Ted Nugent’s Anti-Semitic Rants Gives NRA a Black Eye

Ted Nugent’s Anti-Semitic Rants Gives NRA a Black Eye

Let me start with this disclaimer: I’ve never been a fan of Ted Nugent. I never cared for the hard rock style of the “Motor City Madman”…

Facebook Starts Online Initiative in Europe to Ban “Hate Speech”

Facebook Starts Online Initiative in Europe to Ban “Hate Speech”

Imagine an influx of refugees. Imagine bomb threats, mass shootings crime, violence and mass sexual assaults. Imagine the outrage. Now imagine an attempt to implement damage control…

FBI Makes It Official: SanBernardino Shootings Were Terrorism (video)

FBI Makes It Official: SanBernardino Shootings Were Terrorism (video)

Today the FBI officially confirmed what most of us already knew: the attacks in San Bernardino were terrorism. President Obama and assorted media liberals remain most strongly hit by…

Facebook to add Dislike button

Facebook may be adding a new “Dislike” button. Secretly I’ve been wishing for this for years. However, upon learning more specifics, I have a few thoughts: 1. I…

Is Rand Paul Paranoid When A Facebook “Bug” Tracks Non-Users?

With the recent addition of Rand Paul to the 2016 GOP Candidate pool, I have been thinking a lot about issues that I agree and disagree with…

Sarah Palin vs. PETA Hypocrites

It all started with one innocent post on New Year’s Day, wishing people victory over their “stumbling blocks” in life. It even had a cute picture of…

Amber Cornwell: We Do Weep For You

The Christmas season is a time of laughter, joy, family, silliness, and the creation of treasured memories. Sadly this was not the case for Amber Cornwell. Tragically,…

Cell Phone Privacy versus Facebook Privacy

On Wednesday of last week the New York Supreme Court – the lowest court in the New York system – unsealed a ruling that it had issued…

NSA Denies Mimicking Facebook But Internal Docs Prove Otherwise

Last week we heard all about how the NSA was pretending to be Facebook.  Maybe you cared, maybe you didn’t.  (If you didn’t, then you’re part of…

Did Anti-Gun Groups Really Score a Victory Over Facebook?

Our favorite anti-gun groups, Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action, are both crowing about the new policies in place on Facebook regarding the potential sales…

Anne Rice and the First Amendment-A Catholic Fan’s Perspective

Yesterday as I was traipsing through the internet an article about author Anne Rice caught my eye. As a lifelong fan of Anne, I clicked on the…

Facebook Knows Your Relationships Better Than You Do

As if Facebook wasn’t invasive enough, now comes this article about how they’re mining data about your relationships.  Seems like the phrase “Facebook official” has a whole…

How to End Teenage Bullying

In Plano, Texas, a girl named Shea Shawhan has become the victim of bullying. It’s not a new story — indeed, the rise of bullying over the…

“We Will Wear Dresses”-Egyptian women hope to recapture their freedom via Facebook

On August 24th Egyptian women are invited to recapture their freedom through fashion by participating in the “We Will Wear Dresses” Facebook event.  According to one of…

NYC Police Officer Lawrence DePrimo buys boots for Homeless Man (Photo, Video)

Tourist Jennifer Foster of Florence, AZ was sightseeing in Times Square with her husband on a cold November 14th evening when they saw a shoeless man, apparently…

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Ava Gardner