Biden Activates Climate Corps To Do Nothing For The Environment

Biden Activates Climate Corps To Do Nothing For The Environment

Biden Activates Climate Corps To Do Nothing For The Environment

Joe Biden, in order to be seen as ‘doing something’ has now used his pen to active a Climate Corps to save the environment from climate change. 

After being thwarted by Congress, President Joe Biden will use his executive authority to create a New Deal-style American Climate Corps that will serve as a major green jobs training program.

In an announcement Wednesday, the White House said the program will employ more than 20,000 young adults who will build trails, plant trees, help install solar panels and do other work to boost conservation and help prevent catastrophic wildfires.

Read that first sentence again. Biden is going against Congress on this. Congress, Democrat-led at that, already told him NO because the Republicans fought hard to get this push canceled. But he’s going ahead with this anyway in order to pander to the climate change cultists.

And who, specifically is involved in this new Executive Order? Why it’s the Sunrise Movement! 

A federal climate jobs program has been a longtime demand of the Sunrise Movement, the youth climate group that helped kick off the fight for a Green New Deal in the United States back in late 2018. Announced the same day as a new Office of Gun Violence Prevention, the Corps is clearly aimed at endearing climate voters to Biden in time for 2024. Supporters of the idea are pleased, albeit eager to see more.

“This is a big step in the right direction, and continuing to have action like this in the lead-up to the election will be essential for Joe Biden building support with the youth base,” Sunrise Movement executive director Varshini Prakash told me over the phone on Wednesday. “There remain many, many more things the government can and should do.”

This is the same organization that waltzed into Dianne Feinstein’s office in 2019 with a list of demands, and got shut down…HARD.

What’s interesting about all of this is that the Biden Administration truly believes that twenty thousand young people are just itching to sign up for jobs that involve …work. Outside. Hard work at that. Work that doesn’t involve prancing down streets, waving signs and chanting slogans.

No, clearing wetlands or fighting wildfires will involve getting hot, sweaty, and dirty. It will involve encounters with wild animals such as raccoons, snakes, porcupines, moose, elk and others that would rather attack you than be petted.

Given how a significant portion of today’s youth are, how many do you think will sign up for this kind of work? Not as many as they think will.

That said, they WILL want to sign up for the other cushy jobs promised in this Executive order that will give them a path to a high-paying union job! 

Today’s announcement builds on nearly $500 million of Biden-Harris Administration investments to expand pathways into good-paying union jobs by prioritizing Registered Apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeship programs, including in clean energy and other climate-focused careers.

Oh wait, installing solar panels means A. someone has to climb up on a roof, and B. know how to install electric without getting themselves zapped. How many will sign up for that? Very few if any.

How much money will this cost us? How much money does the Biden Administration expect the taxpayers to fork over to pay for this idea that Congress already shot down?

About that production, we’ve seen it before and the same will happen with this new/old idea.

Oh, but FDR’s Civilian Corps worked really well! It’s the same thing! No, it isn’t. Back then, people WANTED to work. And they knew signing up for FDR’s initiatives would put food on their tables. So they turned out in droves.

Far too many the youth of today… DON’T WORK. They want to phone it in while raking in the money.

This Climate Corps idea sounds great and wonderful to all the climate cultists. But when it comes to actually doing the work, that’s someone else’s job. They’d rather protest and whine about the climate, which is much easier than doing the hard work.

Feature Photo Credit: Youth climate protestors at Blackrock by Peg Hunter of Defund Climate Chaos!, via Flickr, cropped and modified 

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  • therealguyfaux says:

    The CCC was to some extent used as a way of sopping up HS grads (and dropouts) who weren’t going to go to college, but it looked like they weren’t going to find much work (places might prefer to hire a man with a wife and kids– those men were more likely to be harder-working and maturer.) It was “voluntary,” but if your father lost his job and the family applied for welfare, the case worker might tell them, “Not if your son is going to be living with you. Have him join the Armed Forces, or else the CCC!”, so, how “voluntary”?

  • Cameron says:

    Historically, Democrats have always viewed people as property. And the only “good paying” part of this will be towards Congressmen.

  • Citizen Tom says:

    The most likely result of this will be a lawsuit. Biden does not have the authority to hire these people. However, if he gets away with it, he will have a bunch of paid climate activists. And he has nothing to loose. Everyone who has the capacity to follow what Biden has been doing already knows he has no use for the Constituton.

  • Hank says:

    They ain’t gonna be planting trees or picking up trash. They’ll be blocking traffic and gluing themselves to artwork. And being an official gov. entity, they’ll have police and FBI protection.

  • Ann in L.A. says:

    Yay, Captain Planet and the Planeteers.

  • Barry in Raleigh says:

    It was always doomed. Unlike the people in the CCC, this generation has no interest in actual work, anyway.

  • GlobalTrvlr says:

    We HAVE seen it before.

    It will probably work out as well as Obama’s stab at it. If you remember he pledged to weatherize a million homes per year as part of his stimmy package and was organizing people to do it. $4.8B was proposed. A checkup a few years later – only 8% of money spent, only 2% projects completed. And, some electrocutions along the way as poorly trained youth clomped around in old attics and stepped on wiring. First step in the process – you had to pay “prevailing wages” in an industry that did not have any. So, they had to create the whole bureaucracy state by state.

    And then DHS was going to organize it’s brownshirt youth corps, which after outcry was named FEMA youth corps. How did that work out?

    Anyway, it will really work this time you guys.

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