Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Isra’s Grift: Reparations Payments

Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Isra’s Grift: Reparations Payments

Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Isra’s Grift: Reparations Payments

Oh you read that correctly. It seems the grift is strong with Ilhan Omar’s daughter, Isra Hirsi. It seems she’s been receiving reparation payments from her pals at Columbia over the last few years.

Oh, they might be termed “donations,” but the fact is, they are extortion payments.

Keep in mind, this is the same gal who cried buckets of alligator tears when she ended up supposedly homeless after participating in pro-Palestine/Hamas/terrorist protests and trashing the Columbia campus while virtue signaling in tents set up in the Quad.

A. She didn’t end up homeless, her mom likely footed the bill.

B. She’s a pro-terrorists sympathizer, just like her mother

So now, to find out that Isra’s grift has moved to expecting and RECEIVING reparations payments is both astounding and on point for that family.

Isra Hirsi, the daughter of “Squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), has received “reparations” payments from her white friends on Juneteenth most years since 2019, the Washington Free Beacon has found.

Both of Hirsi’s parents are Somali immigrants. Reparations advocates, meanwhile, typically push for payments to descendants of African Americans enslaved in the United States, while Juneteenth commemorates the nation’s 1865 end of slavery.

Hirsi, a far-left activist, anti-Israel agitator, and Barnard College senior, has received at least a dozen Venmo payments on Juneteenth spread across four of the past six years, a review of her account shows. The public transactions include notes like “reparations” and “Happy Juneteenth,” though the payment app doesn’t indicate how much she was paid.

$50 here, $75 there, oh hey! $175! Cool beans, thank you! Oh wait, I didn’t thank you. I meant to, so all is good..right? Oh, and you’ll pony up another bit next Juneteenth? Great! Can’t wait. Oh, can you make it $200 this time? Thank you so much for helping fund the reparations I need for having my family experience the pain of slavery in the United States. 

Oh….WAIT. Isra and her family’s ancestors were…NEVER SLAVES IN THE United States! They are from Somalia. Yet here’s Isri, extorting and grifting reparations fund from her gullible white friends. She’s definitely learned from the best. 

Ilhan herself, several years ago conveyed that she was all in on the reparations racket. 

Want to bet that’s where Isra learned the grift? Especially since she’s been reaping the benefits since at least 2019…

It’s all good because Kamala at one point or another also said she’s a reparations fan.

As a candidate in the Democratic primary for president in 2019, she endorsed “some form of reparations,” cosponsored a federal bill to study race-based reparations, and promised Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network that as president she would sign a reparations study bill into law.

Except that Kamala might not be owed reparations. Isra Hirsi sure as hell isn’t owed any given her ancestors weren’t enslaved in the U.S.! If she wants reparations, she needs to go back to Somalia. 

Instead, as a student at Barnard, that charges a mere $68,000 a year for tuition, Ilhan Omar’s daughter is grifting money from her well-heeled liberal, and very gullible pals. 

Kamala keeps telling us she’s going to assess/review/study the reparations problem. San Francisco along with California itself are on record for wanting to obliterate the budget in order to pander to…the slaves California didn’t have back in the day. Then again, Isri and Ilhan are not only echoing what Kamala word salads about reparations, they’ve bought into what Obama peddled years ago about the same.

Yet here we have Ilhan Omar’s daughter grifting in the reparations racket. What’s telling is that her friends have bought into her grift and are handing her cash, no questions asked. What foolish foolish priviledged brainless kids. Then again, they’ve learned from their parents. It seems that virtue signaling is far better than critical thinking at Barnard. Future employers beware.

But the idea of reparations is a big deal, unfortunately, across the U.S. and elsewhere. Here in the U.S. we see it gain legs every year around Juneteenth.

Except that EVERYONE forgets that that was the date when a ship arrived in Galveston to start spreading the word that months prior, the Civil War had ended. Everyone forgets or WAS NOT TAUGHT, that communication in those days was days/weeks/months slow in arriving at their destination. 

So now, in many cases, Juneteenth has been coopted for a multitude of reasons. 

That, however, does not excuse Isri Omar for taking advantage of what is not hers, nor of her grift. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if she was a fan of the 1619 Project.

Ilhan Omar isn’t a fan of this country that gave her shelter. And now, we see it’s likely her daughter was taught the same.

Feature Photo Credit: money payoff via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • Richard says:

    Is Isri’s father also her uncle?

    • Lloyd says:

      No…I think a goat was involved there somehow!

    • Scott says:

      Yep, Ilhan is guilty of immigration fraud, and should have been booted out of the country long ago. She hates this country, other than the grift she and her family can benefit from. We MUST stop welcoming those who wish to destroy us, or this great experiment will come to an end..

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