Oh, Sweet Irony…..

Fate it seems, isn’t without a sense of irony. You can look no further than the current fauxmergency of some “climate change” fanatics that have been stuck…

Did the Marines Just Surrender?

I never thought they would be the first ones to give in.  Evidently, the enemies without will not destroy the US Marine Corps; it will be the…

Keep Saying It….

I know, broken record…  Heard it and seen it all before…  Liberals are crazy.  So open minded their brains fall out. But really, it should be in…

Starting Small….

If you haven’t read Kit’s post, scroll down and go there first. And then, help me answer a couple questions: Are we smart or ar we stupid? …

Not Enough Meds….

Not Enough Meds….

This kind of thing is why there isn’t enough medication in my house to keep my head from exploding.  I have moved on to taping my head with…


The holidays are upon us, where I can once again marvel at my Man-Friend and his ability to invent new complaints about why we have to have…

The Paradox of Organized Christianity….

Overwhelmingly, surveys show that a large majority of Americans believe in God.  Additionally, a majority (a slim one) still attend church weekly. Now, I consider myself a…

You Know That Moment….

You Know That Moment….

I am beginning to feel like Hannibal from the A-Team.  I love it when I plan comes to together; even if it is by serendipity…. There is…

Self Loathing Insanity…

Self Loathing Insanity…

The saying goes that Americans don’t vote Foreign Policy; they vote the economy. Well, since the Occupant in Chief has just about finished off the economy for…

This Is A TERRIBLE Idea….

I know that given the fact that a dude strolled into an airport and starting shooting it up this last week, there are some who think that…

All Hail President Nobody…..

All Hail President Nobody…..

I would like to say I haven’t injected myself into an opinion on the blog on the slow motion rolling snowball train wreck that is the ACA/Obumblercare…

The Arrogance of Willful Blindness…

I guess you could say the ladies and the black community now have something in common, and that is a common spot in the unemployment line. Seems that…

Where Are The Men Of Principle?

I remember a long time ago there used to be men who knew how to fight.  Men who knew how to stand their ground, even in an…

The Failure of Feminizm…

The other day, I was sitting in a camp chair under the golf umbrella my husband brought for me at a soccer game in the rain watching the…

Ethic Cleansing….

I have noticed a disturbing trend amongst the liberals. The allegedly most non-violent and peace loving people on the planet have nothing but threats and evil wishes…


I remember the day 12 years ago when my life truly changed forever.  I will never forget it as long as I live. It was early and…

The New C-Word….

Kit and I had some “WE” time the other day.  It involved the conundrum of leaving well enough alone (difficult to say the least for two like…

Become a Victory Girl!

Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner