An Evening with Ted Cruz and Champions of Religious Liberty

An Evening with Ted Cruz and Champions of Religious Liberty

It was a long day, after spending a total of 6 hours on the road, and pulling into our driveway at 1:30 in the morning, but the…

It’s Crunch Time for the Democrats and Joe Biden

It’s Crunch Time for the Democrats and Joe Biden

As it becomes increasingly clear to the Democrats that Hillary is an unlikable candidate because she has zero genuine personality, is a liar, and is in hot…

What Would Andrew Breitbart Say About #DonaldTrump?

The conservative movement lost one of its greatest “happy warriors” when Andrew Breitbart died suddenly in 2012. Imagine what the 2012 presidential election would have been like…

Fox News #GOPDebate Round One: The Undercards

Fox News #GOPDebate Round One: The Undercards

Let the games begin! If you’re anything like me—and I suspect you are since you’re reading this blog—you’ve been anticipating this day for months, like a restless…

#Trump: I’d Love Sarah Palin in My Cabinet, Trey Gowdy as Attorney General

#Trump: I’d Love Sarah Palin in My Cabinet, Trey Gowdy as Attorney General

I know, I know, it’s all Donald, all the time. And it’s getting a bit tedious. But this one I like. If for no other reason than…

Donald Trump Gets Blasted by Romney; The Donald Doubles Down

Fireworks were exploding over American skies last night to commemorate Independence Day, but the explosions were not limited to the heavens. They were detonating among Republican presidential…

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Announces He’s Running For President [VIDEO]

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Announces He’s Running For President [VIDEO]

Whether you love him, hate him, or are simply ambivalent, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has thrown his hat into the ever-growing pool ocean of potentials for…

It’s Official: Donald Trump Announces He’s Running for President

It’s Official: Donald Trump Announces He’s Running for President

Like it or not, real estate billionaire Donald Trump has thrown his, uh…hat into the ring for the 2016 Presidential race. And he started off, in typical…

Bill Clinton Claims He Will Stop Paid Speeches if Hillary Wins White House

Bill Clinton Claims He Will Stop Paid Speeches if Hillary Wins White House

When asked about his speaking engagements, Bill Clinton said he would stop making paid speeches if Hillary Clinton were elected to the presidency. When asked by Bloomburg…

Jeb Bush vs Putin?

Jeb Bush vs Putin?

Jeb Bush to give him credit is trying. But Putin the bully? Really? We have Daesh out murdering and raping and pillaging while threatening to bring their…

Rick Perry Launches 2016 Campaign For United States President

Rick Perry Launches 2016 Campaign For United States President

Today, at an Addison Texas airplane hanger standing in front of a C-130 prop plane, former Texas Governor Rick Perry entered the 2016 Presidential Race. In attendance were…

Lincoln Who? Democrat Lincoln Chafee to Announce 2016 Presidential Run

Lincoln Who? Democrat Lincoln Chafee to Announce 2016 Presidential Run

It’s not quite official. But Lincoln Chaffee, in an announcement today from the George Mason Center for Politics and Foreign Relations in Arlington, Virginia, is expected to announce…

Cruz Missile: Ted Cruz Asks Reporter Why the Left and Media are Obsessed with Sex

Cruz Missile: Ted Cruz Asks Reporter Why the Left and Media are Obsessed with Sex

Presidential candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz deflected a reporter’s gotcha questions, showing himself to be a skilled verbal pugilist as interpreted by Los Angeles street artist Sabo in…

Hillary hates Citizens United and big money in politics

Hillary hates Citizens United and big money in politics

Not true. Hillary only hates Citizens United, which allows for big money in politics. Wait, what? Hillary has pledged that any nominee of hers to the Supreme…

Hillary’s Campaign Off to Rocky Start in Iowa

Phony Hillary is at it again. Not only were at least three of the individuals portrayed as “everyday Americans” in her campaign launch video actually partisans with…

Marco Rubio Announces 2016 Presidential Bid At Freedom Tower Rally

This evening, Florida Senator Marco Rubio publicly announced his candidacy for President of the United States. As Francisco Alvarez at FoxNews Latino notes, making the announcement from…

In Conference Call Marco Rubio Announces He’s Running For President

In Conference Call Marco Rubio Announces He’s Running For President

Marco Rubio, who enjoyed the support of the Tea Party in his successful run for Florida’s senatorial seat in 2010, has announced on a conference call to…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner