The snowflakes are so hot, they’re melting all over the Michigan State University campus. You see, according to the Liberal Loon Playbook—adopted by just about every university across the nation—it’s acceptable to identify as the opposite gender, just don’t dare identify as anything other than liberal. So what’s liquefying the snowflakes now? Well, one of the school’s professors, who happens to be Hispanic, has the audacity to also identify as a Republican. But if that’s not enough of a Major Sin, Dr. Joseph Guzman’s also—gasp!—supporting Donald Trump. And to show their tolerance and respect for freedom of speech and association, the Brownshirts are relentlessly, and publicly, shaming Dr. Guzman online, while he’s out with his family, and on-campus in the form of a flyer. Check out what the cupcakes have posted all over campus about the self-described “husband, dad, defender of liberty, chorizo breakfast champion” (he sounds scary, doesn’t he?):
Despite reportedly receiving high performance marks from students—Dr. Guzman is a professor of Chicano and Latino studies—the flyer hurls not fair criticisms of his work performance, but vicious personal attacks at Dr. Guzman for the mortal sin of not joining their leftist clique. You know, the one that outs itself as the racist/sexist/bigoted party it is every time one of its claimed dare wanders from its plantation. Or its internal emails get hacked, but I digress…Clearly—from the warped perspective of the close-minded, and anonymous, dogmatists attacking him—he’s unaware that his ethnicity automatically assigns him lifetime membership in the Democrat Party. Or something. Because that’s not at all racist, right? How ironic given these same mental midgets routinely label the GOP nominee “racist” and “fascist.”
And here’s an example of some of the other disgraceful attacks he’s been inundated with:
Seriously, how do these idiots survive in the wild?
Perhaps a diaper change, a sippy cup, and a nap? (Photo Credit: LCatraz)
So what has the cupcakes so utterly verklempt? This:
Dr. Guzman, right, embracing the First Amendment. (Photo Credit: West Michigan Politics)
(August 21): “It is an honor to be a part of Mr. Trump’s National Hispanic Advisory Committee,” Guzman tells WMP. “Although I do not speak for the campaign, I can tell you that we enjoyed an open, earnest and constructive discussion this afternoon. I am energized and more convinced than ever that Donald Trump is the leader to move our nation and all our communities in the right direction.”
Guzman supports Donald Trump’s immigration plan announced last night in what may have been Trump’s best policy address ever.
“Mr. Trump’s plan to strengthen our border and stop illegal immigration is tough and fair for all,” Guzman said in a statement.
“It will enhance security, address unlawful trafficking and keep Americans safe,” Guzman continued. “Untold suffering is caused by human and drug trafficking stemming from our uncontrolled border, and it must be stopped. Mr. Trump’s plan to immediately secure our borders, end sanctuary cities, protect us from violent offenders and enforce current immigration laws is the opposite of Hillary Clinton’s dishonest 100-day amnesty plan and the Democrats’ other hollow, unfulfilled promises to Latinos. Voters have a clear choice in this election: address our border problems in a lasting way that is tough and fair for all, or continue with empty promises that compound human suffering and compromise our safety and security.”
Securing the border, deporting illegal alien criminals, obeying federal laws, and improving national security overall. How radical. Their malicious reaction is reminiscent of this woman. Remember Melissa Click, former communications professor at the University of Missouri?
Sound familiar to the geniuses pummeling Dr. Guzman? Deservedly, Ms. Click got herself booted from the university, only to rear her ugly head again near my home here in Northern Idaho. That’s right: she’s the newest hire at Gonzaga University over in Spokane. And believe me, the administration is getting an earful. But she’s hardly an anomaly:
The flier that's torn is one of our @yaf 9/11 Never Forget posters. And they say we're the intolerant ones. So sad.
Ms. Hughes, replace those fliers. And keep replacing them until these morons figure out that free speech is for all.
Here’s hoping Dr. Guzman stands his ground, and refuses to cave to a bunch of whiny brats who’ve never picked up a constitution. They can’t explain the importance of the First Amendment, or, for that matter, had any instruction in true tolerance whatsoever. It’s evident Dr. Guzman possesses far more courage than the faceless cowards bullying him. From their skewed perspective, I’m betting it’s perfectly acceptable to plaster the campus with “I’m With Her” flyers while screeching about free speech. Yet the moment another viewpoint surfaces, they’re all about banning the “offending” language, and viciously attacking its messenger, like the entitled, ignorant zombies they are. That said, is it any wonder these cretins are afraid of alternate perspectives and new ideas? After all, liberalism, steeped in repression and intolerance, has never worked anywhere, ever, in the history of mankind. But conservatism has. And is. And that is the true reason they want our message shut down.
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