…

#ComeyDay: Testimony Confirms AG Lynch Obstructed Justice During Clinton Email Probe [VIDEO]

#ComeyDay: Testimony Confirms AG Lynch Obstructed Justice During Clinton Email Probe [VIDEO]

As the drinking parties and interviews with dogs commence, the Democrats were just salivating over what former FBI Director James Comey would reveal during the hearing today….

She’s Back: Green Partier Jill Stein Wants DOJ to Investigate “Integrity” of Electoral System

She’s Back: Green Partier Jill Stein Wants DOJ to Investigate “Integrity” of Electoral System

While Barack Obama is busy undermining both the legitimacy of his successor and democracy itself, while passively-aggressively attacking Israel via the corrupt UN, nutty Green Partier, Jill…

#Election2016 Indictment is Likely [VIDEO]

#Election2016 Indictment is Likely [VIDEO]

Brett Baier, last night on Fox News Channel, reported that at least two divisions of the FBI are investigating Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Family Foundation. Several…

Deplorable: Hillary for America Systematically Hitting Poorest Donors with Unauthorized Charges

Deplorable: Hillary for America Systematically Hitting Poorest Donors with Unauthorized Charges

In emails released by DCLeaks.com via unnamed hackers earlier this week, some of the most explosive were comments former Secretary of State Gen. Colin Powell made lambasting…

Trey Gowdy Slashes Comey’s Decision on Hillary, and It’s Beautiful [VIDEO]

Trey Gowdy Slashes Comey’s Decision on Hillary, and It’s Beautiful [VIDEO]

FBI Director James Comey is a former US Attorney who once prosecuted the Gambino crime family. He also served as lead prosecutor in the case surrounding the 1996…

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Ava Gardner