Newsom Challenges DeSantis To A CNN Duel

Newsom Challenges DeSantis To A CNN Duel

It all started with bussing illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard and a sanctimonious tweet from California Governor, Gavin Newsom. Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, responded in kind and…

Newsom Tries New Gun Law To Bait SCOTUS

Newsom Tries New Gun Law To Bait SCOTUS

No one ever accused Governor Gavin Newsom of being the smartest governor ever.

Lockdown King Gavin Newsom Gets The Vid

Lockdown King Gavin Newsom Gets The Vid

Gavin Newsom has Covid. That’s right, the Lockdown King has a mild case of the virus. But he’s super grateful for the vaccines and the booster shots!

Gov. Newsom Gets the Memo On Uvalde

Gov. Newsom Gets the Memo On Uvalde

California’s Gavin Newsom Newscum didn’t waste any time after the evil committed in Uvalde, Texas, to round up some cameras for a convenient tantrum.

Gavin Newsom’s Train Robbery Theatrics

Gavin Newsom’s Train Robbery Theatrics

Train robbery theatrics. That about sums up Gavin Newsom swooping in to finally address the issues of looting along the railroads.

Gavin Newsom Has A New Idea For Gun-Control

Gavin Newsom Has A New Idea For Gun-Control

Gun-control legislation modeled after the Texas abortion law, according to Gavin Newsom, is a terrific idea! In a Saturday night news dump, Newsom issued the following statement.

Gavin Newsom MIA after receiving COVID booster

Gavin Newsom MIA after receiving COVID booster

California Governor, Gavin Newsom, is MIA after recently receiving his Johnson and Johnson COVID booster shot.

Science! Newsom Mandates Vaccines For ALL K-12 Students

Science! Newsom Mandates Vaccines For ALL K-12 Students

Gavin Newsom is following the science! with his mandates. The science of politics that is. Yesterday, Gavin Newsom, fresh off of his recall victory decided another mandate…

Newsom To Remain Dictator of California

Newsom To Remain Dictator of California

The news reports from the mainstream media were gleeful almost in talking about yesterday’s recall election in California. Declaring Gavin Newsom victorious over a recall was the…

Newsom Ordered To Cough Up Cash In Church Case

Newsom Ordered To Cough Up Cash In Church Case

The woes are mounting fast for California Governor, Gavin Newsom. Newsom, who is facing a recall, has now been ordered by a federal judge to pay $1.35…

Gavin Newsom Tries To Bribe His Way Out Of Recall

Gavin Newsom Tries To Bribe His Way Out Of Recall

Bribe your way out of a recall. That’s Gavin Newsom’s new gambit. It seems California has quite the surplus, $75 billion dollars worth.

Campaign to recall Gavin Newsom is official

Campaign to recall Gavin Newsom is official

It’s official! The campaign to recall Gavin Newsom gathered enough signatures to officially make the ballot to recall train-wreck California Governor.

California: Will Newsom Escape A Recall?

California: Will Newsom Escape A Recall?

Governor Gavin Newsom is quite put out that he’s even being recalled in the first place, as we learned when the measure collected enough signatures to reach…

Newsom Recall Is On, Now Come Excuses

Newsom Recall Is On, Now Come Excuses

While the national media has been focused on the imbroglio of the Cuomo harassment stories while continuing to sidestep the callous disregard for life in New York…

Newsom Starts His Presidential Campaign

Newsom Starts His Presidential Campaign

Last night Gavin Newsom took over Dodger Stadium to give an ostensible State of the State speech. Make no mistake, after watching Governor Hairgel telling Californians about…

Gavin Newsom Picks Open Racist Shirley Weber for Sec of State

Gavin Newsom Picks Open Racist Shirley Weber for Sec of State

Mad King Newsom has shown no signs of retreating in far-left governance of neo-feudal California. While in a fit of sanity Californians rejected Prop16 (legalizing racial discrimination)…

Mad King Gavin Newsom: Shutdowns FOREVAH!!!

Mad King Gavin Newsom: Shutdowns FOREVAH!!!

While you were focused on the firestorm of Democrat-enabled Leftwing violence this weekend, CA Gov. Newsom declared himself King and instituted new covid rules. Rules both contrary…

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