#ADayWithoutWomen: Why I Choose To Work Today

#ADayWithoutWomen: Why I Choose To Work Today

#ADayWithoutWomen: Why I Choose To Work Today

Alas comes another day of virtue signaling complete with left-leaning publications telling us what we should do on this day to show solidarity for the “sistahood”. From Jezebel:

According to organizers, women can participate in any or all of the following ways: by refraining from paid and unpaid work, by not shopping in stores or online (with the exception of local small businesses and women-owned businesses), and/or by wearing red, which signifies “revolutionary love and sacrifice.”

From Allure:

Hope you hung on to your homemade pink “pussy hats,” ladies: There’s another woman’s protest in the works, A Day Without A Woman, and this one is going to be huge.

To help recognize the “enormous value that women of all backgrounds add to our socio-economic system—while receiving lower wages and experiencing greater inequities, vulnerability to discrimination, sexual harassment, and job insecurity,” here’s how you can contribute to the strike, according to the organizers of the Woman’s March.

1. Take the day off—from paid or unpaid labor.

2. Avoid shopping for the day (with exceptions for small, women- and minority-owned businesses).

3. Wear red in solidarity with A Day Without A Woman.

Our friends on Twitter have this to say about #ADayWithoutWomen. Some of these are classic, by the way…

…you get the gist. Here’s the deal. I don’t find equality “threatening” at all (as a liberal who may be going on “strike” today would possibly say to me). I am not repressed and I am not ignorant to the challenges we face as women. But I choose to work and last I checked, we do live in a free country and I have that right. I am blessed to have a job that allows me to work around my child’s schedule and I honestly don’t feel that walking off my job is going to do anything to endear me to my fellow co-workers who are also women or to benefit women in poverty here or across the world or women living as slaves in Middle Eastern countries. You see, if I don’t work, I don’t get paid. This has nothing to do with discrimination, it is the way my job was set up and I agreed to it. No time, no money. And I happen to like money. If I don’t work, I cannot do anything to monetarily help a woman in poverty or living as a slave. If I don’t work, I don’t put clothes on my kid’s back nor do I have gas to put in my car to go to the store to buy food for my eleven year-old growing son who eats like a horse. So yes, while some women will be taking the day off and wearing those ridiculous pussy hats, I will be working. And I will bringing snacks for all while we do…get this…WORK!

I suppose when I get home from work, I could put my feet up and watch Netflix. Or perhaps, I should tune every one in my household out. After all, it is a strike. Funny but I really think this whole concept was created by a bunch of single women with NO CHILDREN who don’t understand the concept that putting one’s feet up and ignoring said children or husband in your house does not happen in this corner of the universe! So, nope. I’m “working” at home too, and I am happy to do it. I love my child and my husband and they are more important to me than some stupid made-up SJW cause! Hint: if you only consider your husband and kids WORK, perhaps you’re doing it wrong.

We women who are working today are working because we made a choice and a commitment and we choose to honor our commitments. We work today because we put on our big-girl pants and decided not to call ourselves victims. We work today because that is what our ancestors did to make better lives for themselves. They did not complain, whine or march through the streets with signs at some modern-day coffee clutch masking as a “cause”. They went to work. We work today because some of you decided that this world was just too much to handle and you just needed a day off. Don’t worry, we’ll cover for ya on the job and public educators, we’ll catch our kids up on the instruction they missed at school because YOU took the day off (on my tax dime, thank you very much). We will bring home the bacon and yes, we will fry it up in a pan, too. Don’t lift a finger today, oh Ladies of the Resistance…unless, of course you’re pointing your middle one at The White House because we all know that you can muster up the energy for that one. For every thing else, we’ll pick up your slack. Fear not, sisters of the traveling pussy hats, we got you. You’re welcome.

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  • Nina says:

    “Us women who are working today are working because we made a choice and a commitment and we choose to honor our commitments. We work today because we put on our big-girl pants and decided not to call ourselves victims. We work today because that is what our ancestors did to make better lives for themselves. They did not complain, whine or march through the streets with signs. They went to work.” Brilliant!!

  • Lisa Carr says:

    Thanks, Nina! 🙂

  • VALman says:

    From some years ago, her husband left her and their two children for another woman. While there was some financial support for them, it wasn’t sufficient.
    So, she worked, the best she could. In the home, she worked. She took-in laundry, washed and ironed. She canned and sold what she could She worked.

    She worked on their home, nothing fancy but always well-kept and comfortable. In whatever detailed manner she could, it was made a pleasant environment for the children. Oh, and she worked on them as well.

    No victimhood for her nor the children. They were taught to be police and respectful. They had duties around the house, as well as learning to add to the household purse. School lessons were done before play. Rule were observed, otherwise there were consequences.

    I shudder to think of a day without such women as her. No, not a relative. Someone who I hold in dear memory as she lived and worked with dignity, grace, and the resolve to make live as good as she good for her children and herself.
    Again, no victimhood for her, nor complaining about the wrong. She didn’t have the inclination, I never learned why. She was too busy. She worked.

    I have the belief that there are many women today similar to her. Going about living with a resolution to do their very best for their lived ones as well as for themselves. So, to Lisa and all you other women who are observing #anotherwonderfulinspiringdayWITH women, I say, “God bless!”

  • Lisa Carr says:

    God Bless you, too, VALman!

  • Deb says:

    Once again, we see how by cultivating the tribalism of feminism, many otherwise bright women have become useful idiots. They are fighting for an ideal they don’t understand.

    The Progressive [Marxist] ideal is one in which women and men are equal. This kind of equality is exemplified by the treatment of women in Mao’s utopia. Women and men worked side-by-side in agriculture and industry. If a woman was pregnant, she would work until her child was born. Afterward, the child(ren) would be sent to a government-run daycare or school, so that the woman could get back to work.

  • GWB says:

    by refraining from … unpaid work

    Pfft. So every day is March 8th at some people’s houses………

    while receiving lower wages and experiencing greater inequities, vulnerability to discrimination, sexual harassment, and job insecurity

    Ummm, no. NONE of those things is true, in general, of women in Western Civilization. (In our current climate, *I* am more likely to suffer discrimination and sexual harassment than any woman.)

    Funny but I really think this whole concept was created by a bunch of single women with NO CHILDREN

    Well, duh. These are women who could never form a real partnership with a man, and would abort any issue of any relationship they ever did have.

    For every thing else, we’ll pick up your slack. Fear not, sisters, we got you. You’re welcome DLTDHYOTWO.

    FIFY 😉

    (BTW, that pic with the women in the burquas is photoshopped. The chain was not in the original pic.)

  • BondGirl says:

    In addition to working today, in a job I enjoy, I plan to drive a car. I also plan to go out of the house, without a man. I’ll probably do a little shopping at lunch. I can do those things because I do not live under sharia law, and I can go out in public, head uncovered.

    After work, I am going out for drinks to celebrate a friend’s birthday. She’s a single woman, living alone, but somehow, she’s allowed to leave the house. Yes, hubby will have to figure out how to feed the kids tonight–my money is on pizza–but it is not because I am on strike. It’s because we are a team. And I would never play the game of “I work so hard” with him, because although we both work and get stuff done, he really does work very hard to provide for us. It would be insulting to go on strike.

  • Michelle says:

    Its sad that people need to be reminded that all people matter.

  • Lisa Carr says:

    “I honestly don’t feel that walking off my job is going to do anything to endear me to my fellow co-workers who are also women or to benefit women in poverty here or across the world or women living as slaves in Middle Eastern countries.”

    Sometimes, women choose to QUIETLY help behind the scenes and not create a spectacle. Some women donate 10 percent of their earnings every month to food banks, to women’s shelters, to reputable organizations across the globe that help empower women. They KNOW all people matter.

    But apparently, those of us who don’t follow in the footsteps of the popular kids and THEIR choice of expression, I guess, need to be “reminded”. Because wearing a stupid hat and posting childish signs with vulgarity and profanity and reminding people constantly that we possess vaginas remind the “clueless” that ALL people matter?!

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