It’s Official: Donald Trump Announces He’s Running for President

It’s Official: Donald Trump Announces He’s Running for President

It’s Official: Donald Trump Announces He’s Running for President

Like it or not, real estate billionaire Donald Trump has thrown his, uh…hat into the ring for the 2016 Presidential race. And he started off, in typical Trump fashion, by personally bashing all of the other dozen or so GOP candidates. Not about their policies but, for at least two of them, about sweating, clearly a jab at Marco Rubio and Rick Perry. And he says not one of the other candidates “has a chance” at winning the presidency. Here’s the entirety of his rather rambling announcement:

…and here’s the short list of what he promises to do if elected:


  • Repeal and replace ObamaCare
  • Build a wall on the southern border and bill it to Mexico
  • Get tough on ISIS
  • Strengthen our military, and support our vets
  • Stop Iran from getting nukes
  • Terminate Obama’s illegal immigration executive order
  • Fully support our Second Amendment liberties
  • End Common Core
  • Rebuild our infrastructure
  • Save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse
  • Renegotiate foreign trade deals
  • Reduce the mountain of debt

Now don’t get me wrong, a President Donald Trump would probably kick ass and take names, and not think twice about it. He’s a wildly successful, unapologetic international businessman, so he’d probably make an effective president, if not a challenger to Obama for the most arrogant POTUS. Ever. There’s also that little donation he made to the Clinton Foundation that just might dog him along the way. But his stated policies are solid, if he’s sincere, of course.

But…polls show The Donald with just about zero support. Fifty-nine percent of Iowa voters polled said they’d never vote for Trump. Ouch. How does he plan to secure the nomination with those kinds of numbers?

Whether you love him or hate him, if he’s able to get himself propelled on to the GOP debate stage this August, it’ll be a show. Because that’s what he offers: flamboyancy and self-promotion. Funny, though, he didn’t sweat during his announcement today on his own stage at his own Trump Tower, but he also wasn’t flanked by Navy SEALS, either.

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  • Appalled By The World says:

    I like his platform-but I just can’t take him seriously. Apparently, nobody else does either. Sad thing is if he even got 2 things on his list done he’d be light years better than The One.

    • Jodi Giddings says:

      Agreed! His ideas are great. It’s his arrogance that rubs me backwards. If forced, I’d vote for him, however. Like at gun point. Standing on the edge of a cliff.

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