SCOTUScare Hands Keys To IRS: What Could Go Wrong?

SCOTUScare Hands Keys To IRS: What Could Go Wrong?

Yesterday’s SCOTUScare ruling drew a gamut of reactions. While many are concentrating on the beautifully classic dissent written by Justice Scalia; others such as the President are pompously trumpeting…

Chinese Hackers Steal Federal Gov’t Data Again

Chinese Hackers Steal Federal Gov’t Data Again

4 million. That is how many, at a minimum, federal government workers present and past now have their information/emails/IM’s/who knows what else in the hands of the…

IRS: Amnestied Illegals Can Access Tax Credits

IRS: Amnestied Illegals Can Access Tax Credits

On Wednesday, in a written response released to Senator Chuck Chuck Grassley (R-IA), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, IRS Commissioner John Kosiken admitted that illegals who…

Executive Fiat: DOJ’s Loretta Lynch to Release ‘More Than a Dozen’ New Gun Control Regs

Executive Fiat: DOJ’s Loretta Lynch to Release ‘More Than a Dozen’ New Gun Control Regs

Meet the new boss, worse than the old boss. What’s she doing now, you might ask? None other than continuing Eric Holder’s attacks on the Second Amendment….

Senator Robert Menendez Indicted, Lois Lerner Will Not Face Charges

The charges against Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) were announced in early March. Today, a grand jury has indicted both Menendez and his friend who allegedly benefited from…

IRS Says Don’t Call for Tax Help, Cites Obamacare and Budget

The word that best describes this year’s tax season is “chaos,” as taxpayers must now report on their taxes the status of their health care insurance.  One…

Did Obama Ruin this Rock Star’s Life?

Did Obama Ruin this Rock Star’s Life?

If you were a teenager in the 1990’s — or, like me, was the parent of a teenager in the 1990’s — you were aware of the…

IRS Wants to Tax Free Employee Lunches

In case the IRS hasn’t angered you enough in the last few months, there’s this: The IRS has decided that employers providing meals for employees who work…

BREAKING: “Missing” Lois Lerner IRS emails DO exist and they ARE backed up

Surprise, surprise, surprise: “A Department of Justice attorney told a Judicial Watch attorney on Friday that it turns out the federal government backs up all computer records…

Hamas Uses Obama’s Anti-Semitism to their Advantage

Hamas Uses Obama’s Anti-Semitism to their Advantage

The support for Hamas perplexes me. I just can’t fathom the thought process. How could one possibly think that a terrorist organization whose goal is to kill…

Judicial Watch FOIA Lawsuit to Force IRS Testimony on Lerner’s Missing Emails

One month. That is how long the IRS will have to write its very best excuse EVER, and then swear to it under oath. Yesterday afternoon, on…

Texas Congressman Steve Stockman Files Resolution Directing Sergeant-At-Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner

BREAKING: Congressman Steve Stockman of Texas has filed a resolution today directing the House Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest one Lois Lerner for contempt of Congress. We think you…

Obama Scandal List

The Obama administration’s scandals are numerous, yet Obama and his media are wont to say that they are “phony scandals” that the Republican Party like to chase. But…

Lois Lerner, the IRS, Mysterious Redactions, and Crashing Computers

The saga of Lois Lerner and her disgraceful conduct at the IRS continued this past week. In the months since her departure as head honcho, the IRS…

Happy Tax Day: Obama Proposed 442 Taxes Since 2009; IRS Seizing Decades-Old Debt

“Taxation without representation is tyranny.” —James Otis Another year. Another April 15th, the day most of us who actually pay taxes dread with every ounce of our…

Eric Holder: Gun Owners Should Wear Firearms-Linked ID Bracelets

When he’s not selectively persecuting, er, prosecuting major felons like Dinesh D’Souza, and ignoring the indiscretions of Harry Reid and the IRS’s trampling of the free speech…

Desperate! Dems Up For Reelection Ask IRS to Target Conservative Groups

Right smack in the middle of a scathing IRS scandal, desperate Democrats are calling for the big bad IRS to once again, target Conservative groups. Those speaking…

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Ava Gardner