#Manhattan: Terror Returns To NYC With New Attack [VIDEO]

#Manhattan: Terror Returns To NYC With New Attack [VIDEO]

#Manhattan: Terror Returns To NYC With New Attack [VIDEO]

New York City has dealt with some of the worst terrorism in history. Today, terror returned to lower Manhattan, using the new ISIS-promoted M.O. that we have seen repeatedly before. A suspect uses a truck to run over innocents, and then exists the vehicle to continue the attack.

Lower Manhattan, showing the rental truck used in the attack (photo: Chang W. Lee/The New York Times)

We have seen this in Nice.

We have seen this in London, at London Bridge and Westminster Bridge.

We have seen this in Germany.

We have seen this in Spain.

We have seen this in Canada.

Anyone who has been paying attention KNEW that this type of attack was coming here.

And now it has.

The NYPD, along with New York government, have confirmed that the attack was a “lone wolf” terror attack, and that they have one suspect in custody.

The police commissioner said the suspect is a 29 year old man, who was armed with a paintball gun and a pellet gun. Police shot him in the abdomen, and he is now in custody at an unspecified hospital.

And apparently, ISIS was warning that they were going to strike at Halloween celebrations. There is a Halloween parade scheduled for this evening in lower Manhattan, near the area where the attack occurred, which the police commissioner has now said will be receiving extra security.

May God be with the wounded and comfort the families of those who were murdered today.

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  • Skil1lyboo says:

    He used a Home Depot rental truck. I wonder if his private vehicle had an Ed Gillespie bumper sticker, a Confederate flag and a Don’t Tread On Me license plate? I doubt it but you never know.

  • Scott says:

    Nah… bumper sticker probably said ” I brake for goats”….

  • GWB says:

    no evidence it was part of wider plot

    Except for that wider “global caliphate” thing, yeah. Except for the fact that the vast majority of these attacks are inspired by the perceived need to be a warrior for Allah, and to kill those who refuse to submit to Allah, and to spread the ‘worship’ of Allah.

    You might not, but *I* see a “wider plot” there………. *eyeroll*

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