1619 Project Creator: Parents Shouldn’t Have Voice In Schools

1619 Project Creator: Parents Shouldn’t Have Voice In Schools

1619 Project Creator: Parents Shouldn’t Have Voice In Schools

1619 Project creator Nikole Hannah-Jones firmly believes parents should have zero say as to what is taught in their children’s schools. Why? Because only educators are the “experts.” Parents aren’t in her opinion.

New York Times reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones echoed failed 2021 gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe’s comments on a parent’s role in education.

NBC’s “Meet the Press” dove into the topic of “Schools, America, and Race” on Sunday, using Hannah-Jones’ “1619 Project” as a subject. The 1619 Project, as well as critical race theory, have come under controversy for appearing to influence school curriculum.

Of course, Terry McAuliffe’s comments went over like a lead balloon. Parents across Virginia had been waking up to the fact that their children were being taught that everyone and everything is racist, and were pushing back against those issues and many others. McAuliffe is on record stating that parents have no say in their children’s education. Nikole Hannah-Jones, in her interview yesterday blatantly ignores the fact that McAuliffe lost for multiple reasons, one of which was that exact commentary. 

Instead she echoes McAuliffe and in fact, doubles down

Well, I would say the governor’s race in Virginia was decided based on the success of a right-wing propaganda campaign that told white parents that they needed to fight against their children being indoctrinated as race – as being called racists. But that was a propaganda campaign. And there are a lot of Black parents in Virginia. There are a lot of Latino parents in Virginia. And they were not being featured in that coverage. And what they wanted for their kids’ education, which is more teaching about race, more teaching about the history of racism, seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. So I think we should frame that question properly. And I don’t really understand this idea that parents should decide what’s being taught. I’m not a professional educator. I don’t have a degree in social studies or science. We send our children to school because we want them to be taught by people who have an expertise in the subject area. And that is not my job. When the, when the governor or the candidate said that he didn’t think parents should be deciding what’s being taught in school, he was panned for that. But that’s just the fact. This is why we send our children to school and don’t homeschool, because these are the professional educators who have the expertise to teach social studies, to teach history, to teach science, to teach literature. And I think we should leave that to the educators. Yes, we should have some say. But school is not about simply confirming our world view. Schools should teach us to question. They should teach us how to think, not what to think. –

Yes, she really said that. 

Very interesting commentary from someone who A. doesn’t have a child in schools, and B. wrote the execrable 1619 Project which is being pushed into public school curriculum as outright fact. Case in point, questions students are asked after reading through portions of the lesson:

This is nowhere clearer than in the centerpiece of the 1619 Project curriculum, a lesson entitled “Exploring ‘The Idea of America’ by Nikole Hannah-Jones.” In it, students are asked to read Hannah-Jones’ error-choked essay and then respond to a series of questions based on the assumption that Hannah-Jones’ claims are fact and that any assertion to the contrary is, by definition, racist.

“What examples of hypocrisy in the founding of the United States does Hannah-Jones supply?” is the lead—and leading—question. That the founding of the United States was an exercise in hypocrisy is taken for granted—because Hannah-Jones says so. The follow-up question is contorted to require students to recapitulate Hannah-Jones’ errors about the Revolution as if they were facts: “What evidence can you see for how ‘some might argue that this nation was founded not as a democracy but as a slaveocracy’?”

As is pointed out in the above article, students are presented the 1619 Project information as fact. Unless the teacher has done his or her homework, students will not be informed of any critiques of the 1619 Project, nor would students be told that major American historians have debunked significant portions of the same. 

Yet, here we have Nikole Hannah-Jones grandly informing us that parents should have no voice in schools and that their children’s education should be left up to the “experts” including herself.

Furthermore, she’s on record blaming the GOP and, by inference, conservative parents for their so-called “fascist” ideology that attacks her pet project. 

She also said this yesterday. 

I’m quite concerned about what’s happening in our country because, as you know, my project, which is a work of journalism by The New York Times, is banned by name in Georgia, Florida, in Texas. 

First she tells Chuck Todd that parents should have no voice in school curriculum. THEN she admits that the 1619 Project (which is being taught as factual curriculum) is a work of journalism! OOPS!

Sorry Nikole, but parents SHOULD have a say in what is and isn’t being taught in their children’s schools. Especially when what is being taught is riddled with errors. And, especially when what is being taught in some districts involves separating kids by the color of their skin, or paying certain teachers more because of their skin color!

Parents want their children to learn, and be taught HOW to think. What Nikole Hannah-Jones wants is the opposite. She wants her “useful political narrative” to be taught as fact with zero questions allowed. 

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Feature Photo Credit: parents school stock photo Item ID: 434599888 via Shutterstock. cropped and modified

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  • Scott says:

    “A Minnesota school board voted to allow non-white teachers exclusively to receive extra pay and for teachers to be segregated by race.”

    If we had an actual DOJ instead of some bullshit deep state, there would be people going to jail for this…

  • JacobK says:

    I do not need a “journalist” posing as a historian whose work has been discredited factually by multiple REAL historians telling me what needs to be in or out of my child’s curriculum. Stand up for your kids, parents! You’re their best cheerleader and the best judge of how things are setting with them emotionally and mentally. Stay connected and keep fighting for your kids. Your parental rights do not cease to exist at the schoolhouse door.

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  • iowaan says:

    Public schools did not teach me about the atrocities committed by the English Butcher Billy Cumberland against my Scots ancestors, or about the atrocities committed by Louie XIV against my French Huguenot ancestors, or to consider the English or French as irredeemably evil and inferior, or to hate them.

  • Micha Elyi says:

    I notice that Ms. Hannah-Jones makes no effort to return to black Africa, a land much of which remains firmly stuck in 1618.

  • SDN says:

    The fact that this oxygen thief can show her face in public without getting a tar and feather facial disproves her entire hypothesis.

  • […] race as long as the one discriminated against is…WHITE. We’ve been watching this new racial discrimination brew its ugliness more and more these last two years. This is yet another instance of where […]

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