CBS Schooled By JD Vance On The Economy, Immigration, And FEMA

CBS Schooled By JD Vance On The Economy, Immigration, And FEMA

It is so fun to watch JD Vance clean media clocks. This time is was CBS and this morning’s Face The Nation with Margaret Brennan.

Energy Watchdogs Warn Of Power Blackouts This Summer

Energy Watchdogs Warn Of Power Blackouts This Summer

Key energy and power grid watchdogs are issuing warnings that it is highly likely parts of the U.S. will experience power blackouts this summer.

McDonald’s Layoffs Hold An Economic Warning

McDonald’s Layoffs Hold An Economic Warning

The American economy has never completely recovered from the COVID shutdown and the “rescue plan” that just dumped cash in people’s pockets and inflated everything. The latest…

Biden’s Chevron Oil Deal Won’t Benefit Americans

Biden’s Chevron Oil Deal Won’t Benefit Americans

An oil deal was announced over Thanksgiving weekend with Chevron, and all Americans were supposed to cheer the news. However, there are two catches to this. One,…

OPEC+ To Biden: Pound Sand

OPEC+ To Biden: Pound Sand

Well, not only is OPEC+ laughing at Biden, they literally told him to pound sand today. As I noted just two days ago, there was significant speculation…

Solar Panels From China Will Solve Energy Crisis

Solar Panels From China Will Solve Energy Crisis

Solar panels from China will solve all our energy problems! That was the gist of Biden’s egregious and unnecessary use of the Defense Production Act yesterday.

Mark Ruffalo: Ukraine War is a Gift to Biden

Mark Ruffalo: Ukraine War is a Gift to Biden

Mark Ruffalo is not a scientist. Nor is he an expert on foreign affairs. He is, however, an actor from The Avengers series. And he has an…

Elon Musk Says We Need Oil And Gas Production

Elon Musk Says We Need Oil And Gas Production

Your eyes do not deceive you. Tesla founder and owner Elon Musk is saying we need MORE oil and gas production, and we need it NOW.

Energy Secretary Granholm Says Prepare To Suffer

Energy Secretary Granholm Says Prepare To Suffer

The Carter years are back, baby! At least, that seems to be the general takeaway every time Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm opens her mouth.

U.S. Mayors Dig In Their Heels After Trump Abandons #ParisAgreement [VIDEO]

U.S. Mayors Dig In Their Heels After Trump Abandons #ParisAgreement [VIDEO]

The State of Fear that is emanating from the climate change alarmists right now is one for the books. I don’t think any Las Vegas bookie could’ve…

Obama’s $10 Tax Per Barrel Will Bust Oil Industry And American Economy

Obama’s $10 Tax Per Barrel Will Bust Oil Industry And American Economy

Oh that President Obama….he’s just chock full of stellar ideas! As matter of fact, this week has been nothing but one “bright” idea after another! First it…

Obama’s Transformation Of America: Not The Change We Need

Obama’s Transformation Of America: Not The Change We Need

In 2008 a certain Presidential candidate by the name of Barack Obama announced his plan for this Republic. Actually it wasn’t a plan, it was more of…

Meet the Newly Elected Women in Congress

Meet the Newly Elected Women in Congress

For the first time the number of women in Congress will break 100. According to the Washington Post, the post-election total stands at 101, but could grow….

dark hero, crime fighter

dark hero, crime fighter

american solutions announced a video contest for their “Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less” movement, where the winner would get a year’s supply of gasoline free for…

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Ava Gardner