Dublin Erupts In Riots After Children Were Attacked

Dublin Erupts In Riots After Children Were Attacked

Dublin Erupts In Riots After Children Were Attacked

Thursday afternoon and evening in Dublin involved riots, police cars on fire, and businesses looted. All of which took place hours after a man in his 40’s-50’s attacked children outside their elementary school earlier that afternoon.

The incident, during which three children and two adults were injured, occurred today near a school in north-inner city Dublin.

One girl has sustained “serious injuries” while the two other children are being treated for less serious injuries.

The adult female is being treated for serious injuries and the adult male for less serious injuries.

Evidently, several people worked to save those attacked, and assisted in taking down the attacker, and making sure he stayed put until the police arrived. 

What is interesting is that, while there is zero mention of whom the attacker is or if he’s a local, the police are adamant that this wasn’t a terror attack. 

The school stabbing was not being treated as terror-related, Irish police stated. However, they did note that a man was taken into custody who was in his mid-40s to 50s and was injured in the attack.

“I wish people would calm down, go home, and allow us to actually conduct our duties and investigations properly,” Harris said.

Whether this was a terror attack or not, SOMETHING set a great number of people off, and boy did they go OFF. 

Dublin and Irish officials were not amused. 

“The scenes we are witnessing this evening in our city center cannot and will not be tolerated,” said Justice Minister Helen McEntee. “A thuggish and manipulative element must not be allowed to use an appalling tragedy to wreak havoc.”

Earlier, Superintendent Liam Geraghty said at a media briefing that preliminary indications are that a man attacked a number of people on Parnell Square East.

He said that police believe that it was “a standalone incident, not necessarily connected to any wider issues that are ongoing in the country or in the city, and we need to identify the exact reasons for that happening.”

Believe me, I don’t agree with how those riots ensued and the damage and destruction that was the result.

However, it seems that there’s been a simmering issue building up over the last couple of years, and it is directly tied to Ireland’s immigration policies. Policies that many Irish are beginning to emphatically disagree with. 

He said “migration is a good thing for Ireland” but “there’s only so many additional people that any country can manage in any given year”.

Mr Varadkar’s remarks come as the Government continues to deliberate over how to meet the needs of more than 100,000 people who have fled to Ireland due to the war in Ukraine as well as an increase in the number of asylum seekers from other countries.

There were reports of a row in Government last month over proposals to limit State-provided accommodation for Ukrainian refugees to 90 days, though senior Coalition figures have sought to play down any tensions.

Ireland itself is an absolutely beautiful country. I’ve been there and hope to go again. That said, there are very few cities in Ireland that are equipped to handle an influx of people trying to escape from Ukraine or other countries. 

What’s also telling is that, with the rich Irish history, the current Prime Minister is on record for saying his country is too…WHITE. 

The very beauty of what Ireland is is not only comprised of its amazing countryside and places like the cliffs off the Dingle Peninsula, it is the Irish themselves. And guess what? They. Are. White. Shocker I know. Yet, the current Prime Minister thinks that Ireland will be better if the population ISN’T white? WOW.

Was the person who attacked those school children an immigrant? No one is saying. How about another question. Were the school children Irish, or recent immigrants? The silence from public officials is telling. 

That said, these riots were out of control. 

The politicians, with the media are parroting the line that these rioters were part of a far-right ideology

“We have a complete lunatic hooligan faction driven by far-right ideology, and also then this disruptive tendency engaged in serious violence,” Ireland Police Commissioner Drew Harris said.
He urged people to remain calm and be mindful of misinformation ciruclating in the wake of the attack.

For the officials to be laying the blame on far-right ideology and talking about misinformation after passing draconian hate speech laws, sends red flags up.

Furthermore, the use of those phrases is quite similar to the discussions surrounding Argentina’s Javier Milei and now Geert Wilder’s major election sweep in the Netherlands. Both have campaigned on government overreach, economic devastation, and how mass immigration is a huge problem for their countries. 

One cannot help but wonder if those same policies have led to these Dublin riots, and the Irish finally saying ENOUGH! 

Feature Photo Credit: Car on fire via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • Bucky says:

    The Globalist Establishment with its open borders policy is tone deaf to the feelings of the average Irish citizen. Unavailable, unaffordable housing and a nation health care system on the verge of failure are just two glaring problems that effect all citizens and are exacerbated by the influx of outsiders with no understanding or love of the Irish. Things are only going to get worse.

  • Scott says:

    Something to note.. you don’t end up with politicians whining about you being “far-right” unless you keep electing far -let politicians…
    As a particularly dangerous politician once said, “elections have consequences”

  • Cameron says:

    So…they aren’t viewing diversity as a strength any more?

  • […] Nina Bookout in The Victory Girls: Dublin Erupts In Riots After Children Were Attacked […]

  • MJM says:

    Overall I suspect the Irish people support immigration in large part because of their own experience as immigrants – I read a statistic once that every family in Ireland has someone who immigrated to another country because of poor conditions in Ireland over the last 200 years. And in the early years of mass immigration, once that family member left it was like a death because communication/travel was so difficult. So the Irish know what it is like to be part of the whole immigration mix.

    What they will not put up with is being conned by their own governments including politicians, police and the media. No one should be surprised by these events. And I suspect there will be a lot more if the governments continue to dismiss the legitimate concerns of their citizens – watch of their inner IRA to emerge and then the real troubles will start.

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