A Love Letter to a Conservative Man

This post is not the usual type of thing I write for Victory Girls.  Usually, I’m sputtering, snarking, cussing and railing against liberal/progressive/leftist/radical/anti-American subversive shenanigans.  But I’m…

Huffington Post Writer Promotes Rape of Conservative Dana Loesch on Twitter

Wait. Maybe he just meant “twerking”?   Because I hear that’s all the rage with the progressive “War on Women” folks. Rape of a conservative isn’t really rape…

Who Are the Real Clowns??

On Saturday the real clowns of this country disguised as race pimps got together in Washington and waved their version of the American flag.    These are…

“Free Love” always ends with “Violent Racists”

Apparently my Dad was right.  Way back when, in the late 60’s and early 70’s, he predicted that given the direction society was headed, this country would…

Feminist President Obama sends “Blessed” Message to Gropers, Rapists and Murderers of Women

“For millions of Americans, Eid is part of a great tapestry of America’s many traditions, and I wish all Muslims a blessed and joyful celebration. Eid Mubarak,”…

Nursing Moms stage ‘Nurse-In’ at Chick-Fil-A

Here at Victory Girls, we bloggers are in possession of breasts and a lot of us have kiddos.  Some of us chose to breast feed, and some…

An Open Letter to The Hidden Benghazi Survivors

This is an entirely open letter.  Why? Because you are entirely hidden.  My hope is somehow this letter finds you. Perhaps a stray tweet or a link…

Man Claims That Being Gay Made Him Abandon His Family For….16 Years

This story has nothing to do with being gay.  Or being religious.  Or being deeply in debt.  Or unhappy in your marriage.  Or being gay…did I already…

LGBT groups issue Trayvon Martin statement: “Justice for ALL People”

“We honor Trayvon by seeking justice for all people.” I’m having a very hard time understanding how a gay rights coalition, made up of 35 LGBT groups,…

Obama and his Conclave of Minstrels

This gentleman very accurately sums up the state of “racial tension” in our country right now. We have an Attorney General who believes that white people haven’t…

Hey Sam Adams! God CREATED Beer!

The Sam Adams beer brewing company finds itself in a brouhaha after removing a crucial word from the Declaration of Independence in their recent television ad released…

Because Catherine wants to know…

Brace yourselves. I want to ask readers of this blog a few questions.  I have always loved to write and pontificate on a number of subjects.  This…

Prescott Granite Mountain Hotshots. Why?

I wrote my editor at this blog and said I couldn’t write about this.  It would hurt too badly and the connections and sorrows were too close…

The Paula Deen Witch Hunt Isn’t About Racism

If you think the media and corporate witch hunt for Paula Deen is about racism, you’re wrong.  Even the guy she called ‘the-word-that-must-not-be-spoken-except-by-rap-stars-that-visit-the-White-House’ thinks the racist thing…

Ambassador Chris Stevens, his Diary, Benghazi, and the Dangers of “Limited War”

“Militias the prime power on the ground. Weak state security institutions. As a result, dicey conditions.” from the diary of Chris Stevens, Sept 6th, 2012 There has…

Liberals are the Real Racists

A couple of questions for you: Anybody know somebody who keeps slaves on their plantation?  Me neither. Do you know anybody who burns crosses on yards or…

Nathan and the “Alleged” School Bully – and the Cowards in Public Schools

Author’s note:  I received permission from Nate’s mom to publish this post, since Nate is underage and I wouldn’t compromise his or his family’s privacy.  Nate is…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner