Lena Dunham wonders if Princess Kate will abort her baby.

ATTENTION:  All males reading this!  Anyone interested in getting busy with Lena Dunham?  You know, the girl from “Girls”, who thinks abortion is “pro-life”? Nobody?  Then please deposit…

Amanda Marcotte is For Women! Unless Their Story Wrecks Her Narrative. Then Never Mind.

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is having a book published, and of course, the excerpts that will drive the most buzz were released first. In her book,…

Obama moving “Forward!” toward Amnesty while ISIS moving “Forward!” toward Jihad

Birth control.  LGBT rights.  Legalized marijuana.  Climate “change”. “Offensive” football team names.  These are just a few of the issues we obsess over until something else comes…

Rape Culture: Victim Says Hillary Clinton “Took Me Through Hell”

Audio of what has now been dubbed “The Hillary Tapes” have gone viral, causing understandable outrage across the nation. In the tapes, Hillary Clinton talks about a…

Feminists Furious About Cathy McMorris-Rodgers’ SOTU Rebuttal

It was inevitable. It happens whenever a conservative female Republican dares to be vocal about their political beliefs. Last night, President Obama delivered his State of the…

Feminazis Rush to Defend Wendy Davis

Wendy Davis is feeling the heat from the unfortunate outing of her life story. Far from being the struggling single mother who got divorced as a teenager,…

Victory Girls 2013 Awards

{This Awards blog is a collaborative effort among all the Victory Girls. I want to offer a big THANKS to fellow bloggers Deanna and Melanie for their…

Why is Everything About Sex, Amanda Marcotte?

It’s a day ending in “Y,” so Amanda Marcotte has said something stupid.  Again.  We’ve been through this before with her here on Victory Girls. This time,…

Amanda Marcotte Is An Ignorant Racist

Ah, Twitter.  That glorious medium of social expression that allows people to compress thoughts into 140 characters or less and make unfiltered public statements.  Some are more…

Amanda Marcotte is totally over engagement rings, so no one should have them anymore

Destroying things like marriage, the traditional family, chivalry, and romance is a favorite feminazi pastime. It doesn’t really matter what women actually want, because feminazis all know…

Hysterical Feminazis Whine Over the “Slut-Shaming” of Miley Cyrus at the VMAs

Were you lucky enough to catch Miley Cyrus’ cringe-worthy performance at the MTV Video Music Awards this weekend? If you missed it, go ahead and check it…

Amanda Marcotte, The Concern Troll

Monday was a big day for the British Commonwealth.  A new royal baby boy was born into the British monarchy to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge…

Congratulations, Feminazis: You Killed Feminism!

Once upon a time, feminism was about achieving equality between the sexes. Suffragettes fought to give women the right to vote, to be educated, to work outside…

Gosnell’s House of Horrors Exposes The Soulless Feminist Left

Gosnell’s House of Horrors Exposes The Soulless Feminist Left

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: One of the biggest news stories this week has been the exposure of Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s house of horrors masquerading as…

Top 10 Unhinged Reactions to the Arizona Shooting (Plus Hanoi Jane)

Top 10 Unhinged Reactions to the Arizona Shooting (Plus Hanoi Jane)

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: Last weekend, we all watched in horror as news of a horrific tragedy played across our television screens. A psychotic gunman…

Breaking News: Jessica Valenti is a Giant Coward

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: Feministing founder Jessica Valenti likes to write about just what makes a “real” feminist, and what doesn’t. Obviously, being a conservative…

Abortion Butchers Women, Both Pre- and Post-Roe

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: It’s long been predicted by the pro-abortion extremists that if Roe v. Wade is overturned, women will have to go back…

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Ava Gardner