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Now before you become completely and utterly shocked at this notion, let’s take a little trip to a middle school in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area.
Mandi Jung, according to this from Fox News, is a teacher at Highland Park Middle School in St. Paul, Minnesota (although her name is not listed on the school’s website). Jung, a “body positive” (code) teacher, who has bright pink hair and wears cat-eye glasses (shocker), loves to take to TikTok to espouse her beliefs about the greatness of an anti-capitalist society.
Most recently, this worthless middle school teacher discussed her students’ lack of respect for authority. And she loves this!
My students this year have no respect for authority. And I love that in a person because I have no respect for authority whatsoever. But it has been a frustrating year because I am the authority. So I’m like, ‘Damn the man,’ but I am the man.”-Mandi Jung
You’re not an authority, Mandi. You are a dumbass. But wait, Frenchie drones on:
[Seventh Grade is] the year that you learn that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and all this cell biology. So at the end of the unit, I have [students] take a test. And one of the questions is ‘A person says the nucleus is the most important organelle in the cell. Do you agree or disagree, and why? And almost every child says, ‘Yes, I agree. Because without a boss, the cell would be in total chaos.’”-Mandi Jung
Middle school (mentally) Mandi uses this to explain to kids that microscopic bacteria are the “original anarchists”. The OGs, man!
Bacteria don’t have a nucleus, and they are arguably one of the most successful classes of organisms on the planet. Bacteria out here being the original anarchists, right? No nucleus, no master. Seize the means of metabolism. I don’t know. It’s funny to me,.”-Mandi Jung
Hysterical, if you ask me (snort).
The irony here is that this middle school teacher teaches biology. Not only does she like to throw out her anti-capitalist rhetoric to boys who do not yet know the concept of a shower, she likes to use secret surveys at the beginning of school years and terms to learn the students’ preferred pronouns. Because biology and science tell us there are more than two genders or something.
From her questionnaire:
What pronouns should we use when we talk about you? (CHOOSE AS MANY AS YOU WANT)”-Mandi Jung
Choose as many as you want, she says. For those of you who have not been in a middle school as of late, these kids change their pronouns more than they change their underwear. What happens if one refers to the student as the wrong pronoun on any given day, Genius? And, you do realize that in a “perfect”, anti-capitalist “utopia” that you crave, people don’t get a “choice”, right, Mandi? There is no “choosing as many as you want” in Socialism or Communism, ya big dummy. Those choices are made for you, dear. I know we’re expecting too much of this middle school teacher. Like having an actual, functional BRAIN.
But in Mandi’s world, pronouns are free. Too bad these anti-capitalists don’t realize that in Socialism, you don’t get a choice between bread or cheese or having both. It’s cool. Tax the rich, though.
The school district of which this middle school teacher is a part did release a statement to Fox News:
As a general rule, public employees, as citizens, have the right to personally comment on matters of public importance without restriction or reprisal by their employer.”-Saint Paul Public Schools
And the line becomes blurred as to whether or not these personal comments happen on their TikTok pages or in the classroom? Highland Park Middle School is not the only place this is happening, however. There are others.
And, these shining examples of our educational landscape are just skimming the surface of who is teaching our kids. And lest we not forget, some of these very same educators sided with their unions in keeping these already emotionally challenged students home-in some parts of the country-for almost a whole year. My child was in 9th grade (junior high in our school district) when the COVID pandemic hit. Luckily, he maintained contact with his friends, he took to online learning and when he turned 15, he took the extra time to take Drivers’ Ed courses. He is certainly not perfect, but he weathered the pandemic well. Some of these kids were not so fortunate, especially middle school students. Already struggling, already socially awkward and already behind academically, middle schools are, I would argue, worse than high schools.
But middle school teacher, Mandi Jung, loves a spirit of rebellion and disorder. She loves a lack of respect for authority because she has no respect for authority herself. Screw the (family) nucleus, she says. Let the bacteria take over! She loves this idea until the communists come after her and put her pink-haired, sorry ass in a gulag.
Hey, it might do her some good.
Featured image via alamosbasement on Flickr, cropped, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)
Welcome Instapundit Readers!
This teacher is listed on the school website under the heading “teacher websites”, but when you click on that one it comes up with a message that says “Sorry, the page is inactive or protected”.
And there should never be a “protected” page for ANY teacher, unless they are under discipline.
These people are not communists. Actual communism has nothing to do with their beliefs and the system they are imposing upon us. This is tyranny, not communism.
Ummm…. communists ARE totalitarians.
But I would call this woman a Progressive. She stinks of that religion.
It is still Marxist. It is still totalitarian. It is still based on the idea that people are widgets in a system, and that science can make them into something that will work in their planned utopia. In all those ways it doesn’t really differ from communism.
Proving once again that caring for their students is the least important consideration for teachers and indoctrination is the most important. Parents beware.
have the right to personally comment on matters of public importance without restriction or reprisal by their employer
Except she’s stating what she does in the classroom, and that makes it not a personal comment on matters of public policy, but espousing positions directly connected to her curriculum and her teaching. Sorry, school district, but you don’t get to play both sides here.
The school board needs to be confronted, and if they won’t deal with it, then the city council. Then the bums all need to be thrown out, and non-Progressives elected in their place, and proper pedagogy restored to the classroom.