Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Democrats Wave Ukraine Flags On House Floor Celebrating Atrocious Bill

Democrats Wave Ukraine Flags On House Floor Celebrating Atrocious Bill

I, like many others, was absolutely floored and disgusted to see Democrats wavingUkraine flags on the House floor late yesterday. All to celebrate the passage of an…

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Of Speaker Mike Johnson: He’s A Democrat

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Of Speaker Mike Johnson: He’s A Democrat

Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) is at it again. Now the hotdogging Georgia Rep is comparing Speaker Mike Johnson to a Nancy Pelosi clone who might as well…

Speaker Johnson: So, About That Ukraine Funding…

Speaker Johnson: So, About That Ukraine Funding…

Mike Johnson might have the most thankless job in Washington D.C. right now. He has to herd the Republican caucus while performing a political balancing act that…

Putin Blames Ukraine For Moscow Terror Attack, ISIS-K Brings Receipts

Putin Blames Ukraine For Moscow Terror Attack, ISIS-K Brings Receipts

The attack on concert goers in Moscow was horrific. There are over 130 dead and as many more wounded thus far. What does Putin do? Blames Ukraine…

Zelenska Declines SOTU Invite, Bidens Lose Their Backdrop

Zelenska Declines SOTU Invite, Bidens Lose Their Backdrop

In an announcement that came down yesterday, Ukraine’s First Lady, Olena Zelenska declined an invitation from Joe Biden’s White House to Thursday’s SOTU events.

Navalny Is Dead, So What Does Joe Biden Do Now?

Navalny Is Dead, So What Does Joe Biden Do Now?

The report is out from Russia that Alexei Navalny has died while in prison. “Prison” is a loose term, as he was being held a penal colony…

J.D. Vance Finds Trump Impeachment Poison Pill In Ukraine Bill

J.D. Vance Finds Trump Impeachment Poison Pill In Ukraine Bill

“The Italians having a Proverb, ‘He that deceives me once, its his fault; but if twice, its my fault.’”

Chuck Schumer Issues Threats (AGAIN) Over Border Bill

Chuck Schumer Issues Threats (AGAIN) Over Border Bill

Majority Leader, Senator Chuck Schumer is a little man. He has no interpersonal skills and relies on threats to get his way and intimidate the opposition. Also,…

Border Bill Baloney: Why It Will Be DOA In The House

Border Bill Baloney: Why It Will Be DOA In The House

The Senate decided to release their draft of the so-called border bill late Sunday, finally letting everyone get a look at the THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY PAGES…

Taiwan Casts Its Lot with Freedom

Taiwan Casts Its Lot with Freedom

Taiwan just pushed back against bully China’s threats and elected a pro-Western, pro-sovereignty candidate to be president of the island nation.

Zelensky Wants Results. So Do We.

Zelensky Wants Results. So Do We.

As Toni said earlier with regard to Volodymyr Zelensky and Joe Biden’s meeting today, we’re screwed.

Dublin Erupts In Riots After Children Were Attacked

Dublin Erupts In Riots After Children Were Attacked

Thursday afternoon and evening in Dublin involved riots, police cars on fire, and businesses looted. All of which took place hours after a man in his 40’s-50’s…

Schumer And Dems Balk At Israel Aid Bill Unless More Pork Is Added

Schumer And Dems Balk At Israel Aid Bill Unless More Pork Is Added

This was going to be a problem the second that Joe Biden gave his speech tying the aid funding of Israel and Ukraine together. The House GOP,…

Biden Ignores 32 Dead Americans In Israel

Biden Ignores 32 Dead Americans In Israel

There are, that we know of, 32 Americans who were killed by Hamas terrorists on October 7. What does Joe Biden do in his Oval Office speech…

Pentagon: We Have No Money And No Weapons

Pentagon: We Have No Money And No Weapons

The Pentagon needs money desperately. Why? Because sending weapons and ammunition has not only drained the surplus inventory, it is draining their bank accounts.

Ukraine Gravy Train Will Continue Even If Gov’t Shutdown Happens

Ukraine Gravy Train Will Continue Even If Gov’t Shutdown Happens

Don’t worry Ukraine. Your gravy train will continue even if the U.S. government shuts down. That’s the memo the Pentagon sent out yesterday.

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Ava Gardner