Oh, the Irony! Hogg Beclowned Himself With His Publix Stunt. [VIDEO]

Oh, the Irony! Hogg Beclowned Himself With His Publix Stunt. [VIDEO]

So Publix folded like a cheap suit. It seems that David Hogg and his Band of Brats intimidated the grocery chain with threats of a “die-in” at…

Hey, David Hogg, the 60’s Called. They Want Their Die-In Protests Back. [VIDEO]

Hey, David Hogg, the 60’s Called. They Want Their Die-In Protests Back. [VIDEO]

Are David Hogg’s fifteen minutes finally running out? Or is Texas sucking all the air out of his attention chamber? Hogg must be frustrated. No one is…

The Campaign of Hate Against Kyle Kashuv

The Campaign of Hate Against Kyle Kashuv

In the wake of yesterday’s tragedy in Santa Fe, Texas, which left 10 people dead and 10 injured, the usual horde of gun grabbers immediately began its…

Parkland Activists Already Standing On #SantaFeISD Victims [VIDEO]

Parkland Activists Already Standing On #SantaFeISD Victims [VIDEO]

The worst time to grandstand about a horrific crime is right after it happens. You would think that anyone who has experienced this would know better. However,…

Don’t Let Them Win

Don’t Let Them Win

I woke up this morning to a note from a friend. That friend happens to be New York Times bestselling science fiction author John Ringo, and while…

Note to Gun Grabbers: This is Why We Don’t Trust You

Note to Gun Grabbers: This is Why We Don’t Trust You

In a recent paper, Florida State criminologist Gary Kleck exposed some interesting information about the Centers for Disease Control’s research into gun violence – research conducted in…

Parkland Students On TIME 100 Most Influential People List. Obama Swoons. [VIDEO]

Parkland Students On TIME 100 Most Influential People List. Obama Swoons. [VIDEO]

They’re baaaack. Just when you thought that the proverbial fifteen minutes were up for David Hogg and Company, TIME put them back into the spotlight, as the…

The Hypocrisy of Liberalism

The Hypocrisy of Liberalism

This morning, many around the world mourn the loss of Barbara Bush. Mother, literacy advocate, former First Lady, mother of a former president, Mrs. Bush was loved…

The New Boycott Rules [VIDEO]

The New Boycott Rules [VIDEO]

Everyone is up to speed on the spat between Parkland student David Hogg and Fox News host Laura Ingraham, right? If not, here is the short version:…

David Hogg Gets Owned by Hunter Pollack and Kyle Kashuv. [VIDEO]

David Hogg Gets Owned by Hunter Pollack and Kyle Kashuv. [VIDEO]

David Hogg must think he’s starring in the remake of Scott Pilgrim vs.The World. That’s the movie, based on a comic book, in which a garage band…

David Hogg’s Ungracious Refusal Of Laura Ingraham’s Apology [VIDEO]

David Hogg’s Ungracious Refusal Of Laura Ingraham’s Apology [VIDEO]

Like it or not and like him or not, David Hogg has become one of the central figures in the push for gun control since the horrific…

Emotion-Driven Rhetoric Makes Bad Public Policy [VIDEO]

Emotion-Driven Rhetoric Makes Bad Public Policy [VIDEO]

A buddy of mine made an interesting observation today. “That Emma Gonzalez must drink a crapload of water,” he quipped, “because she cries crocodile tears on command,…

#FutureDavidHoggCareer As We See It

#FutureDavidHoggCareer As We See It

David Hogg may never be satisfied when the national spotlight fades. We feel that with a little work he could succeed in a smaller venue. As long…

#FutureDavidHoggCareer As We See It

#FutureDavidHoggCareer As We See It

David Hogg’s public demonstration of such fine interpersonal skills, as seen here, leads us to believe he has a great future on the grave-yard shift at 7-Eleven.

The REAL Revolutionaries

The REAL Revolutionaries

Yesterday’s news was nothing but wall-to-wall coverage of the gun control protests. Interviews with March for Our Lives participants shrieking their ignorance, demanding that the rest of…

#FutureDavidHoggCareer As We See It

#FutureDavidHoggCareer As We See It

Number two in a series in which we muse on what David Hogg may be doing after his fame has wilted like prom boutonniere left on the…

I Have A Problem With David Hogg’s ‘Salute:’ Here’s Why [VIDEO]

I Have A Problem With David Hogg’s ‘Salute:’ Here’s Why [VIDEO]

The March For Our Lives rallies all over the world were replete with calls to ban any and all guns, disband the NRA, and was accompanied by…

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Ava Gardner