#HillaryEmails: She Slept Through Presidential Security Briefing on #Benghazi

#HillaryEmails: She Slept Through Presidential Security Briefing on #Benghazi

Ireland has just voted overwhelmingly to approve of gay marriage in a referendum over the weekend, and Hillary Clinton just couldn’t wait to offer her hail and approval. Well done,…

Hillary ‘Agrees’ to Testify Before Congress on Emails and Benghazi

Hillary ‘Agrees’ to Testify Before Congress on Emails and Benghazi

A congressional committee chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy may soon be graced with the presence of one half of the dead-broke Clintons. You see, Queen Hillary has…

Unfit For Office: 5 Reasons Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President

Unfit For Office: 5 Reasons Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President

The gaffes during Hillary Clinton’s campaign kick-off tour last week, while cringe-worthy, are really just symptoms of the bigger virus that is the Clinton Machine. For example,…

#HillaryEmail: Experts Say Deleted Emails on Clinton’s Server May be Recoverable

#HillaryEmail: Experts Say Deleted Emails on Clinton’s Server May be Recoverable

Hillary Clinton still has an email problem. Seems the woman who thinks she can’t possibly run two email accounts on one cell phone, and that the Secret…

Hillary Visits White House Amid News Aides Emailed Her About Benghazi Via Personal Accounts

Hillary Visits White House Amid News Aides Emailed Her About Benghazi Via Personal Accounts

It’s an open secret that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama dislike one another. Immensely. But bucking that trend, the two met yesterday on the down low, at…

Hillary’s Email Problem

Hillary Clinton has an email problem. No, her email wasn’t hacked. No, the email servers didn’t crash. It’s a wee bit different than that. You see, during…

Hillary’s Idea Of SMART Power Is Therapy With Our Enemies

Hillary Clinton, the wanna be President, has a new take on what constitutes effective foreign policy. This one is even better than her RESET button for Russia…

Hillary Clinton’s Gone Country. No, Seriously.

This has been one crappy week in America, what with racial unrest, the news that China has become the world’s biggest economy, finding that Sony Pictures was hacked by…

The Absurdity of Mark “Uterus” Udall’s Race For US Senate

Mom, because of all those radio ads yelling about abortion against that Gardiner guy, is Colorado going to have to change its Constitution? Mom, this new radio ad…

Yes Hillary, Business DID Create Your Job

Everyone knows that Hillary Clinton has decided the next crown she is MUST wear is that of President of the United States right? No? Well, for those…

James Foley Mom Shocker: We Were an Annoyance To US Officials

Diane Foley, the mother of beheaded photojournalist James Foley, roundly criticized the Obama administration for their clumsy handling of their son’s kidnapping, as revealed in an interview…

Steven Joel Sotloff: 2nd American Journalist Threatened with Beheading by ISIS…unless Obama Acts

Steven Sotloff, a 31 year old nationally recognized freelance journalist whose stories appeared in Foreign Policy, Christian Science Monitor, and TIME magazine describes himself on his Twitter…

Hillary Speaks: We Pay The $$!

Want to have Hillary Rodham Clinton speak at your major fundraiser? If so, be prepared for a very hefty price tag and a lot of rules. Who has $225,000.00…

Obama Scandal List

The Obama administration’s scandals are numerous, yet Obama and his media are wont to say that they are “phony scandals” that the Republican Party like to chase. But…

Pope Francis, South Dakota’s GOP, and Scandals of Our Inept President

News agencies around the world today have picked up the story of Pope Francis and the ‘Ndrangheta. The ‘Ndrangheta is a crime syndicate that was established in…

ICYMI: Hillary Clinton Asked To Inscribe “Hard Choices” To Ambassador Stevens (Video) – and Weekend Links

In spite of her failed sluggish book sales, Hillary Clinton was out this week in DC doing a book tour for her latest missive called “Hard Choices”….

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Ava Gardner