Yale Students Sign Petition to Repeal First Amendment

Yale Students Sign Petition to Repeal First Amendment

If you have a child preparing to go to a place of higher education, also known as a University/College, stop put down the pen, put away your…

AG Loretta Lynch will prosecute anti-Muslim rhetoric

AG Loretta Lynch will prosecute anti-Muslim rhetoric

It has been three days since the San Bernardino terrorist attack that killed 14 people and injured 21. You might be wondering then, what is high priority…

Clinton Campaign Goes After Laugh Factory for “Disgusting” Comedy Video

Clinton Campaign Goes After Laugh Factory for “Disgusting” Comedy Video

It’s no surprise to anyone that Hillary Clinton has no personality or sense of humor, and that she cannot handle jokes. Can any liberal take jokes that…

Anti-PC? Donald Trump Calls for FCC to Fine Rich Lowry for “Foul” Fox News Comment

Anti-PC? Donald Trump Calls for FCC to Fine Rich Lowry for “Foul” Fox News Comment

Donald Trump is brash. He’s bold. And he says, without a filter, just what’s on his mind. I find that refreshing, and I get why many GOP…

Pennsylvania Newspaper Bans Editorials Against #SameSexMarriage

Pennsylvania Newspaper Bans Editorials Against #SameSexMarriage

No matter how you feel about Friday’s #SCOTUS decision on #MarriageEquality I think every freedom loving patriot in the country will agree on one thing-leave the First…

Piers Morgan: ‘What Would I Do With White People Who Use the N-Word? Jail Them’

Piers Morgan: ‘What Would I Do With White People Who Use the N-Word? Jail Them’

This just in: Piers Morgan, a self-import(ant) from Britain, remains a raging hypocritical loon. I know; that’s a huge newsflash to anyone who’s ever heard his tirades…

Walmart to Cease Selling Merchandise Featuring Same #ConfederateFlag Clintons Honored

Walmart to Cease Selling Merchandise Featuring Same #ConfederateFlag Clintons Honored

I have to be frank: I think this whole Confederate Flag kerfuffle is one giant distraction. Granted, there are those that argue the flag represents America’s racist…

Unconstitutional: Critics Say Obama’s New Gun Control Regs Trash First Amendment

Unconstitutional: Critics Say Obama’s New Gun Control Regs Trash First Amendment

Last week, we sounded the alarm on the dozen-plus new gun regulations that the newly-minted Eric Holder in a Skirt, Loretta Lynch, plans to impose. No, not…

Yes, They Went There: Westboro Baptist Pickets Beau Biden’s Funeral

It has often been said that no parent should ever have to bury a child. Yet Vice President Joe Biden had to do just that today, as…

They held a #DrawMuhammad contest and nobody drew anything!

At the Phoenix Draw Muhammad contest, there was lots of shouting, but no shooting. Last night in front of the Islamic Community Center, former Marine Jon Ritzheimer…

#DrawMuhammad: Amid Death Threats, Marine Will Hold Free Speech Event Outside Phoenix Mosque

#DrawMuhammad: Amid Death Threats, Marine Will Hold Free Speech Event Outside Phoenix Mosque

Jon Ritzheimer is a former Marine. He often wears a shirt reading “F*ck Islam” while standing beside busy streets as he waves our American flag. And this…

Houston Demands That Pastors Turn In Their Sermons

Houston elected Annise Parker, an open lesbian, as mayor in 2010. This year, the city passed an equal-rights ordinance which “bans” anti-gay discrimination and would require, among…

Laser Beam Focus on Real World Issues: Golf and Dance

In the course of a 24-hour period, a group of fewer than 20 advisors went zipping through the Mount Sinjar area. Their “speedy” assessment concluded that more…

Final Supreme Court Decisions for 2014: Hope for Conservatives?

As happens annually during the last week of June, this has been a week of tension and anticipation as SCOTUS junkies await the release of decisions on…

Harvard Black Mass Moved Off Campus, No Thanks To Officials

Yesterday I wrote about how religious freedom is under attack in countless ways in this country. Another recent story illustrates my point in the context of higher…

Censorship by CAIR Mirrors Obama Regime’s Tactics

Censorship by CAIR Mirrors Obama Regime’s Tactics

On Monday evening (March 31) Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly had a segment on her nightly television program that dealt with disturbing news. Kelly exposed the recent…

Anne Rice and the First Amendment-A Catholic Fan’s Perspective

Yesterday as I was traipsing through the internet an article about author Anne Rice caught my eye. As a lifelong fan of Anne, I clicked on the…

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Ava Gardner