Democrats Attempting To End Obamacare Cadillac Tax Before It Starts

Nancy Pelosi once said we had to pass Obamacare to find out what was in it. Well, now we know, and now it is reported that she…

Retiring Senator Harry Reid Suing for Eye Accident

Retiring Senator Harry Reid Suing for Eye Accident

Retiring Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid is suing the manufacturers of TheraBand Latex Bands for the injuries he received in an unfortunate work out accident on New…

Media Panic at New Planned Parenthood Video

The second damning video of a Planned Parenthood official haggling over the body parts of aborted unborn children was released today through the group called the Center…

Portrait of KKK Exalted Cyclops Continues to Hang in Senate Chamber

The Battle of Gettysburg raged for the first three days of July in 1863, nearly 152 years ago. The 2015 Battle of Confederate Images is continuing to rage…

Harry Reid Retiring From the Senate

Harry Reid Retiring From the Senate

It’s only sad that it’s taken this long, but Democrat Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, current Senate minority leader, announced this morning that he will not be…

Nancy Pelosi Denies That She knows Jonathan Gruber

The other day we wrote about a couple of Jonathan Gruber’s speeches and “comic” book. Now he and others are a bit defensive; understandable when publications such as Forbes…

Defiant POTUS Open To “Responsible Changes” To Obamacare

Not long ago, President Obama told Americans that he’s not on any ballot for the mid-term elections, but his policies are. Well by golly, that’s about the…

Election Day 2014: Give Republicans a Chance

I’m not going to whitewash it. I’m a nervous wreck. Two years ago today many of us hoped we’d wake up to a President Romney—imperfect as he…

Harry Reid Wants to Gut the 1st Amendment

The United States Senate is finally getting to work. Don’t cheer yet. In fact, don’t cheer at all. You see, the Senate isn’t focusing on critical budget…

DC Rapper Wale Calls Harry Reid Sketchy Racist Hypocrite

This past week I was in Las Vegas for a marketing conference. Vegas is, of course, the fiefdom of Lord-Senator Harry Reid. While I was in Vegas, …

Eric Holder: Gun Owners Should Wear Firearms-Linked ID Bracelets

When he’s not selectively persecuting, er, prosecuting major felons like Dinesh D’Souza, and ignoring the indiscretions of Harry Reid and the IRS’s trampling of the free speech…

April Fools: Obamas, Rachel Ray, Kathleen Sebelius, Obamacare Top the List

The precise origin of April Fools’ Day is a bit mysterious, but one thing is patently clear: We are surrounded by fools, and we here at VG…

Dirty Harry Update – Reid’s Misuse Of Campaign Funds Doubles To 31K

Earlier today, Victory Girl’s reported on the silence of the media regarding the misuse of funds from Harry Reid’s campaign, Friends For Harry Reid. If you didn’t…

Over the Target? In Donation Letter, Harry Reid Attacks Koch Brothers…Again

Over the Target? In Donation Letter, Harry Reid Attacks Koch Brothers…Again

“When you’re getting kicked in the rear, it means you’re in front.” –Often attributed to Fulton J. Sheen (1895-1979) Those evil Koch brothers are at it again. This time—gasp!—they’ve…

Christian Alternative to ObamaCare Expanding as ACA Deadline Looms

Never mind the broken websites. Never mind that they’re a hacker’s dream. And never mind that you can’t afford it. You have to buy it. Because Chief…

Harry Reid’s Staffers- If You Like Your Cushy Government Plan …

Harry Reid, a ferocious defender of Obamacare, has decided to allow his very own staffers the privilege of keeping their cushy government insurance plans. Those staffers will…

Harry Reid smirks it’s “Good for the Senate!”

Tuesday, after a three-hour meeting Monday night, the Senate achieved a precarious agreement to end the threat of a “nuclear option” by Senate majority leader Harry Reid….

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Ava Gardner