A Real American

A Real American

I was eight years old when I first set foot on American soil. I remember the airport in the dead of winter. I remember women and children,…

The Left Eats Its Own

The Left Eats Its Own

Om nom nom nom. That smacking sound you hear is not Bernie Sanders spitting his apple sauce as he passionately – and incoherently – sputters socialist ideals…

Nutjob Threatens to Bare Sagging Meatbags for Immigration… or Something [VIDEO]

Nutjob Threatens to Bare Sagging Meatbags for Immigration… or Something [VIDEO]

DC is well known as a magnet for freaks and weirdos who, in their desire to be heard, exercise their right to protest. The area on the…

Everyone Who Marched for Illegal Immigration Insulted Legal American Immigrants. [VIDEO]

Everyone Who Marched for Illegal Immigration Insulted Legal American Immigrants. [VIDEO]

A heatwave was baking the nation on Saturday, from the East Coast through the Midwest, but that didn’t stop supporters of illegal immigration from throwing their tantrums.

#SCOTUS Upholds President Trump’s Travel Ban By Vote of 5-4 [VIDEO]

#SCOTUS Upholds President Trump’s Travel Ban By Vote of 5-4 [VIDEO]

Trying to legislate against President Trump from the judicial bench is backfiring against the Left BIGLY. In this case, the backfire is specifically directed at those whining…

Making a Run for the Border: D-List Dunham and Other Super Clueless Celebs to The Rescue!

Making a Run for the Border: D-List Dunham and Other Super Clueless Celebs to The Rescue!

What does every kid held in a tent city at the border need? A visit from Lena Dunham and her crew, of course!

Separating Kids from Parents; Separating Fact from Hysteria

Separating Kids from Parents; Separating Fact from Hysteria

The hysteria, pearl-clutching, and proliferation of fake news and doctored photographs of poor little children locked in cages by the evil Mango Mussolini reached fevered pitch this…

Peter Fonda Posts Vile Twitter Rant: Wants Barron Trump In Cage With Pedophiles  [VIDEO]

Peter Fonda Posts Vile Twitter Rant: Wants Barron Trump In Cage With Pedophiles [VIDEO]

The left has become completely unhinged. Yes, that’s been said before, but it bears repeating. The current discussion regarding ILLEGAL immigration and the children involved has, led…

Occupy Wall Street Tweets About Killing ICE Agents And Twitter Allows It [VIDEO]

Occupy Wall Street Tweets About Killing ICE Agents And Twitter Allows It [VIDEO]

The narrative regarding ILLEGAL immigration and kids supposedly being forcibly separated from their parents and locked in cages is scaling new heights of pearl clutching. Facts don’t…

No, Laura Bush, This Is Not The Japanese-American Internment Again [VIDEO]

No, Laura Bush, This Is Not The Japanese-American Internment Again [VIDEO]

You just knew this comparison was coming. I just didn’t know that the highest profile person to toss the proverbial hyperbolic grenade would be former First Lady…

Unfunny Kathy Griffin Slags FLOTUS Melania Trump

Unfunny Kathy Griffin Slags FLOTUS Melania Trump

Breathtakingly unfunny comedian Kathy Griffin bitch slapped our First Lady of the United States in a rant regarding children separated from their families at the border. From…

Italians Say “Turn the Migrant Ship Around” [VIDEO]

Italians Say “Turn the Migrant Ship Around” [VIDEO]

In a shocking development for the open borders E.U. bunch, Italy’s new Foreign Minister refused to allow a French NGO vessel permission to land. Filled with 629…

Calling John Kelly a Racist is Offensive and an Outright Lie

Calling John Kelly a Racist is Offensive and an Outright Lie

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly sat down with NPR a few days ago to talk about immigration. His comments weren’t politically correct. He’s a retired…

Democrats’ Midterm Playbook: Repeal the GOP Tax Cuts…and the Second Amendment

Democrats’ Midterm Playbook: Repeal the GOP Tax Cuts…and the Second Amendment

Nancy Pelosi just can’t shut up. Especially about the new tax law. And I’m hoping that’s a good thing when it comes to the 2018 midterms. If…

“National Vetting Center” for Immigrants & Visitors

“National Vetting Center” for Immigrants & Visitors

Word broke late Monday evening that President Trump would be moving ahead with more scrutiny and tighter controls on prospective immigrants and visitors.

CNN Analyst Says Trump is Making a Comeback. Yes, THAT CNN. [VIDEO]

CNN Analyst Says Trump is Making a Comeback. Yes, THAT CNN. [VIDEO]

I don’t think Hell froze over on Saturday, but I think it may have seen a few snow flurries. You see, a political analyst at CNN wrote…

#SOTU: 6 Points Trump Should Hammer Home to Prove Conservatism Works

#SOTU: 6 Points Trump Should Hammer Home to Prove Conservatism Works

Tonight is President Trump’s first State of the Union address. And while the majority of the media have spent the past year promoting predominately Russia Russia Russia!!!…

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Ava Gardner