Schiff Learns Not To Leave Anything In Your Car In San Francisco

Schiff Learns Not To Leave Anything In Your Car In San Francisco

Everyone, you have permission to enjoy the schadenfreude at the expense of one of the most obnoxious politicians in California, Adam Schiff.

Democrats Now Realize The Biden-Trump Optics Were Bad

Democrats Now Realize The Biden-Trump Optics Were Bad

Hindsight is 20/20, right??? Well, someone at the DNC should have realized that the comparisons between Joe Biden and Donald Trump yesterday were not going to be…

Bobblehead To Be Made Of Dr. Fauci As Fundraiser

Bobblehead To Be Made Of Dr. Fauci As Fundraiser

One of the most unlikely outcomes of the current situation has been the elevation of medical professionals like Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx as national…

Fools And Money: Peter Strzok Is Raking In Cash Via GoFundMe

Fools And Money: Peter Strzok Is Raking In Cash Via GoFundMe

“A fool and his money are soon parted” must be the informal motto of GoFundMe, the website that allows regular people to “crowdfund” – meaning fundraise off…

Pelosi Owns The Crumbs [VIDEO]

Pelosi Owns The Crumbs [VIDEO]

Does no one else want the job of House Minority Leader? Surely the Democrats can find someone slightly more awake and less starched than Nancy Pelosi?

Dolly Parton’s Star Studded Telethon Raises $9Mil For Tennessee Fire Relief [VIDEOS]

Dolly Parton’s Star Studded Telethon Raises $9Mil For Tennessee Fire Relief [VIDEOS]

One of the things I like the most about this amazing country we live in is our compassion for others. I know it doesn’t seem like it…

Veterans To Donald Trump: Show Us Respect, Show Us The Money! [Videos]

Veterans To Donald Trump: Show Us Respect, Show Us The Money! [Videos]

Military veterans who are VERY unhappy with Donald Trump. It seems he’s still refusing to Show Them The Money! As our readers will recall, Trump threw a…

Trump Is The Likely Nominee – Now What?

Trump Is The Likely Nominee – Now What?

Judging by the comments that I’ve seen scattered all over Facebook and on other blog posts and news articles, I’m not the only person dismayed and stunned…

Money Trump Raised for Veterans is MIA

Money Trump Raised for Veterans is MIA

Remember back in January of this year, when Donald Trump skipped a Fox News debate because of his snit with Megyn Kelly? He then set up a…

Hillary Celebrates A Little Birthday Spin

Today is Hillary Clinton’s 68th birthday. She celebrated in typical Democrat fashion, by throwing a campaign fundraiser with a celebrity entertainer. Nothing says “many happy returns of…

Obama’s Trip to Roseburg Followed By Fundraising and Golf

The president will be arriving in Roseburg today to meet privately with the families of those who were killed or injured in the shooting at Umpqua Community…

Obama Grieves Deeply For Charleston While Raising Money and Golfing

Nobody knows the pain and heartbreak that the president is suffering right now. And he’s upset about having to make yet another statement after a horrific act…

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Ava Gardner