Fauci: Approved ALL Lab Grants Without Reviewing Them

Fauci: Approved ALL Lab Grants Without Reviewing Them

Fauci: Approved ALL Lab Grants Without Reviewing Them

Anthony Fauci once again claims he knew nothing about anything. Covid origin? Gain-of-function? Learning loss? He has no idea about any such thing.

It turns out that, buried in the midst of all the other news in the last two days, *AHEM Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Anthony Fauci gave closed door testimony to the House Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. The little troll really knows how to tap dance. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and a top adviser to two US presidents during the COVID-19 pandemic, “surprised” the chairman of a House subcommittee with “how much he doesn’t recall” about the early days of the outbreak that killed more than 1.1 million Americans.

And, since he doesn’t really remember much, as I’m sure it was just all a blur you know, Fauci slid his way around answers about gain-of-function research. 

During the first seven hours of the transcribed interview on Monday, Fauci repeatedly defended his previous Senate testimony in which he claimed the National Institutes of Health did not fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, which was conducting research on bat coronaviruses that may have produced the Covid pandemic. Similar to his hearing exchanges with Senator Rand Paul (R., Ky.), Fauci disagreed with Congress’s definition of “gain-of-function” to avoid admitting that the NIH funded potentially dangerous research that led to the pandemic’s outbreak.

Gain-of-function research refers to making viruses more infectious or deadly for laboratory study.

Fauci also testified that he approved of all foreign and domestic NIAID grants without reviewing the proposals, and conceded that he was unable to confirm whether NIAID has any procedure in place to conduct oversight of the foreign labs they fund. {{Emphasis Added}}

Read that last paragraph again. He’s the head of the agency and he DIDN’T review any of the grants??!! Yet he claims Wuhan nor any other entity were ever involved in gain-of-function research? WOW.

Given that extreme lack of oversight, it’s a wonder other viruses didn’t escape labs and impact the world!

Fauci also admitted during his testimony that the 6-ft distancing rule had ZERO scientific basis. It was just plucked out of thin air. You. Don’t. Say. 

Fauci claims it wasn’t his fault that the messaging regarding the virus, treatments, and vaccinations isn’t working. This from the guy who himself got Covid at least twice, had a rebound episode and ended up getting dosed with Paxlovid. He’s so arrogant he doesn’t stop to consider that he himself was part of the untrustworthy messaging!

This regarding learning loss from yesterday’s testimony was a jaw-dropper. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the top public health officials in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic, told House lawmakers on Tuesday he was “not convinced” that children suffered learning loss due to school closures his agency supported.


“I gave a public health recommendation that echoed the CDC’s recommendation, and people made a decision based on that,” he said. “But I never criticized the people who had to make the decisions one way or the other.”

Cloud said Fauci had showed an “amazing ability to either forget what happened or then to find ways to shirk any sort of responsibility for the influence that was had,” during his marathon session.

​​“They wash their hands of any sort of responsibility, saying, ‘Oh, those decisions were made by school districts.’ But the school districts know, if you don’t follow the guidance that’s coming out of the federal government, you open yourselves up to lawsuits,” Cloud added.

Fauci can do his best to avoid any and all responsibility for pushing school closures and lockdowns all he wants. But the facts are clear, as we’ve written about on multiple occasions. The learning loss from the pandemic is deep and wide. It will take years for our kids to catch up on the academic and social skills they lost. 

He won’t look at those statistics. Or if he did, he’s ignoring those facts because none of it fits his own preferred narrative. He’d rather nod in agreement with the likes of Slate. 

Of course no one wants school closures. It doesn’t take randomly controlled studies to tell us that closing children’s schools is not good for children’s educational achievement and emotional well-being.

Yet, the data do not show the children of the pandemic to be a “lost generation.” School buildings closed, but school continued, with distance learning and hybrid modes of learning taking up much of the slack. 

Except the data DOES show the learning loss is deep, and the effects of it will have long-lasting repercussions. Yet Fauci claims, and likely always will, that there’s no such thing as learning loss. As for those lab grants he approved without review? Ehhh, that’s no big deal.

He’s truly one of those who, when faced with actual evidence, will always claim ‘nothing to see here, move along’ because his narcissistic arrogance won’t let him believe otherwise. 

Welcome Instapundit and HotAir readers!

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    He has a history of botching things. This is not a shock.

  • Lloyd says:

    It would appear that the good “doctor” in untouchable!

  • Scott says:

    In a just world, he’d end up UNDER the prison…

  • KWS says:

    Having worked in grant reviews at NIAID while Fauci was there, I can tell you that Fauci himself doesn’t review anything except the largest projects, so in that sense he’s correct. He’s an administrator who spends most of his time in meetings. But he does direct the focus of research dollars – when I was there, the focus was on HIV b/c he wanted to develop an HIV vaccine (which he eventually did, and it gave people HIV, it was a total disaster). At the time (early 1990s) there was a committee in place whose purpose was to review the grants that were approved, to make sure there was nothing political going on, or that certain scientists weren’t being favored over others, that the money being handed out was done so appropriately. Fauci killed that oversight committee. I know, b/c I served on it. After that, he did whatever he wanted. We heard rumors that he was dangling grants in front of scientists, making them sign over their rights to any patents to him in exchange for the grant money. Those rumors were apparently true. That’s the only way he could be making so much money from patents. Fauci doesn’t do any research, for Pete’s sake. He’s not a bench scientist or a university researcher. He’s a freaking administrator, hobnobbing with people like Hillary Clinton and Bill Gates. How could he possibly hold so many patents? There’s only one way he could – he got other people to sign them over to him. We already know that he and Francis Collins made hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Covid vaccine alone, and he’s done it with other things, too. He’s a weasel. And he’s lying when he says he doesn’t know the origin of Covid. The origin of Covid is right there in a journal article in “Nature,” authored by Bat Lady and Ralph Baric at UNC, admitting that they’d created a coronavirus that could go into humans w/o an animal host. After the publication of that article, Obama halted the GoF research, but Fauci convinced him to move it overseas. There is some evidence, not yet conclusive, that they created the vaccine prior to the virus being released – in other words, they released a virus so they could make money off of the “fix” for it (ie, the vaccine), and also teach us to allow the govt. to control us. They have killed millions of people around the world by denying known treatments, and now with their deadly vaccine. And oh, btw, Fauci is married to the woman who is head of ethics at NIH. What a joke.

    If the truth ever comes out and justice is served, Fauci will rightfully go to prison. But I’m not holding my breath.

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