Sotomayor Says She Cries Over SCOTUS Decisions

Sotomayor Says She Cries Over SCOTUS Decisions

Sotomayor Says She Cries Over SCOTUS Decisions

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor made a rather strange admission to an audience at Harvard.

Apparently, the so-called “wise Latina” really gets upset when rulings don’t go her way. Someone bring this woman a box of tissues.

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor told a crowd at Harvard University on Friday that she cries after some of the majority-conservative court’s decisions.

She’s one of three justices considered left-leaning on the court, which features six other justices considered right-leaning. Chief Justice John Roberts is thought to be the most centrist of the group.

“There are days that I’ve come to my office after an announcement of a case and closed my door and cried,” Sotomayor said.

“There have been those days. And there are likely to be more,” she added.

Her comments come just as conservative justices threw out a ruling that declared a congressional district in South Carolina was an unconstitutional racial gerrymander.

“There are moments when I’m deeply, deeply sad,” she said. “There are moments when, yes, even I feel desperation. We all do. But you have to own it, you have to accept it, you have to shed the tears, and then you have to wipe them and get up.”

Apparently, the Supreme Court is not like baseball, and crying is allowed? Who knows. But I bet if Justice Amy Coney Barrett admitted to crying when a ruling didn’t go her way, a Harvard audience would not have reacted sympathetically to her. They probably would have laughed in her face. Maybe the American people should lend a helping hand, and we could organize an effort for everyone to mail a single clean tissue to Sotomayor. That way, she would be covered for this next year.

Sotomayor is still struggling with being in the minority on the Court, I guess. After all, when she was appointed by Barack Obama, SCOTUS was firmly in the hands of the left. The left truly believed that they would never lose another presidential election. Donald Trump winning in 2016, and getting to appoint three justices, was more than a slap in the face. It inspired panic to the extent that the left has proposed court-packing, and is continually trying to undermine Clarence Thomas for having rich friends, and now Samuel Alito for flying a flag. There’s a real desperation on the left to undermine SCOTUS because – gasp! – they aren’t interpreting the law the way the left wants. The Dobbs decision was the cherry on top of that particular sundae, and there are plenty of decision to come this June that will just ramp up the hysteria on the left even more. For example, that South Carolina case was a 6-3 decision.

The Supreme Court on Thursday threw out a ruling by a federal district court holding that a congressional district on the South Carolina coast was an unconstitutional racial gerrymander – that is, it sorted voters based primarily on their race. In an opinion by Justice Samuel Alito, the justices cleared the way for the state to use the map going forward. The 6-3 decision, with the justices divided on ideological lines, means that the disputed district will remain a safe seat for Republicans, who hold a 6-1 advantage in the state’s congressional delegation. More broadly, Thursday’s decision creates a high bar for plaintiffs in future racial gerrymandering cases to meet.

And of course, two of the biggest cases coming up is Trump’s presidential immunity case, and Fischer v. United States, which deals with the charges being brought against the January 6th protesters/rioters. That last case has the left in a frenzy, because if SCOTUS rules that the charges against the January 6th protesters were wrongly applied and convictions could or should be vacated, then one of their biggest “weapons” against Donald Trump will disappear. Which is why there is a concerted attempt to get Alito to recuse himself off the case because of a flag. And it’s being fueled by the media.

But back to the wise Latina. There are still quite a few rumblings on the left regarding Sonia Sotomayor. You see, the left has played the long game in regards to the Supreme Court. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was supposed to leave the court when Hillary Clinton was elected. But when Antonin Scalia passed away, and Barack Obama was (thank God) prevented from putting Merrick Garland on the Court by Mitch McConnell (for which he deserves our eternal thanks), RBG hung on to her seat. We all know how that played out. The left then pressured Stephen Breyer to retire so that Joe Biden would get a “safe” pick in Ketanji Brown Jackson. The left has now shifted its focus to Sotomayor, who is going to be turning 70 this June. While the pressure campaign hasn’t been quite as strong as it was for Breyer, the rumblings are there.

At a University of California, Berkeley Law appearance in January, Sotomayor told the audience she’s “tired.” The cases are bigger and more demanding, and the court’s emergency docket is busy even during the summer break, she said.

A few weeks later, the advocacy group Fix the Court released a trove of documents it obtained from the US Marshals Service that showed Sotomayor traveled with a “medic” to Florida in 2018. It also appeared to show that a marshal traveling with her for protection on trips to Florida and Puerto Rico in 2021 brought medical supplies and gear with them.

But there doesn’t seem to be any real concern about Sotomayor’s health impacting her position on the court. The Obama appointee’ has been outspoken about living with a chronic illness, having been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 7.

If the left begins to believe that Joe Biden will lose the election, and if they are past the point of no return on replacing him, then expect the pressure campaign to get Sotomayor to retire while the Senate is still controlled by the Democrats to escalate. Sotomayor likes to talking about her feelings – maybe she will get mad and tell the left she is fine. Or maybe she’ll succumb to the pressure. Either way, more tears will probably be involved.

Featured image: Justice Sonia Sotomayor in 2009 via Wikimedia Commons, cropped, public domain

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