Biden White House Officials Limited On Social Media Contacts

Biden White House Officials Limited On Social Media Contacts

Biden White House Officials Limited On Social Media Contacts

While the “snowstorm” happened at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue yesterday as Hunter Biden returned on Air Force One with his senile old dad, the DOCTOR (Jill) and the grandkids the family deems “legitimate”, a federal judge in Louisiana was busy.

An order, that came down from Judge Terry A. Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, restricted the Biden Administration from communicating with social media platforms “about broad swaths of content online”.

In the ruling, Doughty said that parts of the government, to include the Department of Health and Human Services and the FBI could not talk to social media companies “for the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring or including in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression or reduction of content containing protected free speech”. From The New York Times:

It was a victory for Republicans who have often accused social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube of disproportionately taking down right-leaning content, sometimes in collaboration with government. Democrats say the platforms have failed to adequately police misinformation and hateful speech, leading to dangerous outcomes, including violence.”-Steven Lee Myers and David McCabe, The New York Times

Of course, The White House is reviewing the ruling and next steps:

Our consistent view remains that social media platforms have a critical responsibility to take account of the effects their platforms are having on the American people, but make independent choices about the information they present.”-The White House

We suppose that “responsibility” includes yanking a former president’s Twitter account?

We also suppose that censoring any voices which may be of detriment of the narrative Democrats (and the employees at the tech giants that support them) want to spin are also part of this “responsibility”. Remember Twitter’s “Safety Rules” in 2021? And, who can forget how social media outlets largely ignored the Hunter Biden laptop bombshell? They silenced any reports and rumblings of this right off the bat. Let’s also not forget the Biden Administration’s meddling and censorship on COVID “misinformation”.

The NYT reached out to Twitter, to Meta and Google. No comments. Democrats, to include media outlets like The Washington Post are losing it:

The Donald Trump-appointed judge’s move could undo years of efforts to enhance coordination between the government and social media companies. For more than a decade, the federal government has attempted to work with social media companies to address criminal activity, including child sexual abuse images and terrorism.”- Cat Zakrzewski

Really, Cat? Because the Democrats are doing sooooo much to address child sex abuse in other areas of American life. Let’s look no further than the over-sexualization of everything our kids lay eyes on and, as of late, hear about in schools. Enter Rolling Stone for the whine-fest:

Judges appointed by Trump continue to threaten decades of social progress. Just last week, the Supreme Court ended affirmative action in college admissions, snuffed out Biden’s student-loan forgiveness plan, and allowed discrimination against same-sex couples by siding with a graphic designer in Colorado who refused to build a wedding website for an LGBTQ couple.”-Joseph Hudak

Now, more power has been yanked. Away from the government. They all say this like this is a bad thing. Which proves the point that these mindless dimwits know nothing about First Amendment rights. They crave government control. They want it.

Now, it still remains to be seen if, legal or illegal, the government will keep influencing social media outlets. After all, they have disregarded court rulings before. And, we know the Biden Administration is as crooked as they come. It is a start, however. Though, we’re sure with all of the liberal democrats working at the social media outlets that there will be a workaround to “combatting misinformation” by letting the essential misinformation from the Biden administration through. There is still the matter of the upcoming 2024 election at hand. We’ll see how this pans out.

Feature Photo Credit: censorship mask covid by squarefrog via Pixabay, cropped and modified

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  • Cameron says:

    Democrats say the platforms have failed to adequately police misinformation and hateful speech

    1. Why is that their responsibility?
    2. There is no “hate speech” in the USA. Maybe the little dears should read up on the Constitution once in a while.

    leading to dangerous outcomes, including violence.

    Liar. Name names, cite sources.

    Judges appointed by Trump continue to threaten decades of social progress

    Their tears nourish my soul. Their wails are soothing white noise in a troubled world. Sad that the FBI isn’t going to be held accountable for deliberately targeting the First Amendment rights of citizens but this is a start.

    • Scott says:

      “leading to dangerous outcomes, including violence.

      Liar. Name names, cite sources.”… Actually, I’ll agree with them here.. see also Burn, Loot, Murder, Trans Day of Vengeance, antifa, etc…

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