Ilhan’s Daughter Isra Hirsi Whine: She’s Homeless And Starving After Protest Arrest

Ilhan’s Daughter Isra Hirsi Whine: She’s Homeless And Starving After Protest Arrest

Ilhan’s Daughter Isra Hirsi Whine: She’s Homeless And Starving After Protest Arrest

Ilhan Omar’s daughter, Isra Hirsi, is playing all the tiny violins right now. Mere hours after her arrest at Columbia University, she saw down for an interview with Teen Vogue. Why was she arrested?

Hirsi, 21, was part of a now days-long protest on the Ivy League campus in support of Palestine that has drawn heavy condemnation from both sides of the political spectrum, including the White House.

She and two of her Barnard College classmates – the college is a sister school with Columbia – are among the more than 100 protestors have been arrested, an NYPD spokesperson confirmed to

That’s right. All the kiddies attending schools at $90,000 a year decided it was absolutely necessary to break all the campus protocols and set up tents in the Commons Area so they can virtue signal their support for the Hamas terrorist regime while chanting “Death to Israel” and other antisemitic screeds. 

Suddenly, while the Columbia University President was testifying in front of Congress, university officials realized belatedly that the optics of these protests were really bad. Hence the sweeping arrests, which included Ilhan Omar’s daughter. 

Ilhan is super proud of her don’t you know. 

Of course, the consequences of Columbia’s actions meant that the protest encampments went away right? Wrong. They brought back all their pricey tents and sleeping bags, and are still in place. 

Which brings us back to Isra. She’s HOMELESS now guys! The Columbia Administration refused to acknowledge Isra and her pals are peaceful!

In my suspension email that I received on Thursday morning, which has to do with what happened on Wednesday, it says that the school has to “ensure the students’ own physical or emotional safety and well-being, or if the student poses an ongoing threat of disruption of, or interference with, the normal operation of the College” — and to clarify, what happened was not at [Barnard] College, it’s at the university, and also was outside, so I don’t really know how we were disrupting campus life. I think that those are misrepresentations. The university’s president has been trying to state that this is a massive disruption, rather than what I would say is a community building space.

Well, she’s certainly been learning about gaslighting from a master….her MOTHER, and gave a TED Talk years ago as an “Angry Black Girl.” I give her a B+ right now. Especially given her assertions that she was zip-tied for over seven hours. REALLY? 

That said, her claims that she’s homeless and starving are eminently mockable. Yes, that is exactly what she’s claiming. 

“I was a little bit frantic, like, where am I going to sleep? Where am I gonna go?” she whined to Teen Vogue after learning she’d been evicted from campus housing and banned from using the dining hall

“And also all of my s–t is thrown in a random lot. It’s pretty horrible,” said the disgraced student still supported by her Democratic “squad” member mom, who said she is ” enormously proud” of her daughter.

There are NOT enough violins for this whine. To recap, Hirsi and her pals, along with “observers” like those who were involved in Atlanta’s Cop City mess, decided to set up camp at Columbia University. Their protest on behalf of Hamas terrorists and rants against Jews were so important that university protocols and codes of conduct didn’t matter. 

But Columbia grew a spine for a minute and evicted them. These are students who have faced zero consequences for their actions while growing up. It’s obvious their parents either don’t have a spine or tacitly approve them squatting in tents on campus and parading around wearing Palestinian Keffiyehs in support of terrorists. 

What does Isra Hirsi do? When handed a microphone she shows ZERO remorse for her actions and blames everyone else and the kitchen sink.

Shorter, ‘I was targeted because of who I am and who my mother is!’ is NOT an excuse for your actions. Except that’s how she’s rolling, and even claims Barnard itself is specifically targeting her because of politics. 

‘I think it’s really on a school-by-school basis, and Barnard has decided to take a very egregious stand against us,’ Hirsi said.

She said that Rosenbury and Barnard’s leadership ‘ feel like there isn’t a big limelight on them right now and that they have the ability to do this, because [Columbia President Minouche] Shafik was on the congressional stage and is actively being harassed about what she’s doing.’

By golly, she’s getting that gaslighting down pat! ‘I’m just an innocent mostly peaceful protestor who is calmly disrupting campus business while supporting terrorists and ranting against Israel and the Jews!’ How DARE they stop me??!! 

As Deanna wrote here, the terrorist supporting protesters at Columbia have persisted. And, in fact, the protests continue, leaving Jews in fear for their physical safety. 

Which is exactly what Irsa and her pals want. She can declare that she’ll remain homeless until Barnard (by her implication) does the right thing and lets her back on campus. But we all know that she has the means and support to either get a hotel room, an apartment, or go to DC to live with Mom. AND, nab high profile interviews with Teen Vogue. 

By the way, when on clicks on the story, this is the pop up you see before reading further. 

Isn’t that nice? We definitely know where Teen Vogue stands on this issue. 

The fact is, Isra Hirsi is not homeless, nor is she starving.

And, contrary to her assertions, everyone in her circle of organizers knows and has known exactly who she is and who she’s connected to. 

So Isra should pack up all her violins and go home to Mom forthwith. 

Feature Photo Credit: Isra at 2018 gun violence protest via Wikimedia, cropped and modified

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  • Que says:

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
    The Schadenfreude here is delicious.

    • GWB says:

      Oh please. She hasn’t won any prizes just yet.
      Now, if she goes to Chicago for the DNC, she might win something. Maybe she’ll get a hickory shampoo?

  • GWB says:

    I am enormously proud of my daughter
    You should be. She didn’t fall far from the non-forking tree. You should be proud of your niece, too.

    so I don’t really know how we were disrupting campus life
    If you don’t get that, then why were you protesting in such a fashion? Because that’s all about disruption.
    Also, if you believe that (you don’t – you’re a liar), then you’re an idiot of the highest lowest order and shouldn’t even be in college.

    And also all of my s–t is thrown in a random lot.
    Better pick that up before someone cites you for littering. That’s a $100 fine.

    100% targeted
    Just like a mugger is 100% targeted by police when they catch him. Or a car thief is targeted by police when they catch him. Of course, I’d prefer you were targetted like the posse’s did when they went after horse thieves.

    They want you to believe the daughter of a congressional member attending a $90,000-a-year school couldn’t afford to grab some McDonald’s.
    Or bum one for some kickbacks later. Of course, I don’t think McDonald’s is halal, is it?

  • American Human says:

    I cannot tell you how much Irsa Hirsi’s suspension bothers me. I mean, really, the Care-O-Meter just doesn’t go down that far.

  • SFC D says:

    Cry harder. Hunger builds character.

  • Scott says:

    So is her mother her aunt, or is her father her uncle??? This level of stupidity is what you get when you inbreed. Throw her immigration fraud mother the hell out of the country and let this little hell spawn figure out how to live..

    In a just world, the college would invite the cops in to use whatever means necessary (batons and gas preferably) to clear out the trespassers..

  • Lloyd says:

    Isra and her mother should collect their goats and return to their homeland.

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