Newsom Ordered To Cough Up Cash In Church Case

Newsom Ordered To Cough Up Cash In Church Case

Newsom Ordered To Cough Up Cash In Church Case

The woes are mounting fast for California Governor, Gavin Newsom. Newsom, who is facing a recall, has now been ordered by a federal judge to pay $1.35 million over the state’s lockdown of 3,000 churches during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, I’d say. The lawsuit was brought on by Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, California and represented by Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit law firm. Newsom was ordered to pay costs and attorney’s fees and ordered to stop regulating church attendance unless a specific set of infection statistics occur, which is unlikely. In fact, back in February, the Supreme Court ordered Newsom to allow church congregations to assemble.

Newsom’s July 6, 2020 order included no singing and chanting (those droplets will get you)! Apparently, singing and chanting at church was not explicit enough, so Newsom issued another order to ban worship. Newsom’s orders were not limited to in-church gatherings but also in-home gatherings such as Bible study groups and fellowship. Get it? No gathering was to happen! But those riots on the city streets? Those “peaceful protests” the praying folks of California who were banned from their sanctuaries saw on TV? Those burning down buildings, breaking windows and trashing neighborhoods were just Americans exercising their Constitutional rights. Arson. Looting. Vandalism. Violence. No worries, man. No lawsuits. No fines. No imprisonment. No harsh warnings from Governor Newsom. Celebrities over in Malibu were talking smack about church-goers throughout the pandemic while funding bail for the thugs.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Still true to this day, last I checked. But the over-reaching governor did not stop there. On August 13 2020, the Pasadena Assistant Prosecutor in the Criminal Division sent Harvest Rock Church, a church that continued to meet during the pandemic, a letter demanding that all, indoor, in-person worship services cease. The letter threatens daily criminal charges and fines to Pastor Ahn, the church, staff, and parishioners. The letter states that each criminal charge is punishable by up to one year in prison.

And while the (hopefully soon-to-be recalled) governor is planning $2 billion in spending to prevent and prepare for wildfires, he’s been ordered to fork out $1.3 million in attorney’s fees and court costs. Too bad, so sad. Looks like Mr. Newsom may need to cancel his holiday get-together at The French Laundry.

This is the nation’s first statewide permanent injunction against COVID-19 restrictions on churches and places of worship.

“He is the worst governor in America for religious freedom.”- Mat Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel

You got that right, Mat. Now do Jay Inslee in Washington. (Please?)

California has led the nation in safely reopening because our decisions are based on what the science and data tells us, and we will continue to do so as we look beyond the Blueprint.”-Statement from Gavin Newsom’s office

Oh, the science and the data! Here we go again. We look beyond the blueprint. We are so smart. We know what’s good for you, residents of California!

Of course, we could look at it this way. Perhaps Governor Newsom was protecting California church-goers by dictating they not assemble during the pandemic. AntiFa atheists-I’m looking at you all. Your beloved Democratic governor did not protect you during the COVID-19 crisis. He let you all gather in the streets and perhaps you fell victim to the Great Plague of 2020. How irresponsible of him! I mean, this guy shouldn’t be in office, right?

I know, the above is a stretch. Clearly, Gavin Newsom knew something the inferior, God-believing population did not know. After all, worship droplets, prayer plosives into a microphone and sermon saliva were scientifically far more dangerous than a mask-less gathering of elites at a Michelin Star restaurant, or a dye-job in San Francisco, or your average everyday protest or even a mass gathering of the elated braindead when it appeared the Senile Old Coot was going to take the White House in January 2021. Joe Biden was worthy of many a gathering across America. But GOD isn’t?

Governor Gavin Newsom’s COVID restrictions intentionally discriminated against churches while providing preferential treatment to many secular businesses and gatherings. The Supreme Court intervened multiple times to provide relief. California may never again place discriminatory restrictions on churches and places of worship.”- Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver

What say you, Mr. Newsom? Church is “non-essential”? Neither were your insane restrictions on business operations in your state. Neither was rioting and destruction in the streets in your state. Neither are your $400 dollar-a-plate holiday soirées in your state. Cough it up, big guy. Some of these good people whom you kept from assembling may even pray for you, if you’re lucky.

Photo Credit: Charlie Nguyen/FlickR/CC BY 2.0/Cropped

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  • Lisa Carr says:

    Cool, cool. If the state of California didn’t mismanage forestry for decades, maybe, just maybe, Californians won’t be saddled into a billion-dollar spending plans to protect their forests. But it’s cool. That $1.3 million is just another “drop in the bucket” for taxpayers in California.

  • GWB says:

    shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
    And if he had set the standards without singling out worship, he could have gotten away with it. But when he set the standards differently for churches/synagogues, he made it “respecting” and got slapped down (though not nearly hard enough).

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