President Donald Trump Fires FBI Director James Comey [VIDEO]

President Donald Trump Fires FBI Director James Comey [VIDEO]

Speculation has been running rampant ever since FBI Director James Comey released a certain letter last fall that, depending upon who you ask, may or may not…

WTF? James Comey Says Move Along, Nothing More to See in Hillary’s Emails [VIDEOS]

WTF? James Comey Says Move Along, Nothing More to See in Hillary’s Emails [VIDEOS]

James Comey just dropped another bombshell two days before Election Day. In an announcement to Congress, Comey wrote the following: “The FBI investigative team has been working…

FBI Director James Comey Tries To Defend Integrity Of Clinton Email Probe And Fails [VIDEOS]

FBI Director James Comey Tries To Defend Integrity Of Clinton Email Probe And Fails [VIDEOS]

FBI Director Comey isn’t having a very good day. This morning he appeared in front of Congress to answer additional questions concerning the FBI’s investigation of Hillary…

James Comey’s Awkward Tap Dance During Chris Wallace Interview

James Comey’s Awkward Tap Dance During Chris Wallace Interview

James Comey doesn’t tap dance very well. But he sure gave it the old college try during this morning’s interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday.

The Net Closes In On James Comey

The Net Closes In On James Comey

The net is closing in on Former FBI Director James Comey. The man who bragged about triggering the appointment of the Special Counsel is feeling the heat…

Rod Rosenstein Dunks On James Comey

Rod Rosenstein Dunks On James Comey

Rod Rosenstein, just two days after leaving the DOJ, is making it very clear that he is not a fan of James Comey. Comey is a ‘partisan…

FBI’s James Comey: There Was A Mistake Made With Dylann Roof’s Background Check After All

FBI’s James Comey: There Was A Mistake Made With Dylann Roof’s Background Check After All

After the Federal Bureau of Investigation told us that the background check performed when the alleged shooter in the Charleston, South Carolina church massacre was sound it…

James Clapper Claims Hunter Laptop Letter Was “Distorted” By Politico

James Clapper Claims Hunter Laptop Letter Was “Distorted” By Politico

James Clapper is attempting to rewrite the narrative after the Washington Post decided, three years later, to fact check the Politico article and Hunter Biden Russia laptop…

Durham Criminal Investigation Focuses On Brennan And Comey

Durham Criminal Investigation Focuses On Brennan And Comey

Federal prosecutor John Durham wants to know what former C.I.A. director John Brennan knew and who did he talk to regarding the Steele Dossier and Russia’s 2016…

Inspector General’s Comey Report Shows Misconduct

Inspector General’s Comey Report Shows Misconduct

The Office Inspector General’s (OIG) report on the conduct of former FBI Director James Comey in regard to the release of several memos he wrote after his…

Comey Firing Led To FBI Trump Investigation

Comey Firing Led To FBI Trump Investigation

We’re going to file this one under “Beware The Deep State”. The New York Times posted an article with the title “F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump…

Comey Goes Full Trump Bashing In Interview

Comey Goes Full Trump Bashing In Interview

We all knew that James Comey disliked Donald Trump, and internalized that dislike when he was fired as FBI Director. However, Comey has proved continually that his…

What About Hillary? Former Sailor Trump Pardoned Files Suit Against Obama, Comey Citing Unequal Justice

What About Hillary? Former Sailor Trump Pardoned Files Suit Against Obama, Comey Citing Unequal Justice

What was “careless” for Hillary saw another man jailed. And for a microscopic infraction in comparison.

Like Hillary, Comey Used Private Email to Conduct Official Business [video]

Like Hillary, Comey Used Private Email to Conduct Official Business [video]

Is it really so hard to just follow the rules? According to DOJ policy, private emails should not be used for official business – any official business,…

#ComeyMemos: Yes Jake Tapper, Comey’s Book Tour Is Tanking His Credibility And CNN’S [VIDEO]

#ComeyMemos: Yes Jake Tapper, Comey’s Book Tour Is Tanking His Credibility And CNN’S [VIDEO]

James Comey has been front and center the last few days since his book “A Higher Loyalty” was released. If Comey wanted to use the book as…

Four Takeaways From The Comey Interview [VIDEO]

Four Takeaways From The Comey Interview [VIDEO]

James Comey has given a lengthy interview to ABC in promotion of his new book, “A Higher Loyalty,” and it turns out that no one is a…

Did Comey Leak Classified Memos? [VIDEO]

Did Comey Leak Classified Memos? [VIDEO]

Remember the memos that former FBI director James Comey leaked to his friend? The ones that he admitted to leaking during sworn testimony to the Senate? All…

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Ava Gardner