Kamala Harris Schmoozed The American Federation Of Teachers Union

Kamala Harris Schmoozed The American Federation Of Teachers Union

Kamala Harris schmoozed the American Federation of Teachers Union. Truth be told, the delivery of her speech wasn’t heinous. She is unable to modulate the pitch of her voice, so it was still nails on blackboard. Kamala did not cackle. The meat and potatoes of her speech was the typical “Republicans are the root of all evil and Democrats will make your life perfect”. Kamala’s speech wasn’t wonderful, but if one was inclined to be impressed, one might be over the moon.

Joe Biden Addresses The Nation And Explains Nothing

Joe Biden Addresses The Nation And Explains Nothing

Joe Biden, after disappearing off the radar on July 17, and abruptly quitting his campaign via tweet on Sunday July 21, addressed the nation tonight.

Kamala Harris Is The BRAT, The Brattiest Of Them All

Kamala Harris Is The BRAT, The Brattiest Of Them All

It’s the BRAT, not the GOAT according to Gen Z and Kamala Harris’ campaign staff. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is a real thing.

Whispers Of Hillary Clinton, Again

Whispers Of Hillary Clinton, Again

Once, twice, three times a loser with the whispers of Hillary Clinton’s name being mentioned. In what has to be a last-minute desperation move, The Hill published…

What Is Joe Biden’s Next Move?

What Is Joe Biden’s Next Move?

Now that the Republican National Convention has wrapped up, with the longest acceptance speech in RNC history, we must glance in Joe Biden’s direction. Are we all…

Pelosi: Biden Should Decide Something

Pelosi: Biden Should Decide Something

UPDATE BELOW: Did Nancy Pelosi throw Joe under the bus? Maybe, maybe not. During an interview on Morning Joe today, she was asked about Joe running for…

Jill Biden Surprised By Reporter Asking Her Questions

Jill Biden Surprised By Reporter Asking Her Questions

If Jill Biden is going to be out there campaigning for her mentally compromised husband, then she’s going to have to learn how to take some heat….

It’s Kamala Harris, One Way Or Another

It’s Kamala Harris, One Way Or Another

As rumors continue to swirl about whether Joe Biden will step down from his Presidency and drop out of the race, the Democrats are still scrambling to…

Democrat Congressman Says Joe Needs To Go

Democrat Congressman Says Joe Needs To Go

The Democrats were supposed to be in lockstep and protect Joe. Well, today some Democrats have had enough, and are calling for Joe to go.

The Big Gretch Movement

The Big Gretch Movement

I swear, sometimes I think I am watching a dark political comedy movie by Quintin Tarantino. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s name is being rumored as one of…

Irrelevant Nikki Haley Chimes In

Irrelevant Nikki Haley Chimes In

Nikki Haley offers her wisdom on the debate performance of old man Joe Biden. She warned Donald Trump that Joe could be replaced by a younger candidate.

The Expectations Of The Trump vs Biden Showdown

The Expectations Of The Trump vs Biden Showdown

Everyone is talking about the expectations of the Trump vs. Biden showdown. Straight out of the gate, people are already talking about Trump dominating and winning the…

“Watch Me” Joe Said And We Are

“Watch Me” Joe Said And We Are

Joe Biden “appears” to be having “issues” in public often lately. We notice what is going on. It was back in November of 2022 when told that…

Real “Tough Guy” Joe Won’t Give Up On Hunter

Real “Tough Guy” Joe Won’t Give Up On Hunter

The Bulwark, the official Trump Derangement Syndrome website for Establishment Republicans, asserts that Joe Biden is the real tough guy in the 2024 Presidential Race. Jill Lawrence,…

MTG And the Jesus As a Convicted Felon Argument

MTG And the Jesus As a Convicted Felon Argument

At the Trump Las Vegas, Nevada rally, Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene told the audience that she’s voting for Donald Trump and that Jesus of Nazareth, who…

Sentencing Trump, The Show Will Go On

Sentencing Trump, The Show Will Go On

After rushing through a sham of a liberal-fueled trial where 7 men and 5 women found Donald J. Trump guilty of 34 felony counts, we now wait…

Buckle Up, Trump’s Campaign Trail Is Going To Be Glorious

Buckle Up, Trump’s Campaign Trail Is Going To Be Glorious

Well, dear little love bunnies, we can focus on what’s next now that the expected Trump verdict is in. The campaign trail and what that might look…

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Ava Gardner