Biden Not Thrilled That Kamala Isn’t ‘Rising To The Occasion’

Biden Not Thrilled That Kamala Isn’t ‘Rising To The Occasion’

Biden Not Thrilled That Kamala Isn’t ‘Rising To The Occasion’

It seems that Biden is a wee bit “irked” that Kamala, after being offered multiple chances, isn’t ‘rising to the occasion.’

Two former White House officials said President Biden is frustrated with Vice President Kamala Harris’ performance — even if he remains committed to keeping her as his running mate in the 2024 election, a new report reveals.

Granted there’s been speculation these last few months about Kamala staying on the ticket or getting booted, but now to hear that Biden is now suddenly “irked” by her lack of performance? I just had to laugh. He and the Democrats brought this upon themselves when they dropped her onto the ticket because she checked all the fabulous politically correct boxes! A woman, attorney, African American, Asian American, and so on. 

Her first big assignment was to manage the border crisis and get it under control. Which is actually more of a challenging job that other Vice President’s, INCLUDING Biden, have had in the past. It was a chance for her to shine and really make a name for herself. Fixing the border issues would give Kamala tons of political chops! So, did she ‘rise to the occasion??’ NOPE. The closest she’s gotten to the border is standing on the tarmac at the El Paso, Texas airport. Biden actually WENT to the border for his photo op! Kamala phoned it in. 

Then they handed her the NASA project, which was so cringey that people turned away in droves. Kamala’s word salads are epic. She manages to outdo herself every single time she gets up and speaks. 

Yet right now, it’s the Biden Harris ticket no matter how “irked” Joe is that Kamala isn’t ‘rising to the occasion.’ 

Which means propping up Kamala’s incompetence while attempting to make the Biden/Harris ticket more palatable the second time around. 

In a rare occurrence, President Joe Biden, first lady Jill Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff will all attend the White House Correspondents’ Association’s annual dinner in April, PEOPLE has learned.

The White House confirmed the news Wednesday, noting that it will be the first time each of the four key figures in an administration are present at the event since 2016, when the Obamas and Bidens both attended (prior to that, the president, vice president and their spouses were all in attendance in 2006 and 2009).

Presenting a united front to appease the base and reassure the donors that all is perfectly fine within the two camps? Will Kamala get to speak? Who will write Joe’s roast speech? Honestly, I’d watch just to see how many gaffes Joe makes and count the number of word salads Kamala utters! 

There’s been quite a bit of speculation as to whether Kamala stays or goes given that, quite honestly, she’s a liability and has been one from the get go. 

But a recent Boston Globe opinion piece made the case that choosing a new running mate may have a potential political upside for Democrats.

The op/ed points to Harris’ low approval ratings and having drawn headlines mostly for “disarray and dysfunction among her staff” as examples of how Harris could weigh down Biden at the polls.

“And in the arena of public policy and legislation, her achievements have been close to nonexistent,” the op/ed reads.

Nonexistent…try INVISIBLE!!

Yet, given all the speculation about Joe running again, which Jill REALLY REALLY wants him to do, suddenly he’s been praising Kamala left and right as she’s a wonderful ‘work in progress.’ 

On Thursday, Biden said at an event celebrating the 13th anniversary of former President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform law, “Kamala, I want to thank you for everything you’ve done to defend this law as vice president,” without specifying what that was.

Sending tweets about the issue is all she’s done regarding healthcare that I can find. 

Side note: our country isn’t healthier than it was prior to the 2020 election. Our children are in crisis with their mental health, people are pushing the trans agenda which has horrific mental and physical implications for both that individual and family members, there are critical supply chain issues regarding highly important prescription drugs for cancer patients, there’s still a baby formula shortage, and here’s Kamala telling us the country is healthier because of Obamacare. No, we aren’t. 

So really, why keep Kamala on the ticket given she’s been handed multiple opportunities to shine and ‘rise to the occasion’ and has whiffed it every damned time??

Yes, they bought themselves a pig in a poke and are now stuck with it. The Biden/Democrat apparatus brought this upon themselves. Joe may be “irked” that Kamala isn’t ‘rising to the occasion,’ but he has only himself to blame for agreeing to this particular affirmative action hire.

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Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • Scott says:

    Hmm.. so Joe picked an incompetent whore for a VP, based on nothing more than her gender and her skin color, even though her entire career has been based solely on her skills as a whore, and he’s irked when she proves that those really are her only skills???

    And as to “rising to the occasion”, the evidence strongly suggests that she’s far more adept at kneeling for the occasion…Just ask Willie Brown…

  • American Human says:

    Are we to believe that Biden is irked? Biden doesn’t know up from down at this point as he shuffles from place to place. Does he even know who Harris is? Does he listen to what she says? Does he tell her to do anything?

    I’m thinking no. It’s Biden’s handlers who are irked etc., not him. He can’t punch his way out of a wet paper bag.

    Andy boy oh boy don’t Putin and Xi know this too.

  • Royalidiot says:

    Kay-Kay serves but one purpose and one purpose only……….She keeps Biden alive…..

  • Sgt Steiner says:

    Alternate headline: “Biden Thrilled That Kamala Is As Stupid And Incompetent As He Is.”

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