March 3, 2015
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, Oct. 30, 2008
He’s doing a fine job. And John Boehner is reportedly once again about to cave to O’s demands, while attacking House conservatives trying to preserve our Republic.
With the one-week DHS funding extension due to expire Friday, the House and Senate Democrats continue to demand a “clean” bill complete with full funding of Barack Obama’s illegal amnesty, recently ruled an executive branch overreach by a federal judge. Rather than allow the issue—no, it’s not about amnesty, but whether or not Obama’s executive edict is constitutional—the Democrats are not on the side of We the People who are screaming for them to stop an increasingly dictatorial Barack Obama, but on the side of pure and utter lawlessness. And the reason why—a giant scam in the same vein as ObamaCare— is patently obvious: They want a crop of fresh, new, Democrat voters who will help them usher in One Party Rule.
On #DHS & #amnesty: “Democrats should allow us to begin debate on legislation … to prohibit the president’s actions”
— Sen. Lamar Alexander (@SenAlexander) March 3, 2015
Not a chance. Here’s why:
While I don’t always agree with Phyllis Schlafly, she’s hit the nail on the head this time, explaining in no uncertain terms what the true agenda of the Democrat Party’s unwavering support for executive amnesty—alongside far too many who call themselves Republican who refuse to fight it—really is:
“The way this devious formula works is stunningly simple. Just get the new Republican Congress (under Speaker John Boehner and Sen. Mitch McConnell) to pass a full-funding bill for Homeland Security without any exception for the funding of Obama’s illegal executive amnesty, which will allow Obama to give work permits, Social Security numbers and driver’s licenses to 5 million illegal aliens.
Once the 5 million so-called undocumented persons are given those valuable documents, there is no way to stop them from voting.”
Exactly. And how did Schlafly reach that conclusion, the same conclusion we here at Victory Girls have been warning about for quite a while now?
“That conclusion is drawn from the testimony of voting experts such as Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who told the U.S. House Oversight Committee on Feb. 12, ‘It’s a guarantee it will happen.’
Kobach’s warning was reinforced by testimony before the same committee by Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, who noted that the 5 million non-citizens would receive the ‘same documents that federal law requires the states to recognize as valid forms of identification for voter registration.’ And once an alien registers to vote, Kobach said, it is ‘virtually impossible’ to remove him from the voter rolls.
A third witness, Hans von Spakovsky, suggested that Social Security numbers issued to the 5 million illegal aliens should contain a code (such as ‘N’ for non-citizen) that would instantly reveal their ineligibility to vote. But that simple fix would happen only if the Obama administration sincerely wants to keep them from voting, which I doubt.”
Bingo. Does anyone think that the Obama Regime wants to keep illegals from voting? Probably as much as it’d like a twelve-foot-tall, double-walled fence built to keep them out. And the newly-minted, testicular fortitude-challenged GOP Congress, filled with too many squishy Republicans (among a small island of true Constitution-defending Conservatives) who swore up and down pre-election they’d “fight Obama’s illegal amnesty,” look to be playing right into the Democrats’ grimy little hands. But that’s not all. The New Democrat Base—after having been granted work permits and social security cards and a whole litany of other goodies at the expense of you and I—will also be handed up to three years in tax refunds by the IRS, an undeserved reward from Democrats, and complicit Republicans. The expected payback for all of this? Well, Democrat votes, of course. Into perpetuity. And voila: Permanent Progressivism. While using our tax dollars to do it.
Constitution is in grave danger when Republicans can't articulate why Constitution needs to be upheld even if #DHS shuts down.@GOP
— Mr T 2 (@GovtsTheProblem) March 3, 2015
While the Democrats preen in front of the obliging alphabet-network cameras, claiming they’re “looking for ways to help the Middle Class,” what they’re really doing is the polar opposite: They’re destroying it. Coupled with ever-increasing taxes, regulations, and rule by unelected bureaucrats, the influx of illegals and other foreigners—increasing exponentially and irreversibly above already-inflated levels—is harming all of us. It’s costing us our jobs. It’s costing us our tax dollars. It’s costing us our limited resources. It’s costing us fair elections. And ultimately, it’s going to cost us our Constitution. And our Republic. If the Liberals get their way.
And the worst part is: It’s looking more and more likely that so-called “Republicans,” as early as tomorrow, will be the ones who ultimately hammer the final nail. I hope I’m wrong.
Update [7:00 am]: Boehner just caved. The vote, with a clean bill, is happening today.
The illegals can have my vote because I’m done with that nonsense-there is no point anymore, especially if anyone will be able to vote. Hell, I see less and less reason to even be a citizen anymore (not that I’m proud to be one of this mess over the last six years anyhow). The Republicrat party is clearly bent on destroying the nation-at this point I’d say only some sort of revolution gets the nation back on track. Either that or we need to split it in half-one part for the crazy bastards of the Left to build their “utopia” in and one part for the rest of us who would build a viable nation based on the Constitution and sense.
I hate to say it, but I agree. What point is there in voting anymore when they all have the same agenda? I’ve been saying Boehner would cave since before the elections. And there it is. This is irreversible. ANYONE who thinks that Obama and the DHS are halting his amnesty order because a federal judge told them to is a flipping fool.
Unfortunately, we’re surrounded by blue on both of our coasts. It’s like a ring of deadly virus we can’t run from.
Living in this country these days gives me a good idea of what it must have been like to be an anti Nazi German who didn’t drink THEIR Kool Aid living in the Third Reich. It took a world war to deliver those people from that evil-I keep thinking we’ll have to undergo something about as destructive to end our own dark age here.
Concur. In fact, I’m thinking about supporting the most batshit crazy progressive I can, reasoning that the soon the fall the sooner the rebuild can begin.
We are not all crazy on the Blue Coast. I am in a good spot with great neighbors.
But if that national split occurs, the family and I will be joining you and the other Patriots.
“We are not all crazy on the Blue Coast”.
It’s not just the coasts-there are places in the middle filled with the mindless minions. Chicago for one. Moneysota (aptly named) for another-plenty of stupid church groups import Somalians here for no sensible reason I know of. It’s not like the weather is similar either-it’s a Lefty “diversity” thing apparently as the state once had a reputation of being all blonde and blue eyed (we know how evil those people are lol). Works real well when threats to the Mall of America are made, that’s for sure.
It just astounds me. Boehner and McConnell gave up the farm last November after a smashing victory saying they will fight next year.
Next year comes, they give up a “clean” DHS bill because the socialists called them names. Really, what did the socialists give up? Absolutely, nothing.
Yep, I going to change my party affiliation to Independent. It is not much but I will feel better.
They were NEVER going to fight executive amnesty. That Cromibus bill, silencing the voices of the incoming Congress, was the first clue.
We think Obama was tyrannical before? Just watch him now that they’ve bowed to his supremacy.
ObamaLaw, ObamaTax, ObamaNet, etc etc etc.
Amen to this. All that’s left to be done is for someone to write up the Obama Prayer to the Divine Being.
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