Cosby and Polanski Kicked Out Of Academy [VIDEO]

Cosby and Polanski Kicked Out Of Academy [VIDEO]

The real stunner isn’t that the Academy of Motion Pictures kicked out Bill Cosby after his conviction. It’s that they kicked out Roman Polanski at the same…

Hoosier Huckster Mellencamp Kneels on ‘Late Show.’ Because Racism, or Something. [VIDEO]

Hoosier Huckster Mellencamp Kneels on ‘Late Show.’ Because Racism, or Something. [VIDEO]

Rocker John Mellencamp and I have one thing in common. Well, make that two, because we’re both short. But both of us are also natives of Indiana.

Gregory Salcido: Why Should Possession of Kiddie Porn be a Crime? [VIDEO]

Gregory Salcido: Why Should Possession of Kiddie Porn be a Crime? [VIDEO]

History teacher and Pico Rivera council member Gregory Salcido has been removed from all his committee assignments after he accosted a student in his class wearing a…

Meanwhile, In the Gun-Free Utopia Known as the UK… [Video]

Meanwhile, In the Gun-Free Utopia Known as the UK… [Video]

Brits are being urged to hand over their guns because firearms crime is on the rise. Wait, what? Guns? In the UK? Where they implemented some of…

Obama’s #DACA: Five DREAMers Who’ve Harmed Innocents

Obama’s #DACA: Five DREAMers Who’ve Harmed Innocents

While the dishonest media focuses on those who’ve benefited from Barack Obama’s unconstitutional DACA program—and there are indeed many respectable folks—the truth about some of these “DREAMers”…

As Goes California: Is hug-a-thug coming to your state?

I was born and raised in southern California, coming of age in the early 70s. For all the laid-back, Hollywood glam, surfer, Fast Times at Ridgemont High…

OUT: Criminal IN: Justice-affected individual

California is second to none in following the latest Leftist diktat down the rabbit hole, regardless of absurdity. One-party authoritarianism, combined with outright bribery is Sacramento-normal. Indeed,…

The Numbers Grow In Michigan’s Female Genital Mutilation Case [VIDEO]

The Numbers Grow In Michigan’s Female Genital Mutilation Case [VIDEO]

A federal judge has weighed in on the evidence involved in the case of three people accused of performing or aiding in an Indian Muslim’s sect’s female…

Chicago Four Who Tortured Man With Special Needs Charged With Hate Crimes, But Was It A Hate Crime? [Video]

Chicago Four Who Tortured Man With Special Needs Charged With Hate Crimes, But Was It A Hate Crime? [Video]

The four individuals in Chicago responsible for the kidnapping and torture of a young man with special needs, that Deana wrote about here, have been charged. Here…

Washington State Imposes New Rules and Sanctions to Cater to Transgenders

Washington State Imposes New Rules and Sanctions to Cater to Transgenders

The old Vulcan proverb has been flipped on its head. The needs of the few now outweigh the needs of the many. In this case, it is…

Shooting At Northern Arizona University, Will It Be Politicized?

There was a shooting very early this morning on the campus of Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. However, as details emerge, this is developing not as a…

Aging Tuskegee Airman Robbed and Carjacked in St. Louis

Aging Tuskegee Airman Robbed and Carjacked in St. Louis

On Sunday night in St. Louis, an elderly black man was the victim of two crimes, both occurring separately. It’s shameful that any innocent person is a…

Ben Carson Goes to Harlem

Ben Carson Goes to Harlem

It’s been claimed that one reason for Donald Trump’s meteoric rise in the polls is due not to his knowledge on policy issues (on which he doesn’t…

Woman Brutally Attacked, Baby Removed From Womb, Through A Craigslist Ad

Crime and Craigslist are not unknown to each other, and it has happened again. This time, a Colorado woman was brutally attacked when she answered an ad…

More Than 30 Teen Convicts Escape TN Detention Center, 17 Still At Large

Heads up, Tennessee:  Over thirty incarcerated juveniles at a Nashville detention center escaped yesterday by crawling under the fence.  As of 0300 EST this morning, 17 of…

Obama’s Cloward-Piven Strategy on the Southern Border

John Hayward has a must-read article at Human Events outlining the growing humanitarian crisis at the border.  Explaining how the current administration’s immigration policies (or lack thereof)…

Minnesota Homeowner Convicted of Murder For Shooting Home Intruders

A Minnesota man who had experienced multiple break-ins at his home was convicted of first and second degree murder Tuesday after he shot the two unarmed teenagers…

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Ava Gardner