When David Brooks, token-center-right-teacup-poodle of the New York Times, attempted to write a sob-sister opinion piece on the horror of class divide, he ventured into unwitting irony…
The ACLU has a love affair with Linda Sarsour and they want you to know it. We know, we, know, it’s the ACLU. They don’t know how…
“How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?” “Shut up! That’s not funny!” Wanna hear another feminist joke? Didja hear about the feminist who got…
Alas, what we all have been waiting for. Because some parents don’t micromanage their children enough, The New York Times has added more to this mix by…
Halt the internets, everyone! Everyday Feminism needs your help! The website might shut down by the end of May, so they need your money now! Forget the…
Whether it was at the height of 2nd Wave Feminism of the 1970s with Roe v Wade and the ERA, or the dogma churned out by Women’s…
Unless you are living off the grid or have ignored any and all social media these last few weeks, you’d know that today is the idiotic #ADayWithoutAWoman…
Alas comes another day of virtue signaling complete with left-leaning publications telling us what we should do on this day to show solidarity for the “sistahood”. From…
The Women’s March organizers, after the success of their largely attended and peaceful march on January 21st, has decided what their next “action” will be. Or rather,…
Yes, I said that. I said celebrate abortion. I don’t care if the article starts with this sentimental tripe: So your friend is about to have an abortion….
In some circles, she is known as “Melissa Click 2.0”, in others she is known as Rebecca Goyette and yet in others, she is known as “Lobster…
What images pop into your mind when you hear the term “white supremacy”? The Ku Klux Klan? Skinheads, perhaps? Or Mother Teresa? Say what? According to Kitty…
In an interview for The Spectator.com with Emily Smith, Camille Paglia blows up any idea that Hillary Clinton is good for feminism, women in general or America….
Yet another notch in her belt in the “Champion for Women Category”. Back in 1975, after fawning over Alinsky and her left-wing contemporaries, Hillary Rodham Clinton was…
Hillary is a victim of the success of the feminist movement. She has peaked a little too late to be anything special, but a lot of feminists…
Remember the artsy-fartsy kids in college? You know the ones. They would sit in poetry class and talk about a specific poem they were working on? When…
Social justice warriors and modern feminists will stop at nothing to destroy every last vestige of common sense and rational thought from society. And there is nothing…
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