Pro-Life Activist Arrested By FBI While Jane’s Revenge Skates

Pro-Life Activist Arrested By FBI While Jane’s Revenge Skates

Pro-Life Activist Arrested By FBI While Jane’s Revenge Skates

Two tiers of justice in this country. A pro-life activist is arrested by the FBI while the pro-abortion group Jane’s Revenge skates.

Mark Houck, a well-known, 48-year-old, Catholic pro-life activist who partakes in sidewalk counseling around abortion clinics, was arrested for alleged violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, according to a report from LifeSite News. During the incident in question last year, the Catholic activist pushed a hostile pro-abortion activist away from his son after the man made repeated obscene statements to the 12-year-old, according to Houck’s wife, Ryan-Marie.

The man tried to sue Houck, but the case was thrown out by the District Court in Philadelphia, Ryan-Marie said. Now, federal prosecutors allege that Houck assaulted the man twice at the Planned Parenthood Elizabeth Blackwell Health Center on Locust Street in Philadelphia and that he required medical attention the second time, according to the Justice Department. He made his initial appearance in federal court on Friday.

The back story of this case is as follows. Houck has been sidewalk counseling in front of Philadelphia abortion clinics for years now. Without incident. Until last year when one of the volunteer pro-abortion activist escorts started spouting obscenities at Houck’s 12 year old son. And did so while getting up close and personal with the child. All of this is found in the court papers of the federal case that the judge THREW OUT. 

Yes, that’s correct. It was a federal case due to the FACE Act (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances ) and the district court threw the case out. Now, suddenly a year later, 20-30 FBI agents show up to arrest Mark Houck. He’s now facing 11 years in prison and thousands in fines and legal costs. Remember, the case was thrown out on the federal level by a district judge. So why is Merrick Garland’s DOJ and FBI suddenly going after this man? 

I can only think that they are trying to make an example of him. The Dobbs ruling rendered Roe v Wade BACK to the states. It’s now up to the states to decide what if any abortions at any time of the pregnancy are legal or not. Yet the feds with Biden in charge want to that law (however they design it, which would be abortion on demand is my guess) to be federalized. Pro-life protests, no matter how peaceful, won’t be allowed. 

This entire thread detailing the issue is a must read. 

Meanwhile, the pro-abortion group Jane’s Revenge is walking scot free right now, even though they’ve admitted to the vandalization and even bombings of pro-life centers. 

Jane’s Revenge has claimed responsibility for at least 18 arson and vandalism attacks on crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) and other faith-based organizations throughout the U.S. since the May 2 leak of the Supreme Court draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation first told Fox News Digital in June that it had launched an investigation into the targeted vandalism. The FBI said in a Sept. 7 statement that it was still investigating the “series of attacks and threats targeting pregnancy resource centers, faith-based organizations, and reproductive health clinics across the country, as well as to judicial buildings, including the US Supreme Court,” but it made no mention of Jane’s Revenge specifically.

Here again is where the two tiers of justice come into play. Jane’s Revenge has proudly announced their dangerous and illegal activism. What has the FBI done? Not one damned thing. Meanwhile, a pro-life activist is now under federal arrest and faces eleven years in prison because Garland’s DOJ decided the case needed to be re-litigated THEIR way. Which could only mean a guilty verdict is a sure thing given how the DOJ has handled this mess. 

Oh but wait, they “say” they didn’t send SWAT to the Houck home, but they DID send over 20 agents. Can we say intimidation tactics? Why yes we can. And, it gets even worse. 

At least one politician is now on record demanding answers. 

Meanwhile the Biden Administration either pushes for full abortion on demand or they tap dance when faced with difficult questions. 

Will they have anything to say about the Houck case or the pro-abortion group Jane’s Revenge being allowed to skate? Mum’s the word!

The very fact that the FBI and Garland’s DOJ went to this extreme to arrest a man whose initial case had ALREADY been thrown out of court, and the same FBI is now being found to have abused the system in order to go after supposed January 6 protestors is wrong on every single level. It’s a complete misuse of power and is antithetical to what this country is about. 

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Feature Photo Credit: Federal Bureau of Investigation/flickr/cropped/public domain.

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  • Chris says:


  • GWB says:

    Nina, are you sure the first case was a FACE Act prosecution? I was under the impression the case that was thrown out was a local assault charge. And there was a lawsuit the jerk lost.

  • SDN says:

    Now, Nina, I’m told that pointing this out is tu Quogue and “whataboutism by any number of so-called libertarians and conservatives. It’s as though that “equal justice under law” the Constitution guarantees us only applies to the “right sort”.

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